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Profiling Ghosties


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jul 31, 2001
An interesting thought just struck me (no it didn't hurt). With all the interest over ghosts these days, I was wondering if there ever has been an effort to investigate just what types of people become ghosts. I know some of the theories based on type of death, but are there any on type of life? Do a large number of 'ghosts' fit into a certain personality type? I guess this would require a large effort to first figure out who, exactly, the ghosts were in life and then figure out what kind of people they were.

It also occured to me that it seems some people don't see ghosts, even at the same time and place when others do. Does this mean certain types of people (personalities) are more likey to 'see' ghosts? Mainly I'm interested in just regular ppl, not so-called mediums or psychics.

If anyone knows of any existing research, by all means lead me there. And wild speculation is, of course, always welcome. Thanks.
mike_legs said:
It also occured to me that it seems some people don't see ghosts, even at the same time and place when others do. Does this mean certain types of people (personalities) are more likey to 'see' ghosts? Mainly I'm interested in just regular ppl, not so-called mediums or psychics.

When I was at university, one of my friends seemed to be a magnet for weirdness of the ghostly variety. When he first moved out of halls of residence, in the first house he lived in he was plagued by vaguely polt-like activity; mysterious banging noises, lights switching on and off by themselves, swinging lamp fittings etc. He said that the last straw was when he woke up just in time to see his digital alarm clock fade. Thinking he needed to feed the meter, he trotted downstairs, only to find that it was still going. Going back up he then found that not only was the clock off, it was switched off and unplugged at the wall. He was off down the accommodation officer later that day!

After university, he moved into another house in Cardiff with his partner, and was again subject to footsteps, and on one occasion a figure in an upper window when the house was supposed to be empty. The pub a few doors down was apparently also haunted by a thing which (as pub ghosts seem to like doing) turned off the taps in the cellar. The landlord also swore blind that he'd come down in the small hours and seen what looked like a feather boa float across the bar!

My mate lives in Caerleon now. I must get in touch and see if he's had any weirdness since moving!