SIS Press Release 25/02/05
ISIS Report -
Which Science or Scientists Can You Trust?
Michael Meacher told a public conference on Science,
Medicine and the Law in the strongest terms that we need
independent science and scientists who take the
precautionary principle seriously and sweeping changes are
needed in science funding and scientific advice to the
government that ensures the protection of independent
Which scientists?
Nobody disagrees that debate over whether we should go ahead
with new technologies should be conducted on the basis of
science, but which science? Independent science or
industrial science? Let me test out a few examples on you.
Fifteen years ago a lorry driver accidentally tipped 20
tonnes of aluminium sulphate into the public drinking supply
in north Cornwall – nearby residents and local doctors are
convinced they were poisoned; but two Government enquiries
found no evidence. Whom do you believe?
There are childhood leukaemia clusters in villages down the
Cumbrian coast – local residents and independent scientists
think it is the consequence of chronic exposure to low-level
radiation from nearby Sellafield; but the Department of
Industry (DTI) and British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) think it is
nothing to do with local nuclear power stations – their best
explanation is that it is caused by high levels of inward
and outward migration. Whom do you believe?
Mark Purdey, a Somerset farmer turned epidemiologist, has
produced detailed evidence to show that BSE was caused by
farmers spreading Phosmetz, an organohosphate (OP), over the
backs of cattle as a prophylaxis, but the Government's MRC
Toxicology Unit - funded by the pharmaceutical company
Zeneca - apparently refuted this theory. Which company held
all rights over the production of Phosmetz? Zeneca. Whom do
you believe?
Gulf War Syndrome has been a persistent disabling, and
sometimes lethal, condition since the first war in Kuwait in
1991. Both UK and US soldiers and their independent
scientific advisers are convinced that the soldiers were
poisoned by the OP insecticides that they were liberally
sprayed with. But the MOD and chemical companies insist
there is no evidence for this. Whom do you believe?
Well, if you have any doubts, look at what has actually
happened in the past when Government, in the teeth of
overwhelming evidence, have often finally been forced to
back track from entrenched positions that they always said
were supported scientifically.
Science can quite often get things wrong.
Which science?
Government biologists initially refused to accept that power
stations in Britain or Germany could kill fish or trees
hundreds of miles away in Scandinavia; later the idea of
acidification caused by SO 2 was universally accepted.
Government scientists originally did not agree that
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were destroying the ozone layer;
but during the 1987 negotiations on the Montreal Protocol
the industry – ICI and Du Pont – abruptly changed sides, and
ministers and scientists soon fell into line alongside them.
The Lawther working party of Government scientists roundly
rejected any idea that health-damaging high levels of lead
in the blood came overwhelmingly from vehicle exhausts, only
to find that after lead-free petrol was introduced, blood-
lead levels fell 70%.
The Southwood committee of BSE scientists insisted in 1990
that scrapie in cattle could not cross the species barrier,
only to find by 1996 that it did just that. And there are
many more examples.
Scientific uncertainty and the precautionary principle
The only way to deal with these problems is by applying the
precautionary principle. Perhaps the classic formulation of
the precautionary principle was at the Rio Summit in 1992
principle 15: “in order to protect the environment, the
precautionary approach shall be widely applied by states
according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of
serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific
certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-
effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.”
That principle survived renegotiation attempts during the
Johannesburg Summit in September 2002, and was reaffirmed in
the Plan of Implementation that resulted from the Summit.
Why has this not been adopted by scientists and policy-
makers? There can be only one reason: cynicism of not
disturbing powerful political and economic interests.
It is highly disturbing to realise how long it takes for
poisonous chemicals to be banned after scientific evidence
emerged that they were harmful.
* Benzene was demonstrated as powerful bone marrow poison in
* Acute respiratory effects of asbestos was identified 1898
* The ability of PCB to induce chloracne was documented in
But it was not until 1960-70s that significant progress was
made in restricting damages caused by these agents.
Independent scientists vilified
Efforts were made to discredit independent critics, as in
the case of Richard Lacey and Mark Purdey in BSE, & Arpad
Pusztai in GM food, and too many other examples.
Data and reports have been regularly suppressed or
publishers intimidated, as in the Great Lakes chemical case.
The Southwood Committee on BSE believed a ban on the use of
all cattle brains in human food chain might be justified,
but considered that politically unfeasible.
There was also incompetence: the Department of Health was
not informed by MAFF (the then Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, now disbanded) about the emergence of
new disease (BSE) until 17 months after MAFF was first
Pervasive mistrust of science and scientists
No wonder that there is a pervasive mistrust of science and
scientists. But the roots for this go deep.
