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Neo-Con's ... former Comm's?


Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 9, 2001
I'm afraid this is an old article, but my attention has just been drawn to it.
Invasion of the Entryists

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 9th December 2003

One of strangest aspects of modern politics is the dominance of former left-wingers who have swung to the right. The “neo-cons” pretty well run the White House and the Pentagon, the Labour party and key departments of the British government. But there is a group which has travelled even further, from the most distant fringes of the left to the extremities of the pro-corporate libertarian right. While its politics have swung around 180 degrees, its tactics – entering organisations and taking them over – appear unchanged. Research published for the first time today suggests that the members of this group have colonised a crucial section of the British establishment.

The organisation began in the late 1970s as a Trotskyist splinter called the Revolutionary Communist party. It immediately set out to destroy competing oppositionist movements. When nurses and cleaners marched for better pay, it picketed their demonstrations.1 It moved into the gay rights group Outrage and sought to shut it down.2 It tried to disrupt the miners’ strike,3 undermined the Anti-Nazi League 4 and nearly destroyed the radical Polytechnic of North London.5 On at least two occasions RCP activists physically attacked members of opposing factions.6

In 1988, it set up a magazine called Living Marxism, later LM. By this time, the organisation, led by the academic Frank Furedi, the journalist Mick Hume and the teacher Claire Fox, had moved overtly to the far right. LM described its mission as promoting a “confident individualism” without social constraint.7 It campaigned against gun control,8 against banning tobacco advertising 9 and child pornography,10 and in favour of global warming,11 human cloning and freedom for corporations. It defended the Tory MP Neil Hamilton 12 and the Bosnian Serb ethnic cleansers.13 It provided a platform for writers from the corporate thinktanks the Institute for Economic Affairs 14 and the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise.15 Frank Furedi started writing for the Centre for Policy Studies (founded by Keith Joseph and Margaret Thatcher) and contacting the supermarket chains, offering, for £7,500, to educate their customers “about complex scientific issues”. 16

In the late 1990s, the group began infiltrating the media, with remarkable success. For a while, it seemed to dominate scientific and environmental broadcasting on Channel 4 and the BBC. It used these platforms (Equinox, Against Nature, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Counterblast, Zeitgeist) to argue that environmentalists were Nazi sympathisers who were preventing human beings from fulfilling their potential. In 2000, LM magazine was sued by ITN, after falsely claiming that the news organisation’s journalists had fabricated evidence of Serb atrocities against Bosnian Muslims. LM closed, and was resurrected as the web magazine Spiked and the thinktank the Institute of Ideas.

All this is already in the public domain. But now, thanks to the work of the researcher and activist Jonathan Matthews (published today on his database www.gmwatch.org), what seems to be a new front in this group’s campaign for individuation has come to light. Its participants have taken on key roles in the formal infrastructure of public communication used by the science and medical establishment.

Let us begin with the Association for Sense About Science (SAS), the lobby group chaired by the Liberal Democrat peer Lord Taverne, and whose board contains such prominent scientists as Professor Sir Brian Heap, Professor Dame Bridget Ogilvie and Sir John Maddox.17 In October it organised a letter to the Prime Minister by 114 scientists, complaining that the government had failed to make the case for genetic engineering.18 In response, Tony Blair told the Commons that he had not ruled out the commercialisation of GM crops in Britain.19

The phone number for Sense About Science is shared by the “publishing house” Global Futures.20 One of its two trustees is Phil Mullan,21 a former RCP activist and LM contributor who is listed as the registrant of Spiked magazine’s website.22 The only publication on the Global Futures site is a paper by Frank Furedi, the godfather of the cult.23 The assistant director of Sense About Science, Ellen Raphael, is the contact person for Global Futures.24 The director of SAS, Tracey Brown, has written for both LM and Spiked and has published a book with the Institute of Ideas 25: all of them RCP spin-offs. Both Brown and Raphael studied under Frank Furedi at the University of Kent, before working for the PR firm Regester Larkin,26 which defends companies such as the biotech giants Aventis CropScience, Bayer and Pfizer against consumer and environmental campaigners.27 Brown’s address is shared by Adam Burgess, also a contributor to LM. LM’s health writer, Dr Michael Fitzpatrick, is a trustee of both Global Futures and Sense About Science.28

SAS has set up a working party on peer review, which is chaired and hosted by the Royal Society. One of its members is Tony Gilland,29 who is science and society director at the Institute of Ideas, a contributor to both LM and Spiked and the joint author of the proposal Frank Furedi made to the supermarkets.30 Another is Fiona Fox, the sister of Claire Fox, who runs the Institute of Ideas. Fiona Fox was a frequent contributor to LM. One of her articles generated outrage among human rights campaigners by denying that there had been a genocide in Rwanda.31

Fiona Fox is also the director of the Science Media Centre, the public relations body set up by Baroness Susan Greenfield of the Royal Institution. It is funded, among others, by the pharmaceutical companies Astra Zeneca, Dupont and Pfizer.32 Fox has used the Science Media Centre to promote the views of industry and to launch fierce attacks against those who question them. She ran the campaign, for example, to rubbish last year’s BBC drama Fields of Gold.33

