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News Media: Who Is Trustworthy?

And when all the Tsars have a grand reunion, I wonder if they play Tsardines?
C'mon Ramon, where are you?

As for "who verifies the verifiers?", good point.
The BBC claiming they have appointed someone to investigate all these conspiracies and sort out fact from fiction is unlikely to convince the die-hard conspiracists.

I was enjoying the sun a lot today.

Their meet up will be in Zaragoza.
One of the problems we have today is information/news overload. It is impossible to double check all the information we are served up so, in general, we concentrate on the issues that most concern/interest us and we gravitate to the sources that we trust the most. However, I doubt that there is any media source that does not have some form of bias or 'spin' as the geopolitical situation across the world is impossibly complex.
We also tend to favour sources that generally support our own views rather than find out what the 'opposition' are saying. For example, the vast majority of Guardian readers are left leaning while Times readers are right leaning. Wouldn't it be more informative if people read both?
Never going to happen!
Slightly off piste- but much as I enjoyed “Tomorrows World” in me youth, I used to think yeah, well, this is the stuff “they” want us to see...the real, latest tech isn’t gonna appear on TV etc anytime soon...

But yes, agree, in a World now of news overload, where so much is noise, it’s difficult not to double down on the cynical side of the street... and with all the pitfalls that stance may present... but it does amaze me, almost everyday, whilst listening to phone ins etc and conversations one overhears or encounters, that with Humanity now having so much connectivity, and easy access to pretty much all knowledge ( ‘ cept Area 51 of course ;) ) - how ignorant so many people seem about matters, and in many cases actually relish that ignorance- and this from a broad spectrum of what would be considered well educated, to the lesser favoured ones...

And I’m not claiming any special status or superiority, just an observation, from well, observations!
One of the problems we have today is information/news overload. It is impossible to double check all the information we are served up so, in general, we concentrate on the issues that most concern/interest us and we gravitate to the sources that we trust the most. However, I doubt that there is any media source that does not have some form of bias or 'spin' as the geopolitical situation across the world is impossibly complex.
We also tend to favour sources that generally support our own views rather than find out what the 'opposition' are saying. For example, the vast majority of Guardian readers are left leaning while Times readers are right leaning. Wouldn't it be more informative if people read both?
Never going to happen!
My daily go-to media site is The Guardian, but I'm also a fan of Michelle Dewberry and Nana Akua on GB News.
Oh and I don't believe in political left and right either!
My daily go-to media site is The Guardian, but I'm also a fan of Michelle Dewberry and Nana Akua on GB News.
Oh and I don't believe in political left and right either!
I sincerely believe that rigid polarisation of political views is the enemy of any real progress. It stunts debate and co-operation and it results in a see-saw that goes nowhere instead.