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Men In Black Sightings?


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jul 27, 2001
Anyone had any possible MIB sightings? Here's two which if you wanted you may assign on old Indrid and his gang...

Yesterday I got on the bus in Sheffield, and a few stops past Hillsborough I looked up from what I reading and saw a man stood in the middle of the aisle (he hadn't just got on... it was a good minute or two past the last stop). He was wearing a neat suit, carrying a black leather briefcase and had a small neat goatee (though I may stress he was also middle-aged, white and had brown thinning hair, so he's not a true dead ringer for the MIB!). What was strange was he was staring straight in front of him, looking really spooked, and as soon as I made eye contact, he sat down in the spare seat in front of me.

He (luckily!) ignored me for the journey, but furtively looked through notes in his briefcase, stroked his face, kept smacking himself on the cheek, and banged his head against the window. I got off the bus before him, and as I turned to look at the bus as it drove off, he was stood up again in the middle of the aisle!

My only theories are that he was a) A mysterious alien agent, or b) Had a particularly booze-tastic business lunch. Still strange though.

However, I remember a stranger incident that happened years ago, and I'd forgotten about completely. It must have been a good few years ago, cos me and and my brother were out with our mum. As we left the house we saw a strange man walking down the road. He was dressed in a long, old-fashioned black dress coat, wore a waistcoat, and was carrying a cane with a white tip. His hair was unruly and curly, and his face seemed completely hairless, very pale and waxy-looking. He looked about 30 or so.

We walked into the local town where we saw him twice as we went about our business. Then we caught the bus into Sheffield centre, and a good five or so stops down the road he got on! Where he got on is not walkable in the time it took from where we last saw him to the point where he got on our bus. We never saw him again after that day.

So maybe the MIB are around South Yorkshire, but are travelling on Mainline buses rather than in black Cadillacs...
I live in a council house. A couple of months ago there was a knock at the door and on opening it I was quizzed about the state of repair the house was in, was I happy with it, was there any dampness etc etc. The guy said he was from CBS or some bloody firm with three initials and he was wearing an ID card pinned to his jacket. I just assumed he must represent the council. I was almost too gobsmacked to give sensible answers. The figure at the door was a male in his late teens or early twenties and the outfit he was wearing made him look like a professional mourner - black trousers, long black jacket reminiscent of a drape like the Teddy Boys used to wear, black tie but not the conventional kind, more like they wore in Victorian times, ie very wide and short and tied in a loose knot. His hair was about chin length but tidy and dark brown. He really looked as though he'd stepped out of another era. His speech was quite stilted and emotionless. Altogether strange. I almost asked him where he'd parked the penny farthing cos he just looked and sounded so incongruous in this day and age.
I'd forgotten about it till I saw this thread. Maybe he was just moonlighting for a local undertaker. :confused:
Susan, it was probably the poor kid's first job and he was wearing his only suit - the one inherited from a elderly relative which his Mum said was "too good a suit to throw away... It will do for funerals and job interviews" ;)

Sprout, your first encounter was with the fabled Nutter On The Bus. Be scared. Be very scared.

The bilocating MIB - very odd twins?

mejane said:
Susan, it was probably the poor kid's first job and he was wearing his only suit - the one inherited from a elderly relative which his Mum said was "too good a suit to throw away... It will do for funerals and job interviews" ;)
But what about the tie? A family heirloom?
You're right of course, Jane.
I think sometimes life gets so predictable and boring that we jump on anything a little difficult to explain and develop a mystery around it. Just to make life more mysterious! ;) ;)
I think there may be women in black too, I was at the checkout of a local supermarket a few months ago, in the next checkout was a woman dressed entirely in black Victorian clothing right down to the button up boots, she appeared to have bought several cans of cat food, I fully expected her to pay with a large white five pound note but after some rummaging in her purse she produced a perfectly ordinary ten pound note, however during said rummaging, I caught sight of a strange object that looked something like a mobile phone, silver in colour but much flatter than any mobile I've ever seen, she was probably off to a fancy dress party but then again you never know.
Mejane > Ooooooh, I'm well acquainted with the "nutter on the bus". However this guy was immaculately dressed, and carrying a briefcase with documents in (I peeked over his shoulder at one point and it was a printed page about travel to France).

