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Narcotic dreams...


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 2, 2005
For those that are offended by those seeking to (a-hem) adjust their consciousness via external means, turn away now and watch something wholesome, such as Fox-tv coverage of George Bush, or something. <g>

I've had three dreams that I recall clearly, that is, that involve me taking drugs and feeling the effect full on.
The first was me smoking some pot with a friend, in our local botanic gardens. We smoked and giggled and got so off-our-face(s) that we were crawling around on our hands and knees, shrieking and giggling like maniacal stoners. I awoke feeling confused and annoyed that I was no longer having a party in the gardens but, also pleased that I'd had a great time.
Second dream was a hit of smack. I've had plenty of bad dreams, where hard gear is concerned but, this one, I got the hit away, and felt a serious rush and was off my face, as the intense rush continued to build.
I bring all this up because, as I've never liked cocaine, I was completely astounded by a dream I had three nights ago. The dream was just doing its normal dream like thing. Then, suddenly, one of my friends in the dream (for some reason, I keep thinking it's the character 'Chrissie' from Eastenders but..), says she's going to hit me with some coke. I start to protest but, before I can stop her, she's stuck the needle in my back, near my arm-shoulder area, and immediately, I was struck with the impact of a huge cocaine induced rush. The full on bell ringer, vision f*cking out, woooh.., bloody hell, intense.., too much but so nice", type o' feeling.
I then opened my eyes.

For those that have never done drugs, let alone hard drugs, this may all be difficult to comprehend. From many angles. For me, having dealt with compulsive drug use, off and on, over the years, it was particularly confusing, as I've never liked coke, for one, and secondly, it is extremely rare for anyone to actually get the effect they seek, when doing drugs, to actually get the effect they so love, when dreaming.
Hope that makes sense.
Too out-of-it to proof read. <g>

Cheers and altered conciousness(ess), at least for those that like that sort of thing. For those that don't, then please, accept that altering one's conciousness has been part of this species experience for a lot longer than the Harrison Act was implemented. Hey, even our household moggies have a drug of choice.
= Kaye =
This is great, because you now don't have to take drugs to get 'high'.
Much healthier, etc.
I have gotten "High" in my dreams by taking peyote, shrooms, pot, and alchohol many times. I'm not sure how to quantify it, as sometimes I feel "High" without doing anything different (in my dreams). I even get changes of conciousness without doing anything at all. Recently, I get this slow, sort of shaking movement which is reminiscient of being drunk and having some sort of epileptic seizure during select moments in said dreams. I know it is not epilepsy proper, as I know what my childhood epilepsy felt like, but still, it is a loss of control.

The best example would be a dream when I took peyote and tripped out for what seemed like days. I never knew that a peyote trip had things to do with geometric shapes, forms, and patterns, but that is exactly what I experienced in this dream, vividly as I recall. I still believe that dreams are reminiscient of an "alter-life" in which things happen, you feel and see them, but when you wake up, all you are left with is a (dim) memory of what it was like. In my case(s), it's almost like, as Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) put it, "A kafka dream." I can move, but it is with slow, shaky gestures. The more one tries, the slower and shakier one moves. It is very hard to break out of this type of dream, though I have done it.
I had several "high" dreams, often with drugs involved that I don't usually touch. For example I dreamed the other day that someone on a bus offered a group of us some coke. I normally hate that stuff because I prefer hallucinogens to barbiturates. Anyway, in the dream I snorted [normally don't snort anything] a whole line and felt the full on effect. It was a cold rainy night and I was looking out of the bus window whilst "coming up". I was so stoned that when I woke up it really amazed me.
Everything else was also in very fine detail and you could easily call it a "vivid" dream.
Sometimes I get high on E's in my dreams. It is really strange how the body can fool you so much that you actually think you've taken stuff.
I love those dreams, a free ride without any money lost.
I thought I was the only one!
I have had a few drug 'issues' in my past & occasionally used to dream of opiates when I was giving them up. The dream hit was always good. It was a shame to wake up! I put it down to my subconcious supplying me what I needed at the time. I have been 'clean' years now & haven't had a dream relating to opiates in years.
I very rarely dream (that I can remember anyway) so these dreams really stick out in my mind.
I have heard that dope (cannabis) is a dream inhibitor. I rarely dream & am a smoker so maybe this is true?
davidYowie said:
I thought I was the only one!
I have had a few drug 'issues' in my past & occasionally used to dream of opiates when I was giving them up. The dream hit was always good. It was a shame to wake up! I put it down to my subconcious supplying me what I needed at the time. I have been 'clean' years now & haven't had a dream relating to opiates in years.

First off, let me wish you a hearty "yee-ha" and "goodonyamate" for managing to stay away from hard gear, seeing as though that's what you've wanted to do.
Secondly, I appreciate you and other posters' willingness to honestly share their personal experience. Just because some find the use of substances to alter/improve/adjust/ one's conciousness, (legal issues notwithstanding), does not mean it shouldn't be discussed. It's a pity Fort's contemporaries didn't have access to message boards such as these, prior to the War on Drugs. (apologies... don't want to sound as though I've got an alternative agenda).

My main point was that, drug dreams are a recognised part of many people's sleep time experiences, just as sex dreams are. Although, for the most part, sex related dreams may be an entirely different issue, so I don't want to go 'off topic'. Part of this may well be related to abstinence from compulsive use (not neccesarily sex compulsion - entirely other 'can o'worms) but, my feeling is that it is more than this. I have discussed the drug dreams thing with many people, when they've been without their substance of choice. This, for some has continued for many months, occassionally popping up years after the physical addiction is well passed. There's almost certainly a biological explanation to this. I hesitate to use such cliche ridden rhetoric as, "chemical imbalance".
That we seek out such extraordinary pleasure/experience in our dreams, is fascinating. As I mentioned, I don't like cocaine, and I certainly wouldn't get someone to inject me into my back. The way it pounced out of the dream from absolutely nowhere, and the effect was so real, took me completely by surprise.
= Kaye =
well ill expect an invite to one of your dreams cos mine are all wierd and evil!! :(

No one gets high :(
Did anyone else catch a hypnosis thing on TV months ago now (must have been Derrin Brown)?

