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Has anyone been involved in hypnotic regression, or knows of any one who believes they have had a previous existance and can go some way to substanciate it.
no, but i'm deeply suspicious of most of those who have. when you think that throughout history, 99.99999% of people lived as famers and were never heard of again, the number of reincarnatied egyptians princesses begins to look a bit silly. people always seem to come up with past lives which are a sort of wish-fulfillment.
I'm not sure where this 'Egyptian Princess' thing comes from - many regressions I've read about are about people who led ordinary, humdrum lives.

But the one that made me think was about a woman who remebered a life in France, and many of the details she gave could be corroborated - but then someone discovered that her story matched exactly that of a novel set in that period. Presumably the woman had at some time read this book, and it had lodged in her subconscious (or whatever).

When i think of all the books I've read, I wonder what regression stories I might come up with!
My aunt's brother under went hypnotic regression in 1991.

It really spooked him and he won't talk about it anymore.

I heard him talk about it once, about 4 years ago. He said he was in a village, all stone and mud buildings, and he was being chased out of it by the villagers in a sort of lynch mob type way. A girl had been killed in the village and they all blamed him. They chased him up a tree, and set fire to it. He couldn't explain what had happened to the villagers because he had trouble forming sentences. He was a kind of village idiot. He 'woke up' just as the fire reached his feet.

It really scared him, and I could see how uncomfortable he felt about talking about it.

Does anyone else know of unpleasent experiences while being regressed? The only ones I hear are the, aforementioned Egyptian Princesses, and fairytale type stuff.
I met someone 20 years ago who had done hypnotic regression.
He was very much a believer in reincarnation, and wanted to see what his previous life was like.
In his regression, he saw someone who looked like him dressed as a vicar, playing a church organ. It was apparently the Victorian era, and the church was somewhere in Kent. He somehow knew the name of the vicar, and knew it was him in a previous incarnation.
Apparently, he tried to do a search for information about this vicar, and found a name and location which appeared to corroborate his story.
The strange thing is, this guy's personality and his spirituality did seem reminiscent of an old-fashioned vicar...
M8 at work who hypnotised her sista. Will get dtails 4 youse 2day.
Would any of you here want to be hypnotically regressed? I'd like to give it a go, not in the expectation or hope that I'd be an Egyptian princess or similar, just to see what happened. I've never been hypnotised full stop - what's it like?

I'd have to be convinced that the hypnotist wouldn't ask leading questions. Dunno If I like people playing with my brain.:rolleyes:
After reading Matheson's 'Stir of Echoes', I'm almost afraid to try. But curiosity overwhelms me. Never been hypnotized, don't know if I'm the type. But I'd give it a go in a minute.
One of my friends has been hypnotically regressed. He said he saw a street from someone's view point, I can't remember what era he said, and smelled lavender. He later checked it out, and came to the conclusion that he was a prostitute in a past life; lavender having at one point in history been their calling card.
I'd love to try hypnotic regression. Be just my luck that I'm the sort who can't be hypnotised. Be good fun to try though.
You do know that you hypnotize yourself. The hypnotist is really just an awake, clear thinking guide. You, when you are hypnotized, tend to think rather fuzzily. I remember, and I have no idea why such an image would come to mind, that I was being held by someone. It must have been my father because I had the impression of a wool, black and red checked shirt that he wore. But later, when I thought about it, what impressed me was my viewpoint. I was in his arms with my head a little above his left shoulder... just as you would hold a small child. A sample of my childhood that my mind served up.
The Bridey Murphey case would be the classic example - but can I remember any details through my post Xmas miasma?? If I recall correctly, she was a ?New Yorker? who revealed accurate details of growing up in 19th Century Ireland. I think it was proved/speculated that she was subconsciously repeating stories told to her as a child by an Irish neighbour.

Apropos of nothing, Pete Townsend opens a Who song - "In a Hand or a Face" - with the lines

"Ain't it funny how they're all Cleopatra
When you gaze into their past"
What about the case of Jenny Cockell? She had dreams all her life of an old cottage and a large family. It turned out that she was seeing the memories of an Irish woman. She found children of this woman (now in their 70s?) and they accept that she is the reincarnation of their dead mother.
Funny, I was just reading about that case fifteen minutes ago. Go to the Skeptical Inquirer homepage, you can read something about it there.
Mmm, it's an interesting article, a bit harsh don'tyathink? I personally believe in reincarnation, there has been too many cases of children remembering things that they would have no access to.
My aunt actually had this regression therapy done, and she tape recorded the entire process. I heard about it form my mother quite some time ago, but the long and the short of it was that she led some farmer type life as a man in this former life, and she actually spoke in another voice during the session. The whole thing freaked her out so much that she is unable to listen to the tape to this day.
Xanatic said:
Funny, I was just reading about that case fifteen minutes ago. Go to the Skeptical Inquirer homepage, you can read something about it there.


As for the cases of children allegedly remembering past lives - firstly, these kids are almost always toddlers when they start "remembering". As any parent will tell you, children at this age are still learning verbal skills and have yet to master all the complexities of grammer. In particular, they will often mix up tenses. "When I was big, I learn to swim" my young son solemmly informed me once; we were discussing the subject of water and swimming, so I knew at once that he meant "When I am big, I will learn to swim." But if I had a very strong belief in reincarnation, I would almost certainly have interpreted it as a past-life memory and become hyper-alert to any further "evidence".
I don't know where to find a reference to it, but I remember reading a critique of the study of allegedly reincarnated Indian children; it found that practically all of the kids were from families that were poorer and lower-caste than their "past-life" family - so that the birth-families had a strong motive to claim that their kids were remembering a past life with the richer families.
I did find the article a bit harsh. Especially since it seems it was genuine belief that caused it. Not someone trying to make money or so. But it is the only mention I have seen of the case so I don't know enough to have an opinion on it.

Reincarnation is however one of the best cases for a form of afterlife. There are many strange cases.
Are you talking about children under the age of 5? I remember reading a book by an American on reincarnation sometime ago. She had researched many accounts and the majority of them came from older children.
Palmer Eldridge said:
My aunt actually had this regression therapy done, and she tape recorded the entire process. I heard about it form my mother quite some time ago, but the long and the short of it was that she led some farmer type life as a man in this former life, and she actually spoke in another voice during the session. The whole thing freaked her out so much that she is unable to listen to the tape to this day.

Now that I like! Usually it's all princesses and Comte' de Saint-Germains when it comes to talk of regression therapy. It's refreshing to hear these kinds of stories.
Personally, I found the CSICOP article intriguing and very cogent. (Perhaps if it had been critical of a less popular belief system it might have been held in high esteem by more people ;) ).
As a psychiatric nurse I am familiar with only one case of hypnotic regression. A patient who claimed to be a necrophile was regressed (using drugs) in order to ascertain the truth of allusions to homicide he had made. It turned out that the whole thing was an attention seeking ruse. Unfortunately, this technique is not often used.

...that someone should think that everyone born on the same day as me should have had similar past lives! (In my case, in South Island NZ, about 700, building temples, being scientists and believing in magic...)
Past Life Regression

For a mere $14.95 you can buy a Computer Program to carry out regression on yourself! I'm tempted.... :cool:
I did a bit of a search and couldnt find anything here, I may even be on the wrong board, so appologies if this is the case!

Im just very curious about PLR and would love to see what mine is, (when I get the time!) if any. I just wondered if anybody else here has done it and if they would like to share their story?!

It's open to the same problems as regressive hypnosis, as used with 'abductees'. That is, it's open to leading by the interviewer, and fabrication by the interviewees' own imagination.
Thats always going to be the porblem unless you can talk to the hypnotist befor hand about your concerns and have a friend video it while its happening.

A great idea as after spending that money being mind melded you got a souvenir as well -YAY bring out the day glow erasers and not books -
why with past life regression do people end up working for royalty or in other possitions of power never serf or peasant?? besides aren't there now more people alive now than have ever lived?
I read loads about this years ago and found that a lot of peeps don't appear to regress to any notable previous lives.

There's a famous instance where a woman 'regressed' to a massacre of the Jewish inhabitants of York, at a time when it was not known that such an event had happened. The massacre was 'rediscovered' after the regression.

No book to hand about this unfortunately.

Edgar Cayce used to regress to previous lives and was at some point in history an Atlantean, I seem to remember. :rolleyes:

Most 'regressions' are supported by the the subject's use of previously unknown (they claim) languages, which are usually found to have been spoken around them in their extreme youth.

It's a bit like the 'speaking in tongues'.


Curse that residual pre-birth life memory!