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Shadow People


Gone But Not Forgotten
Sep 13, 2009
I dont know if this is in the right place but here go's, i used to live on chilkwell street in glastonbury several years ago in a very old house, it was a normal day and i was just walking upstairs to the bedroom. The bedroom door was open as i reached the top of the stairs when from the corner of the room appeard as if from nowhere a person shaped shaddow. It looked exactly like a human being but it had no features as it was as black as the ace of spades. It seemed to be aware it had been seen and disapeared in front of my eyes. I saw it again two weeks later but this time were its eyes should be there was a red tint to them. Ive done some checking on shaddow people and i know that others have seen them aswell, yet people carnt decide on what they are. Some think they are ghosts or aliens while others think they are demons. Myself im not to sure. Its very strange indeed.
You mean shadow people. ;)

Yup, we have threads on those. Lots of interesting reading. :D
my wife was doings some work in the kitchen while I was out back having a smoke on my patio. I heard her call my name and start talking to someone in the kitchen, figuring it was our room mate I went along puttering. when I went back into the house my wife was asking me why I was hiding behind the door and when she noticed me, how I got from behind the door leading downstairs to back outside coming in. I was shocked and kept at it stating I wasn't there and at that point she was just utterly freaked out.

corner of the eye phenomena and shadow people seem to go hand in hand. I personally have seen them myself however have never been frightened of such. to me they represent another realm crossing between ours, not demon or ghost but just a parallel time or dimension.

If this is the case, we must also be Shadow People in their realm :D
Ahhh was this one of the terraced cottages round the corner from the shop at the very top of the High Street?
ETA Just remembered the houses I was thinking of were Lambrook Street, get them mixed up. I've yet to come across any old house in Glastonbury that wasn't totally dripping with all sorts of paranormal stuff (lived there for 19 years, nearby for longer).
About ten years ago I had a friend stay with us for a short time, well one night he was on the phone to his girlfriend while I was sitting in a chair facing the door to the hall. I saw a tall, about 6 foot, jet black figure walk past the door. I thought it was my then husband going to the bathroom. I got up and looked and he was still asleep in bed and no one was in the loo. It was like someone had cut a person out of black paper while still having it walk like a real person.

About four years later something similar happened. It was about eleven at night and I couldn't sleep because it was so hot and humid so was doing odd chores to tire myself out. As I went to walk into the hall I saw something which I can only discribe as a figure which appeared to be an outline made up of a white line. It looked like someone had been outlined in tape. It was walking towards the bedroom and my first thought was that someone had got into the flat so I searched the place and there wasn't anyone there but me. To say it freaked me out was an under statement.

Yesterday I couldn't sleep and was sitting at the computer. It was about 2am and I was wide awake. Out of the corner of my eye I was aware of a dark figure standing in the hallway, it didn't have a clear edge to it and I was convinced that it was me just seeing things, but the odd thing was that I could feel that there was someone there and kept looking up into the hall. After about ten or so minutes of this the figure seemed to have moved from the hall to right next to me. Again it was a shadow but this time it was generating coldness. I was convinced that I was seeing things but it didn't go away even when I turned my head to look at 'it'. After a short period of time it moved to behind me and cast a shadow over the area I was sitting in. It's hard to explain but was like someone was standing over me, between the main light and myself. I was totally convinced that someone was there and kept turning around to look but it would have been impossible for someone to get past me without me seeing them. After ten minutes or so it lifted and the shadow over me just vanished. I was spooked but not freaked out.
Cycling home from work one night at around midnight I have to pass a cemetery that's out on it's own in the countryside. Coming up to the cemetery I saw a shadow figure leap from the bank near the entrance of the place and as I speeded up to get a clear view it sort of just melted away.

I joked to my wife the that maybe someone hadn't liked being put there that day! :lol:
marionXXX said:
Ahhh was this one of the terraced cottages round the corner from the shop at the very top of the High Street?
ETA Just remembered the houses I was thinking of were Lambrook Street, get them mixed up. I've yet to come across any old house in Glastonbury that wasn't totally dripping with all sorts of paranormal stuff (lived there for 19 years, nearby for longer).

The house in question was right next door to chalice well gardens.
WabbitHunter said:
It's hard to explain but was like someone was standing over me, between the main light and myself. ...After ten minutes or so it lifted and the shadow over me just vanished. I was spooked but not freaked out.

That is very scary. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
martingidlow said:
marionXXX said:
Ahhh was this one of the terraced cottages round the corner from the shop at the very top of the High Street?
ETA Just remembered the houses I was thinking of were Lambrook Street, get them mixed up. I've yet to come across any old house in Glastonbury that wasn't totally dripping with all sorts of paranormal stuff (lived there for 19 years, nearby for longer).

The house in question was right next door to chalice well gardens.