He used hypnosis to trick the brain into reliving the conditions it felt whilst drunk, in this instance, but apparently would be equally as effective for any other substance you've previously ingested. Does anyone know how accurate this theory is?

So, make friends with a hypnotist and have a quiet night in instead - much cheaper and safer too. :)
I'm not into drugs myself, but in my dreams involving food (chocolate), I never get to taste it. I might get so far as picking it up, salivating, putting it just almost into my mouth, and then I wake up. Apparently my mind can't dream flavors, I don't know.

But for folks who do use various substances IRL, I can't imagine why it wouldn't enter your dream life! You're just lucky to not be like me - my version of your dream would end with the pinch of the needle going in. :rolleyes:
I've had dreams where I am stumbling drunk and incoherent. Even had dreams where I suffered from a "blackout". How the hell is that possible? :lol:

On a somewhat related note: Had a dream once where I was playing hide and seek with a group of people (?!)The only way of winning the game was by "hiding behind the aphrodisiac" (?!). My response: "That is impossible because there is no such thing as an aphrodisiac". I woke up feeling so bloody clever. :lol:
I've had many dreams about being drunk or high but have never been in real life with the exception of becoming woozy and slap-happy by accident from medicine..
I especially have lots of dreams about smoking cigs and I am very opposed to doing that. :?
I've had dreams where I have been drinking extremely heavily and have woken up with the room spinning and with a loss of balance.

I wonder if people who haven't taken illegal drugs are capable of having the same experiences in their dreams?

I've had a dream where I have been smoking skunk even though I've never taken anything like that and I woke up feeling strange, the feelings are hard to describe but I recounted my experiences to a friend who smokes that stuff and apparently, it was highly likely I was stoned.
I'm not the only one then....

I did a quick survey of my friends, most of whom appear to have experienced one form of intoxication or another in their dreams.

Not one however experienced feeling the effects immediately after waking up. I found this puzzling as it has happened to myself so often that I assumed it was normal.

Things can become a little confusing though, especially since I'm prone to the odd false-waking dream-within-a-dream experience.

I've lost count of the number of times I've woken up in a wild panic about waking up too drunk/stoned to go to work, only to find that I am still actually asleep. :?
GreenJeanz1 said:
I've had many dreams about being drunk or high but have never been in real life with the exception of becoming woozy and slap-happy by accident from medicine..
I especially have lots of dreams about smoking cigs and I am very opposed to doing that. :?

I always feel really proud to proclaim that I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. Coming from a family of nine siblings and both parents being smokers, it astounds me that I chose to remain tobacco free. Somewhat paradoxically, I'm the only one that chose to experiment with almost all conciousness altering substances. No glue, or solvents or any of that general crap but, plenty of magic mushrooms, pot, smack, opium, etc., but no tobacco.
So, what I was about to say is, that one night I dreamt I smoked a cigarette. I recall the discussion was one of, "oh, I shouldn't but, whose going to know", sort-o' thing.
Months later, in the middle of a discussion about tobacco use, I went to say how I'd never smoked in my life, but was suddenly overwhelmed with the notion that I actually had smoked at some stage in my past, and could no longer proudly and honestly exclaim my 'never 'ad a fag in my life', status.
Eee - by - gumm. The power of dreams. (sorry 'bout the Coro voice. Seemed appropriate, for some odd reason <g>)
= Kaye =
'Isn't it ironic how legal drugs are the only ones that do absolutely nothing for you?'

- Bill Hicks
AstralShores said:
'Isn't it ironic how legal drugs are the only ones that do absolutely nothing for you?'

- Bill Hicks

Not a great one to quote as he died of lung cancer....

Oddly, like KayeOttic, I've also dreamed fairly often that I'm having a cigerette, or dying for a fag, when I've never smoked one in my life.
Daftbugger1 said:
Oddly, like KayeOttic, I've also dreamed fairly often that I'm having a cigerette, or dying for a fag, when I've never smoked one in my life.

Is this a new form of psychic product placement from evil tobacco companies?
I've often had the same thing happen to me -- I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, never even had the urge (I hate cigarette smoke, actually), yet I've often had dreams in which I've smoked one or more cigs. Then I'm upset/annoyed with myself when I wake up, for having done so. Takes a few minutes before I work out that it was just a dream, lol.
Daftbugger1 said:
AstralShores said:
'Isn't it ironic how legal drugs are the only ones that do absolutely nothing for you?'

- Bill Hicks

Not a great one to quote as he died of lung cancer....

Oddly, like KayeOttic, I've also dreamed fairly often that I'm having a cigerette, or dying for a fag, when I've never smoked one in my life.
Bill Hicks died of cancer of the pancreas,
DanTheGPI said:
Daftbugger1 said:
AstralShores said:
'Isn't it ironic how legal drugs are the only ones that do absolutely nothing for you?'

- Bill Hicks

Not a great one to quote as he died of lung cancer....

Oddly, like KayeOttic, I've also dreamed fairly often that I'm having a cigerette, or dying for a fag, when I've never smoked one in my life.
Bill Hicks died of cancer of the pancreas,

rumor mill isn't as good as it once was
I had dreams of being acid way before I ever took any, and it was eerily similar to the real thing :eek:
Also recently I fell asleep drunk and then spent all my dream life falling over and slurring my words, making terrible faux pas and so on.