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New Haunted House


Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 9, 2001
From John Peel's "Home Truths" on Radio 4 this morning.

Haunted House
I think my home might be haunted, but it was only built in 2003. I heard music playing on the landing on night, then it suddenly stopped. I went away for 2 nights leaving my daughter to look after the house & dogs. At 3.50am she rang to ask how to turn off the burglar alarm. We have never used it, as it doesn't work. Two weeks later in the shower at 6.10am she heard 4 distinct knocks on her door. Two days later I was woken by the same knocking on my bedroom door. Recently I was woken by the alarm clock next to my bed. It is electric and too complicated, so we never us it. So John, what do you think?

Anna Ramsdale

Quite spooky. It will be interesting to see what comments the story gets next week.
BlackRiverFalls said:
Please god don't let it be the native american burial ground again:rolleyes:

[Stares at static on TV screen] "The're here!"
BlackRiverFalls said:
Please god don't let it be the native american burial ground again:rolleyes:
From these stories, you'd think the whole continent was ankle-deep in aboriginal remains. (I intend no disrespect to the aboriginal people, but surely they must get tired of being invoked in this way)
Austen said:
It is electric and too complicated

An alarm clock thats so complicated it can't be used? Maybe it has a radio function also that sounded like it came from the landing - most alarm clock radios I have used have had a certain 'tinny' quality which could sound like it was coming from a distance. They usually only play for a certain length of time before turning off, like a sleep function. If the alarm clock is too complex for them, then the burglar alarm could be too, in which case the daughter could have tried (and failed) to set it. Or it could just have been faulty and decided 3.50 am would be a fun time to go off.
BlackRiverFalls said:
Please god don't let it be the native american burial ground again:rolleyes:

Unlikely as there aren't a huge number of native americans buried in Britain ;)

It could be those pesky anglo-saxons though.

I'd be looking into the contractors that built the house... Bad wiring and plumbing (knocking pipes?) could at least account for everything but the music - although we don't have enough detail to confirm that.

Ooo, maybe the alarm clock is haunted. Did they bring it with them from a really old, rickety house near a cemetary? Might've brought along some guests!

Wish she'd said what kind of music it was.

On a less cynical note, I lived for a while with a family who'd gotten their house below market value because the man who had it built - and hung around on-site to oversee the builders - died before he could move in*. That house wasn't haunted or anything, but there could be some odd detail like that in this story that the woman may or may not know...

*No, I don't know if one of the builders, annoyed by his intrusiveness, put something in his coffee, but I'd have been tempted to if I were one of them!
An alarm clock thats so complicated it can't be used
Yup, we had one. :mad:

No matter what time you set it to go off, it'd do it at random times and scare you to death. It only had LW/AM too which is fine if you like cricket and Morning Worship. :rolleyes:
Mmmm...not convinced.

The alarm clock could be explained and the odd sounds.

without being able to ask the woman about her experences we can't realy be sure one way or the other.
Had the experience of coming home one day to low voices in the bedroom. When I went in there, there was a depression in the pillow as if someone just gotten out of bed. The pillow was still moving.

Turned out that the clock radio has gone off, with a talk show on. And the dog had been lying on the bed with his head on the pillow.

Sometimes, things just SEEM strange.
Yes, I remember once being alone at home and fresh out of the shower, only to freeze (and for every hair on the back of my neck to stand straight up) at the sound of voices from the bedroom.

Yep, alarm clock. Yep, talk show.

Damned spooky machines!