The list goes on and on. The policy officer of the Genetic Interest Group, which represents the interests of people with genetic disorders, is now John Gillott,34 formerly science editor of LM and a regular contributor to Spiked. The director of the Progress Educational Trust, which campaigns for research on human embryos, is Juliet Tizzard, a contributor to LM, Spiked and the Institute of Ideas. Gillott and Tizzard also help to run Genepool, the online clinical genetics library.35 The chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service is Ann Furedi, the wife of Frank Furedi and a regular contributor to LM and Spiked. Until last year she was communications director for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. The coordinator of the Pro-Choice Forum, which publicises abortion issues, is Ellie Lee, a regular writer for LM and Spiked and now series editor for the Institute of Ideas.

Is all this a coincidence? I don’t think so. But it’s not easy to understand why it is happening. Are we looking at a group which wants power for its own sake, or one following a political design, of which this is an intermediate step? What I can say is that the scientific establishment, always politically naive, appears unwittingly to have permitted its interests to be represented to the public by the members of a bizarre and cultish political network. Far from rebuilding public trust in science and medicine, this group’s repugnant philosophy could finally destroy it.
http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2003/12 ... entryists/

(follow link for citations)

George Monbiot can't fathom this one ... what is going on? Is a Marxist cell trying to take over via Right wing politics. Any theories?
Infiltration!!The 'fall' of the Soviet Union was just part of the scheme to put the West at ease so we could be destroyed from within...the only way it could be done!It's worked rather well.The Soviet union won the cold war after alll!
One former Trot is big mouthed, licky bum-bum boy, Christopher Hitchens:


To his way of thinking, he hasn't changed, the World has. However, if George W., Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Murdoch walked into the room, he'd drop his kecks and bend over for the soap, without even being asked.

Apparently, he's the World's 5th top intellectual:

See this intellectual giant in action against 'Gorgeous' George Galloway:


Real Time Link

Rumours that Hitchens and Galloway are really Siamese twins, separated at birth, have not been substantiated. The strange illusion, that they both talk by shouting into invisible megaphones (as if addressing mass rallies of the proletariat from a podium at the base of Nelson's Column), seems to come standard with Socialist Worker Trotskyite types. ;)

World Class Intellectual, or unprincipled, vicious, loud mouthed, ex-Trot, polemicist, who thinks the World revolves around his sphincter, for-hire? You decide.
That article isn't particularly clued-in. For a start, the RCP weren't/aren't Trostskyists, they're Leninists. I think it also paints them as being a bit more extreme than they actually are. I wouldn't go as far to say that they 'supported Bosnian Serb ethnic cleansers' - they instead published stuff that was banned/censored during the Yugoslav Civil War (i.e. pretty much everything by Serbs, not just idiots like Karadzic). I used to share a house with an RCP member whilst I was at polytechnic, and went to a few RCP meetings. Suffice it to say, they're pretty much all middle-class revolutionaries, particularly the upper-echelons of the party.

Quite alot of RCP members have gone onto other more mainstream things - Will Hutton wrote a book that did rather well called 'The State We're In', as well as a few others. IIRC, other RCP and LM types ended up with jobs at the Guardian, as well as other newspapers.
The former is the RCP the original post was discussing.
It's well known that Rupert Murdoch was a member of the Communist (or was it Socialist) party at Melbourne University.

Of course, that was before he inherited the family business, and built it into one of the largest media organisations on the planet.
ex trots often move to the right (i havent so far!).

US Trotskyist Max Shactman ended up as editor of the Readers Digest. Another American ex trot, James Burnham became a notorious cold warrior.

Werent a lot of Blairs inner circle & cabinet trots at one stage? Mandelson was certainly ex CP.

The RCP were certainly a funny bunch, a Cult really. They finally arrived in Dublin in 1994, about 6 of them, and got involved in radical politics. Never did find out where they lived, they were very security conscious. They were on for direct action when the Dublin Abortion Rights Group had to stand up to physical attacks from the "pro life" Youth Defence.

They were also strongly anti imperialist and supported the iRA. They published a book which predicted the IRA would never declare a ceasefire. They launched this just weeks before the IRA announced the 1994 ceasefire!

After that they swiftly disappeared from Dublin; in shame I guess.
Mussolini was also a bit of a lefty, before he became a... er... righty.

The RCP would occasionally come up with some interesting stuff in the pages of LM, but then that would get undone by other stuff they'd write about which seemed rather daft. Not so much a cult, but more like a mix of some positive but also some muddled ideas. They did some good stuff on Eastern European economics after the end of the Cold War, compared to similar stuff in, say, The Economist. Still, as I've said, very much middle-class revolutionaries IMHO.
there are a good few ex miltant tendency types earninga lot of money these days, not naming any names though, but some of them in liverpool did quite well out of it all and ended up owning vast chunks of land and villas in spain somehow...