The end terrace brick one? If so I've been in there.
I don't know if its because Ilived there for a long time or if its the place but I have so many spooky stories from often normal people! (Sometimes you can't really count the stories from kookie people).
marionXXX said:
martingidlow said:
marionXXX said:
Ahhh was this one of the terraced cottages round the corner from the shop at the very top of the High Street?
ETA Just remembered the houses I was thinking of were Lambrook Street, get them mixed up. I've yet to come across any old house in Glastonbury that wasn't totally dripping with all sorts of paranormal stuff (lived there for 19 years, nearby for longer).

The house in question was right next door to chalice well gardens.

The end terrace brick one? If so I've been in there.
I don't know if its because Ilived there for a long time or if its the place but I have so many spooky stories from often normal people! (Sometimes you can't really count the stories from kookie people).

Thats the one,before chalice well gardens made it it too a lodge. Just come back from glastonbury not so long ago after staying with freinds for 7 months, used to live there for years, The storys of spooky weirdness i could tell beleive me.
Oh give it a rest with your cottage, it's boring and not on topic. I want shadow/sellotape/cut-out people!
Dingo667 said:
Oh give it a rest with your cottage, it's boring and not on topic. I want shadow/sellotape/cut-out people!

Hahaha excellent, excellent. You are a feisty one :lol:
I wanted to see if the cottage in question was one I knew of that was quite terribly haunted, but it was further down the road. So sort of relevant. I went to the house in question about 12/13 years ago but didn't know the people who lived there well enough to talk about ghosts so I don't know what they experienced there.
I have a lot of ghostly stories from Glastonbury but alas I don't think any black shape ones (though I did have a strange and terrifying shamanic-type dream set in the park by the Abbey which involved an evil entity that looked like a black human shaped hole in the air).
Ahh, just the last sentence, concentrate on that. Can you give more detail, it sounds interesting. Sorry didn't want to be too mean [only a little bit ;) ].
I used to work night shifts,a few years back,in a home for elderly,confused clients,and we had a tall,skinny black line thing ( sorry thats the only way we could describe it ) that used to dart around the basement and ground floor.It moved very quickly and tended to be most active on windy/rainy nights.I offer no explanation! We all got used to it,but never felt really comfertable after a sighting.The home was in Folkestone in Kent.
Wow, wish I'd seen that. 8)
escargot1 said:
Wow, wish I'd seen that. 8)

I know this might seem strange,but somehow on each occasion that any of us saw the skinny,black thing...it never seemed strange at that point,almost as though we were somehow numbed to the strangeness of the experience.A second or two later it was YIKES !!!!!! But always a second or two too late,a sort of delayed ,psychological reaction or something.I dont know why this was our reactions but it was always too late to try to investigate the circumstances....like somehow we were numbed into a sensation of normality,enough time for the wierdness to make its escape!I truly dont have an explanation for this.I so wish I had been in possesion of a digital camera and my wits at the the time ,lol.
Wasn't Spade House - Former home of HG Wells - was it??
Both my husband and his sister worked nights there. Neither of them particularly interested in Fortean subjects but admitted that they didn't like being there at night. Other members of staff reported some VERY strange goings on.
Maviself said:
Wasn't Spade House - Former home of HG Wells - was it??
Both my husband and his sister worked nights there. Neither of them particularly interested in Fortean subjects but admitted that they didn't like being there at night. Other members of staff reported some VERY strange goings on.
Morlocks! :shock:
Maviself said:
Wasn't Spade House - Former home of HG Wells - was it??
Both my husband and his sister worked nights there. Neither of them particularly interested in Fortean subjects but admitted that they didn't like being there at night. Other members of staff reported some VERY strange goings on.

No, wasn't Spade House, tho used to pass it on my way to work on the bus regularly.Heard lots of stories bout it tho from other carers ,usually at various training days when we would get together.We night staff would take the opportunity to out-freak each other with our various scary stories,have not yet ever met a night shift carer ,in the past 32 years ,who does not have had a spooky experience!! :shock: :? 8)
This seems to fit with one of my memories from when I was very young. I must have been about 4 or maybe 5, I woke one night in my bed room to see what was a black shadow in the shape of a human standing next to my bed. What seems really odd was that the shape had a spinning globe next to its head. The globe gave off a slight light which added some illumination to the room but didn’t revel any features of the shadow shaped thing.

I don’t remember being afraid at all, my mum claims that I told her in the morning that granddad had come to see me.

It’s not anything that’s happened since but it’s a memory that is still quite prominent in my head.

Thought id share that with you as it seems to be on topic and made me think about what happened all those years ago

Really interesting pic ,dunno what to make of it though , lol
I saw an episode of "Weird or What?" this weekend on discovery science channel (Sky 524) and there was a section on Shadow People.

Some lady in the USA walking in a park saw a human shaped shadow which seemed to be walking around indepedently.

The program argued for people living in a parallel universe, seems a bit far fetched to me.

Has anyone seen similar TV programs reconstructing similar shadow people experiences?
ChrisBoardman said:
I saw an episode of "Weird or What?" this weekend on discovery science channel

You mean, 'Is that weird - or WHAT?!' :lol: