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The Alphabet of Brooke Shields


King-Sized Canary
Aug 25, 2001
Anybody in Europe seen this?

http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/article.ht ... _page_id=2

Solve the Brooke Shields mystery
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
'Alphabet of Brooke Shields' – what does it mean?

This small bit of grafitti has been popping up all over London for the past few weeks, and is puzzling the living daylights out of everyone who spots it. From Tower Bridge to Wembley Park, it's everywhere. There are even reports of it appearing as far away as Hamburg and the Netherlands.

A Google search reveals nothing but bemused blogs speculating as to what's so special about the actess, model, former Mrs Andre Agassi and sparring partner of Tom Cruise. Does she have her own private alphabet? What?

Londonist spotted it, but none of their readers were any the wiser. A Flickr pool has been set up dedicated to cataloguing all of Ms. Shields alphabetic appearances, including a map of all the recorded AOBS locations. There's a Facebook group dedicated to solving the mystery. The website www.alphabetofbrookeshields.com contains nothing but a plea for the person who created them to get in touch. It's a genuine mystery.

So do you have any theories? Do you know what Alphabet of Brooke Shields means? Tell us in the comments, please. We're going mad here. In this puzzle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in Brooke Shields, only one thing is certain - if it turns out to be just some rubbish viral marketing for a band or a perfume or a robotic dog or something, we're all going to be very upset indeed.

Wasn't Brooke one of those celebs who had obsessive fans? Maybe she's still got one left after all these years? One who's a little touched?
Viral advertising for whatever she's up to at the moment?
I hate this sort of thing. S.H.I.E.L.D or Back S.H.I.E.L.D has been chalked up on walls and pavements round Edinburgh for a good couple of years I'd say. So far I have managed to not find out what it means, since it is clearly what they want. I will probably now have to avoid reading this thread in case anyone tells me. :lol:
S.H.I.E.L.D. is the name of a goverment organisation in the Marvel comics.
The graffiti could be an anagram of course, but there seems to be hundreds of possible combinations for anagrams made out of it.
Reminds me of the Toynbee Tiles...


Thread here
the most significant anagram i could find is

a hip rehabbed elk's stool

but also

a rehabbed elk shits pool
From "Alphabet of Brooke Shields" (as opposed to "Brooke Shields Alphabet" (no apostrophy))...

"Halfhearted Possible Book"


"Boo Halfhearted Bloke Piss"


"Hip Basketball Heroe's Food"
Frobush said:
"Boo Halfhearted Bloke Piss"

I get the feeling this might be closest to the truth.

Whatever, I doubt it's official because grafitti is illegal. Or am I naive?
gncxx said:
Or am I naive?

Well, it's not a viral, at least not one that has Brooke Shields and her PR company are involved in - 'cos it's just not that good. And they'd get sued and have to pay for the gobal cleanup costs.


It's meant to be not to be that good!

This is not a viral ad.

But it is a virus. A new virus. A virus for the modern age. Spread via the cool (and unartistic). And it spreads pandemically (sic?).

Put that in your test-tube, Mr. Scientist!

EDITED for the BADS!
the first and maybe only time the original "cats" musical from broadway came to milan, 13 or so years ago, the theatre involved filled the city with stencil-made graffiti of cat eyes. and the press office proudly announced, "have you seen the cat eyes? it's the musical! coming to town!". nobody was ever sued or had to pay for clean-up or anything. does it work like that in civilized countries too, or is it just here that works like that?
The answer is usually less interesting than the mystery. I always like "THE PIES THE PIES" painted on a bridge over the motorway near Switch Island (N Liverpool).
I think people are just messing with our minds. Some blokes are probably having a good laugh at us right now.
It could be the work of an art student as there are Goldsmiths and UEL fairly near. I attend UEL and often see a piece of someone's work in the form of a bit of text taped to a wall on the campus.

It could also be like the Mayday mystery, where the meaning behind it, if there is one, will probably never be found.
I think Frobush may be onto something. It only takes one person to start a craze for writing the message for others to get involved as well, not even knowing why. A bit like the Chads on that episode of Hi-De-Hi.
Don't know what it means, but the first band to use it as an album title gets HUMUNGOUS free publicity.

You thought of it here first!