This discussion would be more at home in the thread about how conspiracies are prone to unravel, but it is interesting to make and additiona remark : a conspiracy is revealed when the public is made aware of its existence, not when spies learn of it and report it to their government...
In the case of Blechtley and research on the Enigma code, it definitely doesn't qualify as an instance of a conspiracy exposed, as indeed only a secret agency of a foreign countries was informed of its existence by a spy, the public being kept in the dark for decades. Moreover, I read that British intelligence was aware of Cainrcross's double agent acts, and they could easily have neutralized him (they had allowed him to keep operating because he was useful as a medium to feed Soviets with junk information). Relating to the matter of what was fed to Germans, every source I read stated that until the end, they had no knowledge that Enigma had been deciphered, event when they were presented with hints tant could suggest that it was the case. I am not even sure that they had been aware of the successes of the Polish team before the war. In any case, teh Soviets also kept their mouth shut, despite that probably a large number of them in intelligence circles had been made aware of the Blechtley works.
Now, one could answer that this may not be true and that perhaps German intelligence knew. But if so, it would really be an instance of a secret kept for six decades !
Sorry about the delayed response; was trying to get back late last night when the internet went down so I bagged it.
It's been 41 years so that's not what I'd call prone to unravel. The only evidence implying that there's a time limit which defines whether or not a conspiracy exists are the ones which have unraveled. At any rate, the idea is to show that there is a potential that a foreign group may have been involved.
The United States is a huge target because of it's involvement with global politics. A consequence of the last Global War was the redefining in the American Psyche of our role in global affairs. One could argue with good effect that the bombing of Pearl Harbor was engineered specifically as a kind of exclamation point designed to force Americans in to global politics. This was something President George Washington had warned America about. I believe it's in his farewell address to the nation. He specifically urges Americans to steer clear of foreign involvement and the old world.
Now people like the ones involved in the hijacking and bombing could be unaware of their own involvement in a clandestine operation with another agenda. Good examples can found in the book; "Red Horizons: The true story of Nicola and Elena Ceausescus' Crimes. by Ion Mihai Pacepa."
All kinds of groups are created all the time. There's new ones coming along all the time. These groups are formed with backing from a variety of sources with the specific agenda of attracting the interest of specific types of people. A lot of this is politically oriented, like Antifa for example is manifestly such an organization. There's an agenda behind that group which the idiots involved with are completely oblivious about because there's no way that 99% of them would be associated with that organization if they honestly understood what the objective really was.
So anyways, this flat fat fish Berkowitz, whose probably already a wack job for whatever reason, finds his way to some others, and unlike virtually everyone else he's ever been near they don't run away, but rather take him in. I mean, just look at the poor guy, he's got "Mark" written across his forehead. This was probably equally true of the Carr brothers, and I wouldn't be surprised if their somewhat mysterious deaths was payback for killing an NYPD Officer, since Berkowitz alleges that one NYPD Officer was involved. This probably being an infiltration of this group in response to an assistance request by another agency. So possibly the NYPD was hip to the statanic group and had infiltrated that group, but they didn't connect up the Son of Sam shootings with the Carr Brothers until after the fact, and possibly there's a link between the Carr Brothers and the Croatians.
Looking at the possibility of others being involved in the Son of Sam Murders, I would conclude that there are two possibilities that stand out. One is a foreign group which was extracting some kind of revenge. This is the Croatian Group. Maybe there's some letter locked away with a statement from this group that went to some official alphabet agency and it's still sitting around. Frankly I'd be surprised if there were not, and maybe such a letter, which is the kind received constantly, simply was put with all the others and no one connected up the letter with the subsequent violence. Or...maybe they did connect it up.
See, one wouldn't expect that a foreign group would conduct some kind of violent operation and then hide behind the idea of a lone gunman, but maybe in their minds the FBI knew they were the ones doing it. So ya see there could be an explanation, and maybe even evidence proving this link, just that it's never been put together, either back then or now. Who knows but that maybe somewhere's there's a record from this Croatian group that precedes the shooting making threats? It's possible the whole connection could have been over-looked, or buried, and certainly these people wouldn't be claiming responsibility after the fact. That would have been a death sentence for sure. As it was these Croatians claimed the bomb at Grand Central Station wasn't intended to harm anyone.
Now the Geopoltics of this are mind bending really. Here we have some fanatics who want to draw attention to their cause for independence, and like the idiots they are, they think violence will be the ticket. Bombings, hijackings, and ???? Shootings in the streets? Is that so far fetched?
Now on the other hand there's this other nation which they blame for everything and think by some twisted logic that if they do these things then it will force America and Americans to pay attention to their oppressors, which was Yugoslavia. However, lets face it, these people had no idea who they were dealing with in the form of Yugoslavia's leader.
Obviously the Croatians would be known to the intelligence agencies of the communists. I mean these Croatians were so far out of their league it was like children trying to outwit the devil. So ya see the whole thing is set to back fire on the Croatians from the get go, not only because their logic is imbecilic, what with using bombs and hijackings, and probably randomly shooting people in the streets of New York, but because the final plan was to link them and all their other crimes back to the Son of Sam shootings. This would then have tossed a big monkey wrench into the geopolitical state of the cold war.
Remember here, the Communists are the enemy, we can't have the enemy solving a mass murder shooting spree, a bombing and hijacking and then have that linked back to some groups which may have been receiving sympathetic views from official policy. Not only would that reflect badly but we needed the communists for economic reasons. I don't know if the Croatians were receiving sympathetic political considerations or not, but I'm quite sure the Evil Empire which Yugoslavia was a member of wasn't.
Berkowitz is arrested on August 10th 1976 and the Croatians did their bombing and hijacking on September 11th of 1976. Doesn't this now begin to look a desperate attempt to make a statement while fleeing the general area? It's a little suspicious timing wise I think. Like maybe they sense or know someone or something is closing in on them. After all, if Berkowitz is in custody, as he was, then they have no idea what he is telling the cops, and so they decide to go all out with a bombing and hijacking while fleeing New York City. Free of charge mind you.
The two brothers Berkowitz mentions being Satanists are John Carr, who had been killed by a shooting judged a suicide in North Dakota during 1978, and Michael Carr who had been in a fatal car accident in 1979. If they were involved and did commit any the other murders there was no way to interview them any longer.
Berkowitz claimed that the actual perpetrator of the DeMasi–Lomino shooting was John Carr, and that Michael Carr fired the shots at Lupo and Placido. Berkowitz also claimed an unknown female cult member fired on Denaro and Keenan, both of whom survived. He further claimed this female couldn't handle or was familiar with the powerful recoil of the Charter Arms 44 special. That's something easy to believe because this was an alloy frame weapon with a powerful kick.
Berkowitz also claimed that a Yonkers police officer was a cult member and was involved in the DeMasi–Lomino shooting he says was done by John Carr. Who was this officer?
Here's another curiosity, the New York Post ran a story on the slain police officer killed by the Croatian bomber/hijackers this last September 28, 2017. Frankly this is pretty obscure stuff being 41 years later.