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Nightmare time - what terrifies you?

Re: water

placeholder said:
i think the water = subconscious thing is interesting. i'm terrified of water, don't even like letting the water from the shower run over my face BUT one of my techniques for getting off to sleep when i was in my teens was to imagine myself lying in a little rowboat at night on a massive dark body of water. if i trailed my fingers in the water i could bring up a dream. this was an image that ocurred to me spontaneously and then grew into a whole long series of images and locations to choose from.

Going OT for a mo, I have always had immense trouble getting to sleep and have found that the exact same imagery you describe is the only thing that gets me to sleep at night. The only difference is that I'm always surrounded by thick fog. I vaguely remeber hearing about a study that had been carried out into methods people use to get to sleep. Those people that picture water based scenarios (such as lying on a beach, sitting in a boat) fell asleep sooner than those counting sheep etc. Can't remeber if they provided an explanation of why though.

Anyway, back to the horror.
krobone said:
Anconite said:
Still, I don't like getting in deep, dark water. :shock:

That's not phobic, that's just SMART, is what that is. You know who's most likely to drown? People who AREN'T afraid of the water.

My biggest fear, hands down, waking or having a nightmare, is scorpions. Developers have begun raping, excuse me, I mean BUILDING in the desert behind my house and my house has been infested for the last several years with the damn things. I've been stung by the little bastards enough times to know that they won't kill me (unless I develop an allergy, which I wouldn't know about until the next time I got stung and DIED), and I no longer hyperventilate when I see them, or scream loud enough for the neighbors to hear. But I do turn into a person with Tourette's and curse like...like...well...like a person who finds a scorpion in the shower for the 3rd time in a week. Brrr I HATE them little f****ers. I'm a pacifist at heart but if a nuclear device were to take all the scorpions off the planet I'd be there to push the button. :twisted:
mindalai said:
I've always had a horrible fear at the thought of animals who walk upright like humans. I don't just mean dogs on their hind legs or anything as simple as that, but animals who are formed like humans from the neck down, and maybe even wearing human clothes, but have animal heads.

Well, we know you're not a furry... ;)
Being dead and not able to think - okay, if I was dead and there was nothing, then I wouldn't know, but I can think NOW! My RL is pretty poor, materialistically, and in terms of happiness, for various reason, but ever since I was about 6 , my inner life has been amazingly rich, ( when my dad phoned me the other day and asked me what I'd done with my life, I said, ' I've been living in my head, which is a damn sight more interesting than anything outside it! )
The thought of not being able to read, invent stories in my head, and then write them, fills me with fear and sorrow and the sense of absoloute waste.

I should have added that I do have nightmares that I can't think, or an somehow not allowed to ' dream ' or have fantasies, and have to do something like stand in a room and file papers all day, and when I try and daydream, some-one appears and ' blankets ' my mind, so I can't. More horrible than it sounds.
I have had some obscure nightmares that don't sound alarming, but are somehow deeply disturbing.
I hate watching scenes in tv programmes/films where people are either trapped or swimming underwater. I feel compelled to hold my breath - I know it's stupid cos these scenes are filmed in different takes. It's always amazing just how long these actors manage to hold their breath underwater, while having a fight, rescuing someone from a submerged car etc, and surface hardly out of breath, never mind choking half to death like the rest of us normal peeps! :roll:
Has anyone else ever played the game where you hold your breath while passing a cemetary so as not to breathe in the dead people?

We used to play it as kids.

For some reason we also used to hold our breath when going across bridges. I have no idea why.
:lol: I didn't even realize they were two seperate threads. Shows how much I was paying attention when clicking the "watch this topic" buttons. :roll:
uair01 said:
Maybe we should merge these two threads:
what really scares you

I don't know - this thread has become more of a 'nightmare/bad dreams' thread, while the other one seems more 'the thing I'm most scared of'.

Still, up to the mods. :nonplus:
I can't honestly say that I know what scares me most in real life. I think being trapped and/or held against my will would be near the top of the list, though.

As for dreams... well, I've never met anyone who had the same number of nightmares as me.

Some of my "recurring" dreams/nightmares include:

"Waking up" in my dream to find myself back in Texas, living with my parents. My husband is in England. I have no way to call or contact him, and no money to get back to England. Or, I may be able to get my way to the airport, but there's no planes going to England. Or, if there is a plane to England, and I have a ticket, the plane never takes off, or gets delayed, or I miss it. During these dreams, I suffer indescribable panic and anxiety. My parents act oblivious, or actively try to stop me from getting to a plane, or they won't allow me to call. Occasionally, I can't remember our phone number, or if I can remember the number, the line is dead or the number no longer works. In these dreams, I have *never* managed to contact him, and for hours after waking up, I feel disturbed, anxious, terrified. Sometimes I feel like sobbing because of the utter helplessness of my situation in the dream. I usually get these every few weeks.


This one is weird.

I am huge- in size, not weight. Big enough that I'm several times larger than the planet. I'm floating in space, and if I wanted, I could kick the sun with my feet while sticking my hands into Saturn.

The scary thing in these dreams is that I can't move. I'm immobile, and watching the planets drift along. I'm not so terribly bothered by Earth, or Mars. They're solid (though I have a feeling that if they crashed into me, they'd keep moving and I'd get dragged around in space.)

No, I am utterly terrified of Saturn and Jupiter touching me, or of putting my hands into the sun. The sun makes sense- it could burn me. I don't know what's so scary about the gas giants except that we don't know what's at the center of them.

And in my dream, the gas giants and the sun keep drifting toward me (or, I keep drifting toward them). I panic because I am *terrified* of touching them, but I can't move to get out of the way, and I can't use my hands to push them away from me because of the fear of them touching me.

