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Spot The Loonie

There's no point posting videos with no explanation of why they are interesting or important. People won't take the time to watch them.

Seconded. I strongly encourage you to make the argument or ask the question in your own words and stick the videos at the end as optional amplification.
Old age is not treating Randi very well, his credibility slipped quite a few notches last year in a TV docu when he came across as a fumbling doddering shell of a man in tears because his young gay lover was being deported or something.
There's no point posting videos with no explanation of why they are interesting or important. People won't take the time to watch them.

Yes, if posters can't say something in their own words I'm not interested, I won't be shunted off to watch a video because I just can't be bothered unless they're short clips.
If they're longer I might watch IF the poster tells us where to fast forward to to see the relevant bit..:)
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Old age is not treating Randi very well, his credibility slipped quite a few notches last year in a TV docu when he came across as a fumbling doddering shell of a man in tears because his young gay lover was being deported or something.
Just signs that he's a human being. It's allowed.
Watched a few minutes, of the first one, she's claiming that a divine voice told her James Randi was really a psychic himself, and he was supposed to prove paranormal phenomena (this was the Divine's purpose for him), not debunk them, but he's gone over to the the dark side because of his ego and not wanting to be thought a fool.... (She seems to prefer 'the Divine' to the G-word, possibly because a lot of people look at you a strangely if you claim to have had personal voice communications from the big G).

Her proposition is entirely dependent entirely on the testimony of her Divine and Angelic voices, her life purpose reading(?) of Randi and confirmed by other mediums and intuitives...

Randi isn't the first magician who's been accused of having supernatural powers, if I recall correctly some people said the same about Houdini.

BTW I suspect this poster is one of the drive by preaching variety, possibly a reincarnation.
I did have a look

There are no obvious signs that this is a former poster who has returned.
Watched a few minutes, of the first one, she's claiming that a divine voice told her James Randi was really a psychic himself, and he was supposed to prove paranormal phenomena (this was the Divine's purpose for him), not debunk them, but he's gone over to the the dark side because of his ego and not wanting to be thought a fool...

If Randi really is on Satan's payroll I can definitely think of a motive. Grab your popcorn, here goes-
Randi is gay, and like most gays he doesn't like Jesus or Christianity.
So by pooh-poohing Uri Geller's "powers" Randi is indirectly suggesting that Jesus's supernatural powers don't exist either!
Ironically Jesus never said a word about GLBT's one way or the other; not a single word, he simply never mentioned them..:)

PS- we hear of "gay Christians" and that makes sense up to a point because Jesus said straight out-
"Whoever comes to me i'll never turn away" (John 6:37)
PS- Ironically Jesus never said a word about GLBT's one way or the other; not a single word, he simply never mentioned them..:)
Jesus was young, single and childless and he hung out with a load of men. Just sayin'...
Lets not forget the disciple who Jesus dearly loved.

Yes, we're told that at the last supper, that young disciple was leaning up against Jesus in hero-worship, we don't know who he was, he might have been one of society's rejects, perhaps because of learning difficulties or autism, or he might even have been gay, and Jesus gave him something he'd never known before, namely love and friendship.

Below: Jesus in action comforting another outcast-
1- "Just you stick with me chum"
2- "Thanks JC, you're my main man"
3- "Hey kiddo, why do you talk to riff-raff like him?"
4- "On yer bikes you numbnuts!"

Jesus was young, single and childless and he hung out with a load of men. Just sayin'...

Well I never married or had kids either but I've always had an eye for the ladies, in fact I shall be visiting the grocers this evening to spy on the women shop assistants as usual from between the tins of baked beans..;)
Well I never married or had kids either but I've always had an eye for the ladies, in fact I shall be visiting the grocers this evening to spy on the women shop assistants as usual from between the tins of baked beans..;)

Jesus was young, single and childless and he hung out with a load of men. Just sayin'...

Hey I just remembered the Willem Dafoe (as Jesus) film "The Last Temptation of Christ" where he asks God to bring him down from the cross to live out the rest of his life like an ordinary man.
Bingo, we see him in subsequent scenes with a wife and kids, but after a while he changes his mind and asks to be put back on the cross, I'm sure there's a hidden message in there somewhere..:)

"Dad, will you be saving the world?"
"Sorry, not today kids, your mother asked me to get in the groceries for dinner"

I'm half-expecting you to dig up an actual still from the lost gay Christ movie, Him, Waymarker.
Or, given the way that other thread appears to be headed, The Arse of the Baskervilles.
I'm half-expecting you to dig up an actual still from the lost gay Christ movie, Him, Waymarker.

If JC was gay, I'm Mary Poppins..:)
For one thing he went around rescuing naughty girls from fundy mobs-

"Take a hike you dickheads, she's with me! Hold your head up baby!"
"Thanks JC, coming back to my place?"
"Not just now sweetheart, I've got a prior engagement downtown busting the snooty priest's asses again"

Well, the all-round top holy man the Reverend Richard Coles is gay, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility.