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It will happen to me ....


Gone But Not Forgotten
Mar 18, 2004
Tonight I'm going to do an EVP experiment. Any results, vague or otherwise, I will provide for us all.

Digitally voice activated recorder. On to a Sony Microcassette
Well, I listened to the recording, and there was absolutely nothing there. Bah Humbug. In a way I'd kind of relieved about that what with recording the same room I'm sleeping in!

I can report that I do not talk in my sleep though which has to be a bonus!

Anyone else tried EVP?
Actually I never mentioned why I'm doing this did I - idiot.
Well there has been a fair amount of strangeness where I'm living at the moment - mostly lights being switched on/off, but lately small things disappearing & reappearing at a later date.

Take today for instance, I left the flat at 3:15pm - knowing it'd be dark by the time I got back I thought I'd leave the hallway light on - so I get back to the flat by 5:15pm & open the door, only to find the hallway light had been switched off. Again.
I made note of what position the lightswitch was in when I left & lo & behold is was in the opposite position when i got home.
I live alone & no-one else has keys to the place so unless an inefficient burglar had broken in, without any damage, switched off the light, & left without nicking anything ....
I also checked in case the switch had some sort of spring loaded effect but not as far as I can see.

Any input is welcome.
Put down a pad of paper on your kitchen table, and set an opened pen ontop of the paper. See what surprises you get when you return.
Human_84 said:
Put down a pad of paper on your kitchen table, and set an opened pen ontop of the paper. See what surprises you get when you return.

I'll give that a bash tonight. Interesting to see if anything happens.

edit: actually I'm away over the weekend too so I'll leave something along those lines in each room.
Anyone else tried an EVP?

Giant Space Ape asked:

Anyone else tried an EVP?

Well, I haven't but some good friends of mine have. They took a radio/stereo out at night to a suitably atmospheric spot tuned it to white noise and pressed record.

Now, they swear, and I can vouch for their absolute sincerity, that whilst recording they heard nothing other than regular coutryside noises - wind in the trees, blackbirds singing at night, owls etc.


When they played it back they heard the following:

Heavy breathing;

Heavy footsteps on a gravel path - there were none in the vicinity;

... and a voice exclaiming 'Moonie, DIE NOW!'

Which I found very interesting as Moonie, or Moonbeams used to be a nickname given to me by certain visitors on ouija boards we used to do, owing to my religious persuasion (Lunar, Goddess you get the picture). So I don't know why anyone would wish me out of the way, particularly.

This was about 4-5 years ago. I'm still here! And my friends haven't done an EVP experiement since. :D
Re: Anyone else tried an EVP?

Pearl_Knight said:
This was about 4-5 years ago. I'm still here! And my friends haven't done an EVP experiement since. :D

Good to hear, on all counts!

Have you ever been to the location they did this?
And if so, how do you feel when you there?
Well, I'm about to set off homeward, and I have to admit to having a slight tingle down my spine regarding the results of the pencil & paper experiment. If I'm honest, I don't expect anything by way of result. Mind you, if something has happened I may just prolapse on the spot in terror.

One update of note which has freaked me out a tad this weekend, is that the lights on/off thing happened again - this time where I have been staying, not at the flat. If that means something or not I do not know. I wasn't paying attention to the situation at the time so cannot realistically claim this to be anything remotely paranormal in nature.
It was 23:30 adn I was working on the PC, my mother (the only other person in the house) was in bed, I got up to go to the toilet and came back to the PC room to find the light off.
As I say, I can't honestly claim - hand on heart - that the light was on when i left the room. But it did seem 'different' to find it off on entering the room.

Anyway, I'll post tonight when I get back the results.
As I expected, nothing happened in the pencil & paper experiment. Not such a bad thing in my books, although one could hardly draw a conclusion about this flat on one weekend of half-arsed & poorly devised tests.

Oh, and the light thing at the weekend was indeed mother being soft-footed & me not hearing her tramping about the house - she switched off the light.

Mental note : be rational!
I've had a similar experience but very briefly, thank god.

I've always been a really wimp in the dark and as a child and teenager I would sleep with the light on. My mother, who was ever conscious of burning unecessary electricity would often come into my room during the early hours of the morning and turn off my bedside light. This would usually wake me up, and I'd pretend to be asleep until she was back in her bedroom before switching it on again! ;)
When I was about twenty years old, my mum died of cancer. I had left home long before then, but my habit of sleeping with a bedside light continued. The summer after my mother died, I went to stay with my father and slept in my old bedroom. Even my old bedside light was still there.
Well I'm sure you can guess what is coming. On two ocassions when waking up in the morning, I discovered the light that I had left on when going to sleep had been turned off. At first I thought the bulb had gone, and checked by clicking the switch, and it worked fine. The thing is I didn't twig what was going on, I assumed it was my father because we were the only people in the house. It wasn't until I got home and reflected on my stay there, that I realised my father never came into my room unless invited and certainly wouldn't have gone into my room when I was asleep. I did phone him just to check this though, and he assured me he hadn't switched the light off.
I think it was just my mum saying "yep! I'm still here keepin' an eye on you".
I can relate to that mary_lou.