It's so bizarre and makes no sense whatsoever.


Recurring nightmares of water in general.

Either the deep, dark blackness of the ocean. I find myself tossed out to sea (or I was flying and the power of flight left me and I crashed into the water). I feel like the ocean is just going to swallow me up- or a monster with a mouth 20 feet in diameter is going to scoop me up and eat me. There's never anywhere to go, I'm just stuck and helpless.

Or, I get caught up in the waves of the ocean, tubling end over end, about to drown, and at the last second I can breathe water. Still scary, because there's still monsters in there.

This one, I've had since I was a child- a massive cave deep under the ocean. It has breathable air in it, and there's sea plants and coral all over the place. There's also pools of water, some leading out to the ocean, and some just black pools with a deep bottom. I'm terrified of going near these pools of water because of what might be lurking underneath. Occasionally in this dream, there's a "bad man" or a "monster" in the cave with me that I am trying to escape from, but there is no where to go or hide.

Another freaky one- not as scary as the others, but still disturbing. I can breath underwater, and swim very well. The water is crystal clear, and there's loads of other people who can breathe like I can. We swim around merrily with the sea creatures, escape from sharks, help our little fish friends, and explore giant coral constructions that are hollow inside. In this dream, I'll be swimming happily enough, a little afraid of the giant sea animals that want to eat me, but there's not too many of them- but I suddenly lose the ability to breathe, and I start drowning. When this happens, I'm at the bottom of the ocean, hundreds of feet, or several miles, down, and can't get to the surface fast enough.

In this one, the entire world in flooding. I'm in a sort of liquer store with my husband, and as I look out the windows, I can see the water coming, and see it flooding everything. We're on a very large hill, and we're the last people alive. The water is slowly inching it's way up the building, getting close to the windows (somehow, it's not seeping in through any cracks, or through the door). I panic and start screaming that I don't want to drown, and while I do this, my husband is dousing himself with alcoholo. I notice this and realise he's going to set himself on fire instead of drowning, and I just scream and cry even more and try to stop him. I don't know what happened at the end of this dream, but I'm sure I don't want to know.


I seem to have some issues with water, it would appear :D :p
My Worst Dream Ever

Last year, Mary, my best friend of 15 years died unexpectedly of a heart attack. It was tragedy for her family. She left two small children behind with a husband, who although he was the biological father, had always left all of the parenting to her. He pretty much just came home from work and watched TV, yelling abuse at the kids if they got in between him and the TV screen. In additiion she was the primary caregiver for her alcoholic father and alzheimer's-stricken mother.

About a month after her death, I had this dream. I'm shopping in the local grocery store and I see Mary at the store too, alive. But the thing is, she isn't really well. Her skin is sinewy, leathered, and her eyes are not firmly imbedded in her eye sockets. They are loose in places, and rolling a bit out of her control. Her skin color is sort of a gray-yellow and she smells like a pile of decaying leaves.

I'm not afraid of her, but I'm stricken with a sense of horror in the true sense of the word--I know that only something terrible can explain her presence among the living. Yet at the same time, I'm happy that she isn't really dead, happy to have my dear friend back.

I ask her what happened, because I thought she was dead. She tells me that there was a mistake, and that she was alive when they buried her, but in a coma. She describes her terror at waking up on the coffin, not being able to get out.

Somehow, after several weeks, she was able to dig her way out, but her body is in the shape it's in because she was undergound in a casket for so long. She doesn't look truly decayed or monstrous, but it's almost worse because she's only partly monstrous, and I know that the real Mary is in there, aware that her appearance, indeed her continued existence, is itself horrific.

I take leave of her abruptly and go home, because I can't cope with the thought of what has happened to her. In my dream, I'm having the same thought processes that I probably would if this had been a true scenario. Such as what about her poor children--would it be better to have this undead mom or no mom at all? I'm also feeling the heavy weight of guilt. I was her best friend, I should have known that she wasn't dead, that the doctors couldn't be right. I wake up crying.

I spent nearly the whole next day replaying this dream, wondering about its significance, concerned that Mary might be trying to send me a message. I was so affected by this dream, that it wasn't until late in the day that I remembered that she had been cremated. I don't know if Mary was talking to me, or what she was trying to say, but I was at least a little relieved to know for certain that she wasn't buried alive.
After our old dog died I had dreams like that for years, where she would come back to life somehow. It was a horrible feeling because on the one hand I was glad she was back with us, but on the other hand I knew that she was supposed to be dead and that something wasn't right. It was horrible after waking up too, remembering the dreams.
tatooed: " . . . it's almost worse because she's only partly monstrous, and I know that the real Mary is in there, aware that her appearance, indeed her continued existence, is itself horrific."

The very stuff of nightmare, encapsulated! I hope that the act of fixing it so well in words helped contain it. :)
mindalai said:
The scariest ghost story I ever heard was about a boy who woke up to find a fox walking through his bedroom on its hind legs, wearing a suit and a top hat. I'm sure it was just a dream but I really can't think of anything that scares me more.

Oh yeah u hate that stuff huh? Dare you to watch this.......

Rat Person
Is it my imagination, or did that video come from VH1 and it has the symbol/slogan thing very slightly scrambled?
Nothing supernatural scares me. Not any more.
Human_84 said:
mindalai said:
The scariest ghost story I ever heard was about a boy who woke up to find a fox walking through his bedroom on its hind legs, wearing a suit and a top hat. I'm sure it was just a dream but I really can't think of anything that scares me more.

Oh yeah u hate that stuff huh? Dare you to watch this.......

Rat Person

Now that's funny! :lol: