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Re-Wiring Your Brain While Dreaming


Justified & Ancient
Jun 8, 2008
I seem to remember something similar in a previous topic (please move if necessary). I have a common theme with a lot of my dreams, which I'm pretty sure relates to a lifelong theme of getting near a goal, but not reaching it. Most of them involve me getting ready to do something that would be pleasant. I then have to get something I've lost and never get back to the original place.

I have wondered, like the similar thread, if I could possibly force the dream to a positive outcome, it may change my 'mindset'. I was slightly annoyed to wake up this morning, and I hadn't managed to change it.

I also, in a dream, met someone with whom I had been unpleasant in the past, causing me guilt feelings (even in a dream). But this time, instead of turning away from him, I talked to him, apologised and shook his hand. It will be interesting for me to see if this changes anything over a period of time.
I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that Jung would say that other people you meet in your dreams are ciphers for aspects of your own personality.

When people mention controlling their dreams I'm always reminded of Omni magazine's Flying Club wher the letters pages became filled with accounts of people learning to fly in their dreams. They claimed they needed to practice before they could achieve proper altitude, acrobatics and speed. I guess they found it a rather liberating experience.

Maybe practice that. Changing the record maybe better than trying to Tardis a different and more positive outcome to your repeating concerns.
I often have a dream in which I'm getting ready to go horse riding (one of my childhood passions), but just as I get to the horse something happens, a phone rings, someone call's me, I have to go and have a drink of water, and then I wake up. Once I wake up I feel so disappointed that I didn't get to have a lovely day of horse riding. I was once told that it's due to a deep seated feeling of not achieving what I wanted to with my life....
cherrybomb said:
I often have a dream in which I'm getting ready to go horse riding (one of my childhood passions), but just as I get to the horse something happens, a phone rings, someone call's me, I have to go and have a drink of water, and then I wake up. Once I wake up I feel so disappointed that I didn't get to have a lovely day of horse riding. I was once told that it's due to a deep seated feeling of not achieving what I wanted to with my life....

I get this a lot! I always wanted a horse (but will never be able to have one now). I often dream I am about to go riding but something happens- people delay me, the horses can't be caught, it gets dark quickly, there are no horses after all or they turn into kittens or something. It's very frustrating and sad :/
I have that about relationships: I meet my perfect mate, and then she disappears - normally for some entirely mundane reason - while I'm left tearing my hair out (what's left of it) and shouting something like 'forget the bloody marmalade - the bus goes in twenty seconds.'

(Seriously - I do; and marmalade has been involved.)
I have heart breaking dreams where I'm reconciled with my ex husband, or still happily married to him.
It makes me so cross with my own subconscious!!
OK, I was with him for 20 years, but I divorced him over 20 years ago, and he was NEVER right for me!
These days he's pompous and objectionable -I do wish my sleep state would give it a rest!
Recycled1 said:
These days he's pompous and objectionable -I do wish my sleep state would give it a rest!

Next time you have the dream, give him a jar of that bloody marmalade - I guarantee you'll never see him again.
I am going to try to change my dreams to a positive outcome if possible. I will let you know if I manage to succeed. :)
Spookdaddy said:
I have that about relationships: I meet my perfect mate, and then she disappears - normally for some entirely mundane reason - while I'm left tearing my hair out (what's left of it) and shouting something like 'forget the bloody marmalade - the bus goes in twenty seconds.'

(Seriously - I do; and marmalade has been involved.)

You are Paddington Bear, and I claim my 5 pounds. :lol: