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Oops! The Silly Mistakes Thread

Not even a deceased parrot.

After hearing word of a stray exotic parrot in the woods of Princeton, New Jersey, police sought the help of Animal Control to capture the misplaced bird and find its owner.

Animal Control officer Jim Ferry arrived at the destination where a concerned citizen, Tim Lynch, led him to the animal perched high in a tree.

"The two of us were walking back there not wanting to scare away it so it flies away, and as we get closer I'm thinking 'oh my gosh, this poor thing is dead,'" Lynch told 6ABC. "We're about two feet away, he's about to throw the net over it, and he goes 'it's fake.'"

From a Facebook post by the Princeton NJ Police Department:

"If anyone is missing this beautiful decorative ceramic parrot, please contact our department where he is being lovingly cared for."..

my own silly mistake-missed a Dr appt this week, office called did I get the time wrong? No I had the day of the week wrong, no idea the date. Well, they replied gently, do you have a calendar?

Do i have a calendar? Do I have a calendar! Since 2k I’ve created and gifted signed numbered funny weird tasty art calendars that evolved from gbc xereox, hand bound n sewn ink jet to commercial printing, Due to print error I gave away close to 150 of my 2022 calendars just this year. (Dm if you want one I will mail overseas).

its like old joke about guy goes to doctor w suicidal depression that nothing helps. doc says hey its a long shot but there’s this fantastic clown Pagliacci who can help you laugh, find hope, change your view. guys says w tear running down his face Doc I am Pagliacci


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Not even a deceased parrot.

After hearing word of a stray exotic parrot in the woods of Princeton, New Jersey, police sought the help of Animal Control to capture the misplaced bird and find its owner.

Animal Control officer Jim Ferry arrived at the destination where a concerned citizen, Tim Lynch, led him to the animal perched high in a tree.

"The two of us were walking back there not wanting to scare away it so it flies away, and as we get closer I'm thinking 'oh my gosh, this poor thing is dead,'" Lynch told 6ABC. "We're about two feet away, he's about to throw the net over it, and he goes 'it's fake.'"

From a Facebook post by the Princeton NJ Police Department:


Our detectives used to have to use considerable imagination in order to weed out time-wasting jobs.

One day, a mate of mine received from his DS a crime report about a theft. He skim-read the M.O. section: “Blah blah theft of pheasant blah blah…”

He thought for a moment, then scribbled the following about his “investigation”:

“l attended the scene and spoke to the injured party. Examination of the pheasant pen revealed a hole in the wire at one corner, with a trail of blood and shed feathers leading through it and into some woods. Local enquiries reveal that neighbours have heard a fox barking in the area. Suggest not theft but natural predation. Write off.” He then dropped it into his DS’s “In” tray.

Smiling at having saved himself hours of work on a minor job that had no possibility of a detection, he selected the next file from that day’s allocation of twenty new crimes and got on with it.

The following morning he was surprised to see the file back on his desk. Attached was a note from his DS: “Re-read M.O. section and resume investigation.”

Baffled, he turned to that section and read:

Theft of ornamental concrete pheasant…”

maximus otter
Autocorrect strikes again ... Pittsburgh police responded to a 911 call prompted by a text message. The text message autocorrected what was supposed to be "fire alarm" into "firearm", and this triggered a massive response to what was mistakenly believed to be an active shooter incident.
Police: Autocorrected text triggered large police presence on Pittsburgh’s North Side

A misinterpreted text message sparked a scary situation in the city’s North Side on Friday afternoon.

At around 12:30 p.m. many workers and guests at Nova Place were promptly evacuated, while nearby neighbors watched police and EMS fill the entire block of South Commons Street, shutting down portions of the street to manage what was believed to be an active shooter. ...

For more than two hours, police searched Nova Place and the vicinity.

At one point, Pittsburgh Public School District also confirmed that nearby elementary schools such as King PreK-8 and Allegheny PreK-5 were also placed on lockdown.

All these actions, for what ultimately turned out to be a big misunderstanding. ...

According to police, a person meant to text “fire alarm,” but instead sent “firearm.”

“The person texted [another] person off-site fire alarm. [But] what was meant to say fire alarm came out as firearm. When they didn’t respond to their phone, the person that got the text called police because they thought there was an immediate danger, but there was not,” said Maurice Matthews, PIO for the City of Pittsburgh Police. ...
FULL STORY: https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stori...burghs-north-side/6W2RR6AEGZCRLNB3DSXEVXHHL4/

Five £1,000,000 houses demolished before anyone ever lived in them

The £1,000,000 houses dominated the landscape on the West Pennine Moors but were in breach of planning rules.
After they were almost completed, building inspectors found that they were up to a third bigger than they had been given permission for and in different locations.

