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Michael Sheen & UFOs


Vague Apparition
Sep 22, 2018
Port Talbot has been suggested as having something (industrial pollution from the years of steel production?) in the air or water that promotes performing arts excellence: Richard Burton, Anthony Hopkins, Michael Shhen and Rob Brydon were/are from the area to name a few.

Perhaps it's the alliens* o_O

*I can't seem to say 'aliens' either aloud or internally any more since I heard a good-humoured interview on t'wireless with Gillian Anderson and Steve Wright et al referred to them as 'alley-ens'. It tickled me, and has stuck, for ever, like an allien implant....

Article with Michael Sheen out of that film about Brian Clough talks about UFOs in his home town of Port Talbot and his own sighting too.

Not the first time that Wales has been reportedly a place of high UFO activity, it would be interesting to hear more detail about Mr Sheen's sighting.
I think a lot of them are coming out of the ocean these days; even in the "airship" days they were often seen heading out to sea. Australia was loaded with them; they were regularly seen coming from over the ocean, even leaving the ocean and then flying over land. Those seen in Wales remind me of:
It's an old tactic for maintaining a level of contact through the centuries; show up on a road or over an ocean, turn on the lights and show yourself, then take off. They are in control of the situation the whole time.
This is not a strategy for contact- they have been following a strategy of non-contact for centuries now, assuming they exist at all (which they probably don't).
This is not a strategy for contact- they have been following a strategy of non-contact for centuries now, assuming they exist at all (which they probably don't).
This is one of the weird things I've seen in a lot of encounters that makes me kinda not believe they're attempts at communication. The aliens do little more than waving at people. Then they leave. That's not communicating.
This is not a strategy for contact- they have been following a strategy of non-contact for centuries now, assuming they exist at all (which they probably don't).
As Bigelow said, there is a presence and ongoing contact. They didn't just arrive like Independence Day
or other silly scenarios, or Hollywood stuff scientists dream up. The may habe been here for a very long time. We think there should be some kind of formal ceremony or something because we are such an amazing bunch of apes. Not.
This is not a strategy for contact- they have been following a strategy of non-contact for centuries now, assuming they exist at all (which they probably don't).
That reminds me of a line from Douglas Harding:
To Be and Not to Be: That is the Answer
As Bigelow said, there is a presence and ongoing contact. They didn't just arrive like Independence Day or other silly scenarios, or Hollywood stuff scientists dream up. The may habe been here for a very long time. We think there should be some kind of formal ceremony or something because we are such an amazing bunch of apes. Not.
Yes. Mind you, the aliens did line up to watch humans landing on the Moon in 1969 - so they do care about us (or maybe their anthropologists care).
Yes. Mind you, the aliens did line up to watch humans landing on the Moon in 1969 - so they do care about us (or maybe their anthropologists care).
I think that was a radio operator who accidentally tuned into the conversation? I don't remember the details on that.
Yes. Mind you, the aliens did line up to watch humans landing on the Moon in 1969 - so they do care about us (or maybe their anthropologists care).
That's one of the things that fuels the idea that there are multiple races involved. Close Encounters have all sorts of different outcomes. Some are the classic anal probing where an abductee doesn't like it and eventually gets let go.

One guy claimed to have been abducted by aliens who wanted him to mate with this woman who looked and acted Human... except instead of talking she made barking noises. Also they apparently came to Earth so she could get impregnated by a Human.

Then there's the multitude of "I saw something that I think was a flying saucer" accounts... It doesn't really fit together as a picture...
That's one of the things that fuels the idea that there are multiple races involved. Close Encounters have all sorts of different outcomes. Some are the classic anal probing where an abductee doesn't like it and eventually gets let go.

One guy claimed to have been abducted by aliens who wanted him to mate with this woman who looked and acted Human... except instead of talking she made barking noises. Also they apparently came to Earth so she could get impregnated by a Human.
Interstellar pervs!
That's one of the things that fuels the idea that there are multiple races involved. Close Encounters have all sorts of different outcomes. Some are the classic anal probing where an abductee doesn't like it and eventually gets let go.

One guy claimed to have been abducted by aliens who wanted him to mate with this woman who looked and acted Human... except instead of talking she made barking noises. Also they apparently came to Earth so she could get impregnated by a Human.

Then there's the multitude of "I saw something that I think was a flying saucer" accounts... It doesn't really fit together as a picture...
There are bound to be folks like that lurking on the boundaries of new discoveries and the fringes of the unknown; I try to ignore them, but it is frustrating. There were liars, quacks and charlatans during the "airship" wave, and also blindered scientists and skeptics too. I think its best to think of most UFOs as "devices" as Physicist Robert Sarbacher described them, years ago.
Mind you, the aliens did line up to watch humans landing on the Moon in 1969 - so they do care about us (or maybe their anthropologists care).
On the contrary, no aliens were seen at any time during the Apollo program, so it seems to indicate that they either don't care or don't exist.
On the contrary, no aliens were seen at any time during the Apollo program, so it seems to indicate that they either don't care or don't exist.
Hmmm. I seem to recall a quote of the astronauts saying something like 'my God - they're all lined up, watching us' - or words to that effect.