A Classic Encounter. Roadblock, The Levelland Texas UFO.
By Joe Harvat
Levelland, Texas is a somewhat unimaginative place. East-West streets there have numbers and north-south streets have letters. Even its name is a bit lacking in originality – after all, it sits on “level land.” The town is home to some 14,000 no-nonsense folks who farm, refine oil or maybe go to school at South Plains College. It seems like an unlikely place for bizarre doings. Yet for one Saturday night, fifty-three years ago, Levelland was the capital of the Twilight Zone.
That night was November 2nd, 1957 and, truth be told, it was pretty dreary. Skies were overcast and drizzly – the kind of weather that just chills you to the bone. Levelland police patrolman A. J. Fowler was no doubt happy to be tucked in the station house that night. Yes, it was Saturday night but, in Levelland, Texas, those rarely amounted to much.
Back then, Levelland lay at the crossroads of State Highway 116 (now Route 114) and Route 51 (now U.S. 385). West of town, 116 heads for a wide-spot in the road called Whiteface, and it was on this dark stretch of two-lane that something unknown made its first appearance.
Farmhand Pedro Saucedo (sometimes called Siado), and his buddy, Joe Salaz, were west-bound, the headlights of their old pick-up truck barely illuminating the Texas night. It was 10:30 PM and they had the road to themselves. Suddenly, Saucedo spotted what looked like a flash or flame up ahead and off to his right. He thought it might be lightning but he quickly realized the glare originated from some kind of flying object that was rapidly closing on his position. At the same moment, the pick-up’s engine sputtered and died, the headlights flickered and went out. As the truck coasted silently to a stop, the men got out, transfixed by the approaching light.
In the darkness, Saucedo struggled to make sense out of what he was seeing. Certainly this was a UFO and seemed torpedo-shaped, yellowish-white in color. Saucedo then began to feel intense heat and his first panicked reaction was to drop flat on the ground. Within seconds, the object passed over the men with a roar and a rush of wind, then darted swiftly toward the eastern horizon. With few reference points, estimating its size and speed was tough, but he thought it might have been a couple hundred feet long with speed comparable to a jet fighter.
To the dazed men’s surprise, the headlights of the truck blinked back on. Saucedo tried the ignition and had no trouble re-firing the engine. His first thought was to spread the alarm, so he and Salaz drove as quickly as they could to the public phone booth in Whiteface.
It was 10:50 when the telephone rang at the Levelland Police Department. Officer Fowler had barely picked up the receiver when Saucedo excitedly poured out the details of his harrowing experience. Fowler tried to calm Saucedo down, half convinced the man was drunk but, after he hung up, he wasn’t so sure. Around 11 o’clock, he decided he’d better give nearby Reese Air Force Base a call. After all, Reese was home to the 3500th Pilot Training Wing. Just maybe, Saucedo had witnessed a plane crash.
Fowler’s line rang again about an hour later. Another excited man was on the other end, this time it was Jim Wheeler who hailed from Whitharral. Some details of Wheeler’s story are missing but it’s clear he was driving on 116 approximately four miles east of Levelland when he encountered a very large object sitting on the highway ahead of him. The thing glowed brightly like a neon sign, so bright that it illuminated the ground around it. It looked to be egg-shaped and, like Saucedo, he estimated it to be two hundred feet long.
As Wheeler’s car approached, its lights and engine had also failed. He got out of the disabled vehicle but the strange object immediately rose off the ground. It hadn’t gained much altitude when, to his amazement, its light winked out. There was no indication that it had flow away – it simply disappeared.
This second call left Officer Fowler scratching his head. He had only a few minutes to wonder though, because his phone jangled to life again around midnight. The story was now getting familiar – this time, Jose Alvarez had come across an unknown object sitting on the Highway 51, eleven miles north of Levelland near Whitharral. Some of the details of this incident are now lost. All that’s known is that the witness’s vehicle was temporarily disabled while the object was in close proximity.
Just a few minutes later, Newell Wright, a 19-year-old Texas Tech freshman, was cruising on 116 nine miles east of Levelland when his car engine began to sputter. To him, it sounded like he was running out of gas but then the car’s volt meter did a strange thing. Its needle shot all the way to “discharge” and then back to normal. Immediately after, the motor stalled and the vehicle coasted to a halt. After a few seconds, the headlights failed too.
Alone on the highway, Wright hopped out of the car and opened the hood to reconnoiter the situation. He found no loose connections to explain his predicament, so the boy closed the hood and turned around. For the first time, he caught sight of a large, oval-shaped object perched on the road ahead. Wright described it as being about 125 feet long and made of material that looked like aluminum. It glowed with a spectral blue-green light.