First, the Rothschild revolution under Thatcher made the
funding of science much more subservient to business
interests. Over the past two decades, getting finance for
scientific inquiry inimical to the commercial and political
establishments has become increasingly difficult. The
science is owned by a tiny number of very large companies
and they only commission research which they believe will
further their own commercial interests. And when that turns
out not to be the case, as when research turns up results
which may be embarrassing to the company, they are most
often dubbed “commercially confidential” and never
In addition, companies have learned that small investments
in endowing chairs, sponsoring research programmes or hiring
professors for out-of-hours projects can produce
disproportionate payoffs in generating reports, articles,
reviews and books, which may not be in the public interest,
but certainly benefit corporate bottom lines. The effects of
corporate generosity - donating millions for this research
laboratory or that scientific programme – can be subtly
corrosive. Other universities regard the donor as a pote
ntial source of funds and try to ensure nothing is said
which might jeopardise big new cash possibilities. And
academics raising embarrassing questions (as they should) -
such as who is paying for the lab; how independent is the
peer review; who profits from the research; is the
university's integrity compromised? – would soon learn that
keeping their heads down is the best way not to risk their
career, let alone future research funding. The message is
clear: making money is good, and dissent is stifled.
Commerce and the truth don't readily mix.
A second reason why there is such pervasive mistrust of
science and scientists is that the scientists staffing the
official advisory committees and Government regulatory
bodies in a significant number of cases have financial links
with the industry they are supposed to be independently
advising on and regulating. A recent study found that of the
five scientific committees advising ministers on food and
safety, 40% of committee members had links with the
biotechnology industry, and at least 20% were linked to one
of the Big Three – Monsanto, AstraZeneca, or Novartis. Nor
is that an accident. The civil servants who select
scientists for those bodies tend to look for a preponderant
part of the membership, and particularly the chairperson, to
be ‘sound', i.e., can be safely relied on not to cause
embarrassment to the Government or industry if difficulties
Third, the culture of spin and intimidation is far more
pervasive than should ever be allowed. The shocking sacking
and vilification of Dr Arpad Pusztai, when he produced GM
research results inconvenient to the Government, bio-tech
industry and the Americans, was no doubt, deliberately
intended as a warning to others if they stepped out of line.
And the threats and insinuations made clear to the only two
independent scientists on the UK Government's GM Science
Panel, Dr Carlo Leifert and Andrew Sterling, demonstrates
all too clearly how viciously the Establishment will fight
to safeguard its own interests.
And on spin, how many times have we heard the false argument
that is still regularly deployed by ACRE, the Government's
main GM advisory committee, when it announces that, “there
is no evidence that this GM product is any greater risk to
human health than its non-GM counterpart”. In fact they have
not sought such evidence directly, merely relied on the
biotech companies telling them that their GM product was
‘substantially equivalent' to its alleged non-GM analogue.
Fourth, science is not, and never has been, a value-free
search for the truth. It is a social construct influenced by
a variety of rules, peer group pressures, and personal and
cultural expectations. It is developed, like all human
thought, from preconceived built-in judgements, assumptions
and dogmas, the more powerful because they are often
unconsciously held.
So what is to be done?
What all this means is that science can only be fully
trusted if it is pursued with the most rigorous procedures
that guarantee total independence and freedom from
commercial and political bias. That is far too often not the
case today. The implications for policy are clear.
One, if the Government truly wants independent research, it
has to be prepared to pay for it, not lay down, as it has,
that 25% of finance for publicly funded research should come
from private sources, thus forcing the universities into the
hands of corporate sponsors.
Two, the Government should also require that no member of
its advisory committee or regulatory bodies should have any
current or recently past financial or commercial link with
the industry concerned.
Three, contributors to scientific journals should be
required to make full disclosure of current and prior
funding sources, so that any conflicts of interest can be
exposed and taken into account.
Four, we need above all a Government with the political
gumption to stand up to the United States and those
demanding calls from the White House, to stand up to the
biotech companies, and to stand up to big business, and make
clear that there will be no succumbing to dominant political
/economic interests, e.g. no growing of GM crops in this
country until proper, systematic, independent, peer-reviewed
research, which is totally absent at present, has been
carried through and made public which demonstrates beyond
any reasonable doubt whether GM foods are safe or not.
We should never forget the words of Winston Churchill, who
said “Science should be on tap, not on top”.
This is an edited version of Michael Meacher's keynote
address to the Green Network Conference, Science, Medicine
and the Law, 31 January to 2 February 2005, Royal Institute
of British Architecture, London, UK, which will be published
in issue 26 of Science in Society ( )
This article can be found on the I-SIS website at
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