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Looks like there is a major poltergeist event going on in Wakefield right now. Family has moved out as it is escalating and violent. Last pic showed it had ripped the fire surround right off the wall and strewn ornaments round the living room. They are getting a Catholic Bishop in to help remove whatever is doing it. Apparently he had visited the house before but said there was too much going on for him to clear alone. He is coming back with backup. Several other houses in the nearby streets have had to get priests or Imams in to help clear activity but this one house seems to be the worst. Source- Local Facebook group.
Looks like there is a major poltergeist event going on in Wakefield right now. Family has moved out as it is escalating and violent. Last pic showed it had ripped the fire surround right off the wall and strewn ornaments round the living room. They are getting a Catholic Bishop in to help remove whatever is doing it. Apparently he had visited the house before but said there was too much going on for him to clear alone. He is coming back with backup. Several other houses in the nearby streets have had to get priests or Imams in to help clear activity but this one house seems to be the worst. Source- Local Facebook group.
Hi Marion. Can you provide the link to that local facebook group please?.
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Hi Marion. Can you provide the link to that local facebook group please?.
They have taken down most of the posts though for some reason have started posting odd things again, including other people relating things that happened on the same street and others nearby. I don't want to post publicly as they are already getting it from all sides. Latest update the landlord won't allow the bishop access so because the family have moved out there are some investigators there. Will pm you the name of the group.
Here is a family with the surname of Wakefield who live in Manchester and claim to have a resident poltergeist:


This was first shown in 2013 so might be the source of an urban legend...?

Edit: here they are in the Daily Express with what they alledge to be photographic evidence:

No this on ongoing right now in Wakefield.
Here is a family with the surname of Wakefield who live in Manchester and claim to have a resident poltergeist:


This was first shown in 2013 so might be the source of an urban legend...?

Edit: here they are in the Daily Express with what they alledge to be photographic evidence:

Hee! .. I know Chris Halton in one of the links in the bottom link you've provided. He's gone out on invests with us and had a short TV series a while back.

Thanks for sending me that link Marion. Paul is right in noticing that it's an interesting coincidence at least that we had a Poltergeist affecting a family with the surname Wakefield in 2013 and now there's a Poltergeist being reported active in the area of Wakefield instead. That or that could suggest, as Paul's suggested, it could be a conflated urban legend.

Have you personally visited this area yet while the reports are coming in Marion?.

I've just registered on your page and hopefully will be accepted :)
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Well I have no idea what a "Class B" paranormal encounter is and I'm unlikely to buy this book:

The Forest Poltergeist: Class B Encounters and the Paranormal​


But, the author makes a good point in asking if the tree knocks and stone throwing attributed to Sasquatch/Bigfoot is in fact poltergeist activity...?
Well I have no idea what a "Class B" paranormal encounter is and I'm unlikely to buy this book:

The Forest Poltergeist: Class B Encounters and the Paranormal​


But, the author makes a good point in asking if the tree knocks and stone throwing attributed to Sasquatch/Bigfoot is in fact poltergeist activity...?
I think that the author has lifted that from Where The Footprints End
Well I have no idea what a "Class B" paranormal encounter is and I'm unlikely to buy this book:

The Forest Poltergeist: Class B Encounters and the Paranormal​


But, the author makes a good point in asking if the tree knocks and stone throwing attributed to Sasquatch/Bigfoot is in fact poltergeist activity...?
More likley to be a relic hominin i think than a spirit of the dead.
This case from the 1960s might warrant further investigation:

Coal Throwing​

Location: Plymouth (Devon) - Unnamed residence, Clifton Place
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: April - May 1964
Further Comments: Three flats were subjected to poltergeist damage. One set of occupants slept away from their home after the entity threw coal (even though coal was not stored on the site), while the occupants of the other two flats were served notice because of damage to their properties. Reverand J G Byrnell investigated the case and, after spending time in an empty flat and witnessing pieces of flying coal, urged all occupants to stay.

Another older one but with some provenance:

Cold Water​

Location: Sunderland (Tyne and Wear) - Private residence, General Havelock Road
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: February - April 1957
Further Comments: Adults living at this property were subjected to prodding and the sensation of icy water being poured over them. Doors would also open and close unaided, footsteps heard on the staircase, and a strange zig-zag line would appear on the living room wall. The Bishop of Jarrow was summoned to bless the house and for a while the haunting ceased before restarting. The family eventually moved away.

Renovations triggering poltergeist activity is a common theme;

Stalking Box​

Location: Frome (Somerset) - Private residence (no longer standing), Oakfield Road
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 22 February 1963
Further Comments: Two men working on the demolition of a row of cottages walked through an old kitchen and had a piece of crockery smash on the wall behind them. Initially suspecting another workman of playing a joke, the men changed their minds as a wooden box slide across the floor, as if following them, and another piece of crockery smashed behind them. The men escaped by jumping through the kitchen window.

Yet another 1960s case:

Plate Smashing​

Location: Gateshead (Tyne and Wear) - Bronte Street, unknown house
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 03 November 1963 - January 1964
Further Comments: Poltergeist disruption in a council house here was said to be so bad that the tenant finally fled after bottles were smashed and their crockery broken. An exorcism was performed on the site in December after which the activity ceased, until the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day when Christmas Decorations were shattered and chairs moved across the floor.


Young Girl​

Location: Ballinacurra (County Cork) - Village House
Type: Poltergeist
Date / Time: 1997 - 2003
Further Comments: While events started small, with electrical equipment switching itself on and off, it was not too long before the occupants returned from a day out to find the furniture rearranged. Footsteps could be heard, doors opened unaided, and apports came and went. One visitor watched a young girl in old-fashioned clothing enter a room and stand by a fireplace. The family moved away in 2003.

There are a lot of accounts from Ireland in one update so it will be from one particular book I would imagine. The database is great for flagging up cases but you then have to track down the source material.
Do we have a thread on rapports?
Techy and I have both separately experienced them. I still own the one that fell on me.