I recall being at the Uncon (2006, I think or thereabouts) and there was a panel discussion about what FT was where it could or should go, this may not have been the overall topic but it certainly went in that direction. I think an audience member made a comment about there being too much "non-Fortean" stuff, I think around this time there were some Dr Who related articles and cover stories and possibly other Sci-Fi type ones. This was understandable as staff might want what to increase interest using the renewed focus on Dr Who, and there will no doubt me much SF fan/Fortean overlap.
One panellist made the point that there are only so many mysteries and there bigger more obvious ones have already been exhaustively covered. Everyone here probably knows all the "big hitters" as it were, there will always be newbies but I suppose appealing to both crowds is difficult. Repeated exposure as well as maturing (I have been a subscriber since my teens) have made me much more sceptical, we are no closer to proving the existence of UFOs and bigfoot than we were when I was a child reading any books I could find on the subject.
Have filled in the survey, I only have suggestion, it's the only thing I can think of: more IHTM type cases and maybe some sort of format - beyond the letters page, where they can be discussed on an ongoing basis with both readers and FT writers contributing. However, that is perhaps turning FT into something like the forum...