Needless to say, the thing gave Wright quite a scare. He dove back into his car and tried in vain to restart the engine. He eventually gave up, helplessly watching the eerie scene for several minutes. Finally, the UFO began to ascend and, as in Jim Wheeler’s case, it vanished.
Hockley County around Levelland is a checkerboard of two-lane roads. The asphalt is flat, straight and empty, the perfect place for a trucker to make time – unless, of course, the road is blocked by a 200-foot long, egg-shaped object. Such was the case on Route 51. At around 12:15 AM, Frank Williams, a trucker from Waco, placed a panicked call to Officer Fowler. He had just encountered the object at an intersection a few miles northeast of Levelland. From his malfunctioning rig, he had watched the object glow intermittently like a neon sign and with each pulse, the truck’s headlights would go dim. When Williams finally climbed down from the cab, the UFO roared to life, lifting straight up and then departing at high speed.
Fowler could no longer deny that something truly strange was going on. He broadcast a radio message to the department’s patrol cars asking whether anyone had observed anything unusual. The response was immediate – two officers replied they had seen brightly-lit flying objects but neither had experienced any electrical problems.
The minutes ticked by and Fowler telephone didn’t ring – but the object was still hard at work. It turned up next around 12:45 AM, spotted by motorist, Ronald Martin, close to where Pedro Saucedo had his initial sighting. According to a police report filed the next day, the object was first seen in flight, glowing orange. This time, however, it slowed as it approached the witness and came to a soft landing on the pavement about a quarter-mile away from his now-disabled vehicle. Details of this incident are frustratingly sketchy, but Martin reported the object changed color to a bluish-green once it settled onto the ground. It is also interesting to note he thought the object was only eighteen feet in diameter – an estimate based on the width of the roadway. Its glow, however, was bright enough to illuminate the cab of his truck.
The object stayed on the ground only a few moments. It soon ascended, changed its color back to an orange-red, and made a rapid exit. After that, Martin stated, his vehicle functioned normally.
By 1:15 AM, Officer Fowler was back on the phone, listening to an agitated James Long recount how he had run afoul of some unknown object sitting on the Oklahoma Flats Road (now called Farm Road 1490) north of Levelland. Like the others, his vehicle’s electrical systems had failed, only to function normally after the UFO departed.
Fowler quickly relayed Long’s story to Hockley County Sheriff Weir Clem and Deputy Pat McCulloch who sped east on Oklahoma Flats around 1:30 AM. Some four to five miles out, they too encountered the oval-shaped light “looking like a brilliant red sunset across the highway.” The law officers estimated the object was 300-400 yards from their cruiser and illuminated the road ahead of them for a couple of seconds. Highway Patrolmen Lee Hargrove and Floyd Gavin were a few miles behind the sheriff but they reported seeing a bright flash of light, low in the sky and moving quickly from east to west. Minutes earlier, Levelland Fire Marshal Ray Jones also spotted what he called a “streak of light” while on the same road. His car seemed to sputter and his headlights dimmed, but it never fully lost power.
By the time A. J. Fowler ended his shift Sunday morning, he logged no fewer than fifteen calls from excited, frightened people – all reporting strikingly similar encounters. He had little doubt that, for two and a half hours, a truly anomalous object had played hopscotch in the skies around Levelland. Even back then, the news spread quickly. The little town was soon swamped with reporters and curiosity seekers. Among those who showed up was Air Force Sergeant Norman Barth of the 1006th Air Intelligence Service Squadron. He performed a brief and woefully incomplete investigation of the incidents, then almost sheepishly offered-up an explanation of “ball lightning.”
This assessment was initially endorsed by no less a person than Dr. J. Allen Hynek who, in 1957, was the Air Force’s top UFO consultant. Years later, he confessed he’d hardly looked at the evidence at the time. In retrospect, Dr. Hynek admitted it seemed quite unlikely there was a meteorological explanation to the case. Eminent UFO researcher, Dr. James E. McDonald, reviewed relevant weather data in the 1960s and concurred there was no evidence to support the formation of ball lightning in the area on the night of November 2-3, 1957.
Sadly, most of the principals in this fascinating case are now deceased. In the intervening years, follow-up investigations were conducted by organizations like NICAP and MUFON, turning up intriguing new testimony that suggests burn marks may have been found near some of the purported landing sites. Another investigator was told by relatives of Sheriff Clem that even his brand new, Plymouth Fury squad car had lost power when in proximity to the UFO. Still, there are so many tantalizing questions that remain – questions that, fifty-three years later, will never be answered. As a result, the Levelland case is still filed under “UNKNOWN” and it remains one of the most baffling Close Encounters of the Second Kind on record. ...