My father died of cancer in June of this year and we had similar traits to those you describe. Comforting as long as I keep the anxiety under control!

[edit: welcome to the board mary_lou!]
EVP location

HI GiantSpaceApe

Apologies for not replying to your question sooner - I haven't been back to this thread for a while.

In answer to your question: no, unusually I haven't been to the location where they recorded the voice and footsteps. I must ask them where it happened (they did tell me at the time, but 5 years on, you know...), and pay it a visit. I remember it was fairly local.

Any other EVPs planned?

Oh, and finally....

The biscuit factory at Chigley, obviously!
Re: Biscuits

Pearl_Knight said:
Oh, and finally....
The biscuit factory at Chigley, obviously!

10 points to Pearl_Knight, well noticed :D

I'll be trying out the EVP recordings each night this week, maybe longer term if there are interesting results.

Keep us updated if you go to the location in question, it would be interesting to hear your reactions.
Since several people have given instances where a love one possibly communicated with them after death from cancer, I will share something that happend only 5 or 6 hours ago. My brother passed away almost 2 months back after a long battle with cancer god bless his soul. I often think of him before going to sleep while laying in bed. I had a vivid dream which i will not share, but it revolved entirely around him. I woke up from it, a bit startled it was exactly 4:20am EST and i know he used to smoke once in a great while. Perhaps some of his humor? His jersey hangs on my bedroom wall and i thought i saw it move. Then i felt very calm like not to worry because everything is alright. In retrospect, feeling a presence should of scared me, but it didn't. This could have been communication from him. Before he passed we had conversations in which we both agreed that we should continue to communicate if at all possible. God bless him, and with 400+ people at the funeral he is truly missed excessively.
We tried EVP a while ago and our results, or rather lack of them, may be found on this site somewhere. :lol:

One session ended with the mysterious sound of a cat barfing on the tape recorder. And yup, there was indeed cat-barf present. :(

We have decided to try again, having seen the special features on the DVD 'White Noise' and located suitable equipment on ebay. ;)
Ive been reading this thread and have found myself wanting to try out EVP, ive never done it before and was wondering what sort of equipment is recommended?

would just a bulk standard tape recoreder left on record do? or do you need some kind of specialist equipment? do you have to tune into white noise first or can you just record?
You need a constant background noise, it seems, because the spirits or whoever can then form words out of the sound.

The DVD we saw recommended running a tap or tuning a radio or TV to a 'noise' channel.

The recorder can be any type, although a digital one may be better becasue it apparently generates its own 'white noise'.

We will be trying it again, if only in the attempt to attain the enviable experience of the spontaneous fear-induced prolapse. :lol:
Thank you for your reply, I will try it at my sisters house, her house is definatly not right!

If I get any results I will post them here, it wont be done for a while yet though, work commitments!
GiantSpaceApe, do you have any friendly neighbours who can see into your place and notice whether the light is on or not? (say from across the road) You may want to ask one of them to keep an eye on your place and maybe make a note of when/if the light goes off. Any chance of training a webcam or something similar on the switch? Putting a strip of tape across it?
Good thoughts Leaferne, I think the 'tape on the switch' plan is a winner. I'll try that out over the week.
My neighbours, sadly, are a bunch of merciless gits and I'm not going to go down that route (bloody idiot has flooded my kitchen twice in 2 months).

Any decent (and ideally free) webcam software that is motion sensitive or suchlike? Beautifully simple plan that, dunno why I didn't think of that before.
I experimented with this many years ago when I lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The town is the site of a famous Civil War battle. I had two tape recorders, I took one and left it at the site of some of the fiercest fighting: in front of the Stone Wall at Marye's Heights. Then I walked away about 100 yards and sat on the wall. The other tape recorder I took with me and used as a "control" to note any passing cars or people.

So, we taped for about an hour, and I took the tape home with me to listen to it. At first, the only thing I heard that was of any interest was a housefly that had apparently landed right on the microphone. Then I heard, faintly, what sounded like a very short drum roll! Like a military style drum roll!

Aha! Certainly there were drums being used at the battle to rally the Union soldiers. Maybe I had something! I quickly went on my control tape to the same point where the drum roll was recorded. And, to my dissapointment, found out at that exact moment a rattly old pickup truck was driving by on Sunken Road. The drum roll was nothing more than the sound of the truck going over a bump.

In the end I managed to record.... nothing.

Hi Smoothvirus!

How close is Fredericksburg to Staunton, Va?

The reason I ask is because I've visited that most beautiful of states and I stayed in Staunton. There were a 101 of us recreating the Battle of Worcester 1651 about 5/6 years ago.

Anyroad-up, I can well believe you'd get something EVPing in Virginia - such a postitive place.

Yours in the Cause