P.Younger > How old was this woman? The cat food makes me think it's some maddo, cos, like, mad old spinsters always have loads of cats.
I'd say she was about thirty...are you thinking along the lines of a feline familiar..I guess you could be right.
I remember a letter in FT about MIB style goings on in Sheffield. Someone getting harrassed by a big black car making weird noises as I recall.
That said, the company I work for, CENSOREDFORLEGALREASONS, has a large office in the Hillsborough area. Given the nature of some of our staff, I'd say it was a possible explanation. Except that one then has to think up an explanation for some of our staff.

A good few years ago I was out for a walk in the woods near my house when I came upon the very first mobile phone booster transmitter I'd ever seen. Not being a familiar site in those days, I puzzled over it briefly before deciding it was obviously a British variant on the HAARP theme. I reckoned that therefore, I was obviously due for an encounter with the MIB.
Seconds later, I stepped out onto the road and an immaculate black Caddy swept past me, driven by a guy in a black suit, wearing a large, old fashioned black hat. Pure coincidence obviously, but worth a mention on that note alone!
Evilsprout said:
P.Younger > How old was this woman? The cat food makes me think it's some maddo, cos, like, mad old spinsters always have loads of cats.
OOOH! You've upset me now, Evilsprout! I'm not a spinster, but I am oldish and mostly unattached! Your inference is if you like cats and fit this description then you're automatically mad! I have five!:mad: :mad:
Well said Ms B

In fact, in my experience, the 'maddest' old folk of both genders tend to be those without even companion animals. The practicalities of pet care mean you have to remain at least partly connected to reality, and of course pets do have a therapeutic effect for many.

Besides which, the WIB sounds like a Goth to me (now they
always have loads of cats.........):)
Susan Bulmer said:
He really looked as though he'd stepped out of another era. His speech was quite stilted and emotionless.

For what its worth, Susan, the FIRST thing I thought of
when I read your post was: vampire.

Maybe looking to be "invited" across the threshold?

The UL has them having noticably "clawlike" fingers.
Any recollection about them?

-who has had WAY to large a diet of Hammer Films!
Sorry, TVGeek - didn't notice his hands at all. That is - he definitely did have hands - I just found his gaze quite hypnotic and had to make an effort to tear my eyes from his. This perhaps goes against mejane's idea of it being his first job. He didn't show any sign of nervousness whatsoever. Apart from the eye contact he was quite zombie-like.
Now if I believed in vampires, you'd have me shaking in my boots.
:eek!!!!: :eek!!!!: :eek!!!!:
p.younger said:
I think there may be women in black too, I was at the checkout of a local supermarket a few months ago, in the next checkout was a woman dressed entirely in black Victorian clothing right down to the button up boots, she appeared to have bought several cans of cat food, I fully expected her to pay with a large white five pound note but after some rummaging in her purse she produced a perfectly ordinary ten pound note, however during said rummaging, I caught sight of a strange object that looked something like a mobile phone, silver in colour but much flatter than any mobile I've ever seen, she was probably off to a fancy dress party but then again you never know.

She wasn't from some tourist attraction, was she, Pete? I had quite a start in York once, when I sighted a lady clad in outlandish, old fashioned clothing, until I realised it was one of the lady employees of the Jorvik Centre on her lunch hour . . .

The reason I brought it up is that I'm re-reading
John Keel's "Operation Trojan Horse", where he
outlines MIB sightings down through the ages, and
its actually HIS comment that MIB resemble vampires
from previous eras.

In a section of this book that I'd completely
forgotten, he discourages ANY interest
in UFOs or the paranormal in young people, because
of the high incidence of MIB "harassment".

Very interesting thread!

Oops, I seem to have put my cynical boots on yesterday by mistake ( the comfy pink fluffy ones). I've got my tough old fortean wellies on now (the black rubber... no let's not there again :D )

Ahem, anway...

Perhaps they're time travellers who haven't got the finer details quite right? So perhaps Susan's council visitor was trying to gather more information; Pete's Victorian lady an early passenger ("buy food in tins - it's safer"); Sprout's bus man an unhappy customer?

Erm, tell me when I'm being silly.

