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Singing in the shower/bath


Gone But Not Forgotten
Jul 27, 2001
Why do we do it? I came up with a playful halfarsed theory the other day that it's a race memory from some kind of watery communication we did (kinda like whalesong) while we were in our aquatic ape stage.

Ok maybe not... but does anyone else have any novel ideas?
Bathroom acoustics give a nice reverb effect?
Is it because you are locked inside a small room and so assume nobody can see or hear you and so all inhibitions just go?

I've never sung in the bath, am i strange?
I've never felt the urge to sing in the shower, I don't take baths on account of me being over 6 feet tall and the base of the bath only being 4 feet long ...
I think it's partly because you're alone (usually) and there's something relaxing about being in the bath. Also, the acoustics in the average bathroom are good (because of the tiles) and you sound much better than you normally do, thus encouraging you to keep going. The 60s record producer Joe Meek used to record all vocals in the bathroom/toilet.
Part of it is the lack of other things to do while in the shower. Plus, as others have said, the fact that no-one can see you (usually), and you don't think anyone can hear you over the shower itself. (Warning: your voice carries better than the noise of the water. Trust me.)
Isn't singing in the shower supposed to be good for your throat? I read that somewhere.
I've never sung in the bath or shower, nor had any desire to do so.

But I do sing when I'm out wandering the hills on my own. Which probably explains why I wander them on my own...
Blueswidow said:
Is it because you are locked inside a small room and so assume nobody can see or hear you and so all inhibitions just go?

It's also hard to remain inhibited when you're alone and naked :eek:
I sing in the bath because if I sang when there where other people around I may get linched.

-Carioke Queen that's me (I usualy do 'Ace of Spades.'
I talk in the shower. I practise things I may have to say in a certain situation. At work I then have replies ready at hand.

'Nobody else has complained'.
'I'm complaining now!'

'We always lift Mrs X this way. She likes it.'
It looks dangerous to me. I'm getting the hoist.'

I also practised a few key divorce phrases such as 'I don't have to argue with you any more, that's why I'm divorcing you!' and 'You can't bully me over ****** any more so you're bullying me over money. Big deal.'
Both used very satisfyingly.

My uncle's funeral is on Friday and I'm expecting Turdface to gatecrash for a free sausage roll. That's at least another two showers to perfect a cutting comment! ;)

Very little singing goes on. Good thing really. :D
I do that too. I just usually never end up saying any of that stuff to people. (Either the situation never comes up, or I chicken out of it.)

Used to do it a lot when I was walking, as well. At least then I got the exercise. Plus it can help relieve the stress of being in an unpleasant situation.
I sing in every room in the house (including garden, shed and aviary) but not the bathroom. I'm too busy reading in the bath, washing and listening to the radio. The neighbours say they like my voice, but then I suppose they have to.
The only place I ever really feel the need to sing for some reason, is the supermarket. And I KNOW that is weird.
I think it is because you always seem to sound better in the shower. And the steam is good for your throat, I think. Feels like it anyway.
I sing in my car more than anywhere else.
I talk to myself a lot in the shower.
I'm really weird and watch a lot of pro wrestling, which leads me to "wrestler talk" in the shower. It's quite embarassing really. as I'm washing my hair I'll say things like "Hulk Hogan, I'm gonna destroy you at Wrestlemania with my elbow drop of doom. Your world title will be mine, brotha!"

I also do this alone in the car, which has led to some funny situations. BTW If you think fans of the fortean are weird, you should see wrestling fans, they make the fortean look normal by comparison. :D

Anyway why do we sing in the shower? Why do I talk in the shower? because no one is watching, of course.
(at least I hope no one is watching me when I'm in the shower!)

I sing in the shower because the water drowns out my voice. No one wants to hear me sing, trust me. And I sing there because I feel good, warm and soapy and clean....I guess I associate singing with feeling good?
escargot said:
I talk in the shower. I practise things I may have to say in a certain situation. At work I then have replies ready at hand.
Very little singing goes on. Good thing really. :D
I do that. But my practising never works. Either I forget what I wanted to say or someone has a resonse that kicks my arse.
It's not fair really, although I DO still sing in the shower.
someone has a resonse that kicks my arse
There are stock replies to that too.

'I expected you to say that'.
'Haven't you been listening at all?'
'Is that really relevant?'
- and so on. Gives you time to think of your next point! Can be practised in the shower too.
Singing in the bath is an evolutionary hangover from the time before locks on bathroom doors were invented.
I sing lead vocals on Pink Floyd's reunion tour in the shower, I relive the time when I scored the winning goal in extra time to help Wales lift the world cup, I relive the defining moment in WWE history when during a cage match I somersaulted the length of the cage roof and swanton bombed the Big Show down on the floor, I've come out of a wormhole in my Enterprise class spaceship to rescue Earth from the last minute from a fleet of Borg ships.

I even found myself a girlfriend once ;)
I normally have music on while in the shower so sing along to that. Otherwise what else is there to do in the shower to pass the time til towel time?
Snowman X said:
I even found myself a girlfriend once ;)
I say! We can't have that sort of thing on this board. There are ladies present!

Well, there was once. I distinctly remember seeing one around here somewhere.
theHobgoblin said:
I talk to myself a lot in the shower.
I'm really weird and watch a lot of pro wrestling, which leads me to "wrestler talk" in the shower. It's quite embarassing really. as I'm washing my hair I'll say things like "Hulk Hogan, I'm gonna destroy you at Wrestlemania with my elbow drop of doom. Your world title will be mine, brotha!"

My kind of guy! 'What I'd like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape, supermarket own-brand shampoo's to get over here and show the ladies what a real hair wash is all about. Hit the music...' LOL!
We need our own thread to debate why WWE needs Brutus Beefcake back!
It's mine mother, and I'll wash it as fast as I like.
anome said:
I say! We can't have that sort of thing on this board. There are ladies present!

Well, there was once. I distinctly remember seeing one around here somewhere.

WHy I oughtta...! :blah:
I sing in the shower most days. As someone mentioned its the acoustics, loads of reverb makes even a poor singer sound ok-ish. :cool:
McAvennie said:
I normally have music on while in the shower so sing along to that. Otherwise what else is there to do in the shower to pass the time til towel time?

Sometimes I try washing...