Bolton Council ordered them to be demolished in 2018 and after much wrangling, demolition of the final house started at the weekend.
‘There are two applications for individual plots to be built with slight alterations.

‘The intent is to rebuild them and save so much materials, brick by brick.’

UK police responded to a reported tiger lounging on a lawn, but found the alleged big cat was a stuffed toy.
Police find reported tiger on the loose was stuffed toy

Police in Oldham, England, responded to a call about a tiger loose in a neighborhood garden that ended up being a stuffed toy.

A concerned citizen made the call thinking that a real tiger was resting on the grass. ...

Police quickly arrived onto the scene and determined that it was a stuffed toy.

The GMP Oldham Central Facebook page uploaded a photo of the stuffed animal ...

"Tony is now safely booked into property at Oldham Police station," the Facebook post continued.
FULL STORY: https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2022/03/23/police-tiger-lose-stuffed-toy/5211648037296/
I keep trying to reply to @Floyd1's comment with the photo of the wrecked canal but the board won't let me.

My reply is along the lines of Pfft, I have my OWN photos of it. :cool:
I keep trying to reply to @Floyd1's comment with the photo of the wrecked canal but the board won't let me.

My reply is along the lines of Pfft, I have my OWN photos of it. :cool:
Ah. But you didn't post that one and I thought it showed the damage that was done more clearer than the ones you did post.
Ah. But you didn't post that one and I thought it showed the damage that was done more clearer than the ones you did post.
That one is off a website and had already been posted, whereas I went there myself and personally took about two dozen photos of it covering a mile or more.
They show the result of the breach; stranded boats, large items like bikes sticking out of the mud, the wildlife rescue teams recovering live fish and so on.
Accidentally bought not one, but TWO full-price two-slice packs of posh cheesecake t'other night as they'd been dumped in the Tesco Ooops fridge.
Wasn't amused at the time but they were delicious. :cool:
about two dozen photos of it covering a mile or more
Possibly your pictures that you are having difficulty posting have been saved in a format that t'boards do not like.
Try opening them in MS Paint (eg), checking that their size is down to something sensible like 800x600 pixels (click on 'canvas' and drag the edges of the pic making sure that both boxes are checked for 'scale with size' or whatever they are on the right hand side) and then saving them specifically as JPEG with a memorable new name.
This should then allow you to retrieve them and post them as an 'insert'.
Possibly your pictures that you are having difficulty posting have been saved in a format that t'boards do not like.
Try opening them in MS Paint (eg), checking that their size is down to something sensible like 800x600 pixels (click on 'canvas' and drag the edges of the pic making sure that both boxes are checked for 'scale with size' or whatever they are on the right hand side) and then saving them specifically as JPEG with a memorable new name.
This should then allow you to retrieve them and post them as an 'insert'.
I only posted two on'ere, with no difficulty.
I still can't reply to that post either on the Mac or Android phone.

Edit: oh yeah.
Last edited:
Isle of Sheppey police responded to a report of a crocodile on the loose, but it turned out to be a realistic toy.
Reported crocodile on the loose in England was a 2-foot-long toy

Police on Britain's Isle of Sheppey said officers responded to a report of a crocodile on the loose, but arrived to find the reported reptile was a realistic toy.

Kent Police Swale said officers responded to a location in Queenborough, on the Isle of Sheppey off the coast of Kent, England, when a jogger reported seeing a crocodile on the loose. ...

Police tweeted that officers "were snappy in getting there and fortunately it turned out not to be real."

The reported alligator was a 2-foot-long toy. Police said the object was confiscated to prevent any further confusion. ...
FULL STORY (With Photo): https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2022/03/24/Isle-of-Sheppey-loose-crocodile-toy/5761648144012/
Doesn't a fully articulated / connected human skeleton *have to be* something other than natural human remains?
Texas police find reported 'skeletal remains' were a 'plastic prop'

Police in Texas said officers responded to a call about the discovery of "skeletal remains" near a road and arrived to find the cause of the report was "a plastic prop skeleton."

The Converse Police Department said an investigation was launched when police received "a report of skeletal remains" ...

"Upon arrival, they discovered a plastic prop skeleton discarded in a field," the department said in a Facebook post.

The post said the "remains" were "removed and given a proper burial." ...
FULL STORY: https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2022/0...letal-remains-plastic-skeleton/8181648582576/
It's unusual damage to do when 'no other vehicles were involved'.
Looks indicative of having being driven underneath something, like the back of a truck?
What an arse.