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Just watched bio channel.


Justified & Ancient
Jun 8, 2008
It has a new series of people telling their ghost stories, so I thought i'd watch some rubbish TV. All the cases were American, but one showed a photo from a building which has been turned into a museum. They claim a photographer took a photo of the staircase when no one was there. In the photo is a man walking up the stairs, looking very contemporary in jacket and jeans. Only part of his arm and jacket are transparent. If anyone watched it and has some modicum of attention to remember what the place was called, it would be good to view the photo on the internet.

It did look far too good to be a 'ghost' to me.
Thanks for reminding me, I've recorded that and had forgotten about it! :D
I think this may be the photo you mean. I managed to lift it from the video of part 5 of episode 7 of 'My Ghost Story' on the Biography Channel's website (http://www.biography.com/video.do?name=myghoststory).

I must say that it is one of the more intriguing ones I've seen.

Is that supposed to be a ghost? Looks like a woman in a big jacket and denim skirt to me, hurrying up the stairs.
I think we're talking about the guy with his arms going through the railing?

But if no one was else there - what is that very unghostly woman doing there?
escargot1 said:
Is that supposed to be a ghost? Looks like a woman in a big jacket and denim skirt to me, hurrying up the stairs.
I'm with you, Scarg - it could just as easily be a woman as a man, and that sort of double image can sometimes occur if flash is used. I'm not sure how often this sort of thing occurs with these new-fangled digitalised cameras, though...

Good point, Zilch. If, as the photographer claims, there was no-one there, how come he ended up with two people in the picture? Unless ghosts are becoming gragarious.
I have it on TV now and yup, that does look like a pair of jeans or trousers and not a denim skirt as I though. It's still not a ghost though. :lol:
It has to be said, it's a really awful spatial mind-fuddler of a carpet design they have on those stairs.

OOOH and LOOOK! There's an orb sitting waiting on the top stair on the right.
The angle of the left arm is not right, she'd have to have a dislocated shoulder. And, yes, flashes can do funny things with digital cameras (as a part time professional photographer I regularly photograph indoor events and the slow shutter speeds do create odd occurrences) BUT I've never seen anything like this.

I'm not saying it's a ghost. I think it's a Sky Lantern http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_lantern
Thank you, that's it! the 'orbs' are present on the individual on the stairs but not anywhere else. That makes me wary. It looks like a classic long exposure, but the orbs only present on the person on the stairs bother me.
Now I've looked at the carpet my eyes look like Baloo's in Jungle Book when he hears the monkeys drums!
That sort of carpet will look familiar to anyone who has ever visited an RSL Club in Sydney. They hide the chunder stains well, you see... :lol:

Jungle Book? One of the best animated movies EVER!

But I still don't see how you could get that "arm through the railing" effect by an accidental double exposure. Never mind the fact that there are no accidental double exposures with digital cameras!
I've had all sorts of weird effects through my poor technical ability with a digital camera.

For example, having and incorrect light setting indoors can make things that are moving when you snap them look wrong.

For every good indoor photo, I have several featuring friends or pets with semi-transparent limbs and bodies. :(

Digital cameras also have their own peculiarities. Individual pixels can go wrong, creating anomalies in a picture. One of my photos of Techy, taken outdoors on a sunny day, shows him with a shiny featureless head, like a football. :shock:

We also have impressive orb photos, including one apparently showing a snake-shaped one emerging from Techy's trousers. :lol:

Cameras're causing all this trouble. Ban them, I say! ;)
escargot1 said:
We also have impressive orb photos, including one apparently showing a snake-shaped one emerging from Techy's trousers. :lol:

Post of the day! :lol:

Can't say that any of this has ever happened to me though. I just point and shoot.
linesmachine said:
The angle of the left arm is not right, she'd have to have a dislocated shoulder. And, yes, flashes can do funny things with digital cameras (as a part time professional photographer I regularly photograph indoor events and the slow shutter speeds do create odd occurrences) BUT I've never seen anything like this.

I've seen loads of images - digital cam, snap-shot-like - that show semi-transparent figures..... As with orbs..... it's merely a by-product of dodgy, digi technology.

As a slight asides to this sort of thing - it was interesting to get my hands on a box set of documentaries the other night called 'Hauntings' which were made in 1997. It was interesting because, unlike anything we've seen on TV over the past 10 years solid, the subject of orbs only featured very briefly in one, solitary case in the set....... And 'why' did we see orbs only turning up this once, on this particular section....... because this was the only segment of the shows where digital cameras were being used!!! Laugh, laugh!!!

All the best,