But seriously, Sprout, I fear you are underestimating the strangeness of the Nutter on the Bus. I travel regularly(ish) on the bus between Woodstock and Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire) and each time there is a well-dressed businessman asking politely whether this is the right train for Folkestone :confused:

And another thing... Susan, a council official coming to your home and showing an interest? Around here we just get questionaires addressed to "The Occupier", which of course are never read on the grounds that someone else in the house will read it and post a response (which requires a stamp!). One of these days I fully expect to wake up one Thursday morning to see a large yellow bulldozer outside ;)

I did ask you to tell me when I got too silly, didn't I?

I think, now that MIBs are such a part of our culture, we'll have to accept the fact that more and more people are probably going to put on a black suit and go out in public and just act weird.

In fact, all those people that like to dress up like vampires and go out to clubs and dance to Bauhaus now have something to do just about any old time! Like, the clubs are open just a few hours each week, but you can go out and be a freak whenever the mood strikes you. And bus fare is cheaper than the door charge and drinks.
I think Keel once postulated that MIB somehow travel in time, but often get the details wrong. Personally, I think they're just showing off.

See, I never got bothered by them as a 'young researcher'. But then, I wasn't very good at it.
Susan Bulmer said:
OOOH! You've upset me now, Evilsprout! I'm not a spinster, but I am oldish and mostly unattached! Your inference is if you like cats and fit this description then you're automatically mad! I have five!:mad: :mad:

Sorry about that, Susan! I assure you my tongue was firmly in my cheek.
No need to apologise, Mr Sprout. In fact now that I come to think about it, I am a bit mad - well, my sense of humour is anyway!

I checked with my next door neighbour today about the "council" guy - to verify that he didn't just call on me. She's 77 and almost blind but she remembered him. She said she refused to speak to him because he looked strange!

Since this thread started I've seen two black vehicles with blacked-out windows - a people carrier and a sedan. You may be thinking "So what!", but I live in a quiet little town with a very small population. Can't remember ever seeing any before and I've lived here long enough. Obviously synchronicity - unless the MIBs come here for their summer hols.
Or they were monitoring your activity on this thread and are now on to you...
I remember in about 1991/2 me and my mates always used to see this guy, in his thirties, around walking his dog that we used to find a bit strange. We used to see him everywhere, in town and on bike rides & walking through our neighbourhood. We used to (privately) call him Mr Druggy because of the large distances covered by him every day and the slightly odd/glazed over eyes and the fact that he wore the same clothes whatever the weather (whether they were the same clothes or he had a large wardrobe that for some reason had all the clothes in the same colour). He didn't seem to do anything other than walk his dog and we saw him doing this often, especially in summer holidays & at irregular times of day.
One of our local "nutters on the bus" always wears a black sack over his clothing and when he gets on the bus he pulls the black sack up over his nose so only the top of his head and his eyes are showing. You can guarantee that no-one ever sits next to him. But I digress! Maybe we should have a separate thread for this enigma. :confused:
Susan's "council visitor" MIB sounds exactly like some of the more Gothic types I went to school with - seriously, the description of the tie sounds very much like how kids at middle-England schools trying to be "rebellious" wear their school ties (with the fat end about 6 inches long, and several feet of the thin end hidden in their shirts), and the suit isnt too out of the ordinary... about 20, longish straight dark hair... I wouldnt look twice at him in some pubs I know.

Not to say he wasn't an alien, but...
Goldstein said:
Susan's "council visitor" MIB sounds exactly like some of the more Gothic types I went to school with - seriously, the description of the tie sounds very much like how kids at middle-England schools trying to be "rebellious" wear their school ties (with the fat end about 6 inches long, and several feet of the thin end hidden in their shirts), and the suit isnt too out of the ordinary... about 20, longish straight dark hair... I wouldnt look twice at him in some pubs I know.

Not to say he wasn't an alien, but...
You're very likely right, Goldstein. The tie was more like a cravat but I remember thinking after he'd gone that he was probably a Goth with strange ideas about "dressing conservatively". (His probable instructions on getting the job.)
As for the black vehicles I mentioned above, I've since found out that the "Pop Idols", (Gareth Gates and Co.) have been in the area since last weekend. So it was probably them.
Another mystery solved!;) ;) ;)
cemetry sighting

This is a true story, so I'd appreciate it if people don't balk at the sheer bizarness of it.

Last Wednesday whilst returning home from a particularly boring lecture on how to make a million dollars in three days with no effort or money, I happened to be driving past the main cemetary in this city. At this point I am pretty sure i was awake and didn't dream the whole sequence of what follows:

A group of people, all in black were congregated in one area. Black suits, dresses everything, even a black car of some vintage that didn't look quite right. I could tell from what I observed that they showed little emotion, no smiles or chatter, no dancing or high-jinx that you would normally associate with get togethers or gothic raves. They seemed to just stand around, heads slightly bowed, as if they were all communicating telepathically, perhaps about their next mission, or who to subvert for their next set of bizarre experiments.

Though fearing for my life I felt a flush of anger that these alien fascists felt confident to hold such obvious gatherings in broad daylight in such a public place. I screamed out the window at them as I flew past "Go back home, you F######ing freaks !". They seemed momentarily startled that a human would accost them so blatantly and i had the satisfaction of seeing a few of them break out in apparent sobs, as i left sharpish. It's good to see that these cosmic tough guys are really pansies underneath the weirdness and pin-striped bravado.

Incidently when I conveyed this tale to a peer, (who is right into this fortean, paranormal, erotic stuff), he told me that the gathering was probably receiving orders from the grays via a transmitter device hidden somewhere on the cemetery grounds. i told him that i could remember pretty well where the meeting took place and tomorrow night we plan to locate the device which will be buried around there somewhere.

Because we plan to blow this whole operation open, bringing truth to the people, before the fascists in government try to cover it up for their gray overlords, we have arranged for the local press and police service to arrive in fanfare at about the time we dig up the transmitter. no doubt there will be a few awkward questions to answer when that lot gets through.

I'll keep you posted. Remember you heard it first here that the revolution has begun !
Ladies in Strange Clothing

When I was teaching, our school (Primary) had several "Victorian" days, when the staff all made the effort and dressed the part! And we often popped out to do abit of shopping at lunch time.

Susan Bulmer said:
Sorry, TVGeek - didn't notice his hands at all. That is - he definitely did have hands - I just found his gaze quite hypnotic and had to make an effort to tear my eyes from his. This perhaps goes against mejane's idea of it being his first job. He didn't show any sign of nervousness whatsoever. Apart from the eye contact he was quite zombie-like.
Now if I believed in vampires, you'd have me shaking in my boots.
:eek!!!!: :eek!!!!: :eek!!!!:

Though this is simply supposition, vampires are said to have weak hynotic power -- but I'd think someone who you thought to be an MIB would hold your gaze for a while. ;)
men in black...the bizarness continued...

Okay just a quick update to the report I posted a little earlier.

I'm sitting in the car this evening, relating last Wednesday's events to another peer of nime, Bazz, while we stake out a 7-11 for a money making venture we've been considering.

Suddenly without warning this guy, all in black, head to foot, just strides into the place without a care in the world. For a moment I am gob-smacked, but as soon as I recover I start bawling to Bazz that we gotta do something. I found Bazz's response to be less than encouraging. At first he pretended not to know what I was talking about (after I had just related the recent incident at the cemetary) and then he tried to tell me the guy in black was some Italian type of "catalitic" priest (I'm quoting Bazz here and know how lame this sounds). I've seen priests on Saturday morning TV and know these guys wear smocks, skull-caps and long sideburns and beards. I figure Bazz has been got to at this stage, so I tell him to shut his hole and try to figure out a plan.

Well the man-in-black saunters out towards a car parked a little down the road. The car is admitedly a dull green and looks rusty (not your atypical MIB profile). It is however old and looks somewhat out of place. I feel the need to do something, all the while Bazz is repeating "chill out, man" over and over.

I consider tackling the weirdo, but he could be armed or something. Finally, needing to do something as he got in his car I screamed "We know what your up to freakoid. Go back to the hell-hole from whence you came".

That certainly stunned him and he/it drove off in a hurry, i can tell you. I was elated at another moral victory for humankind and wanted to celebrate. Bazz said he was feeling ill though and had to go home. Personally I think the fight for humanity's future is a bit beyond him.