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The Christian Paradox


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 18, 2002

The Christian Paradox

How a faithful nation gets Jesus wrong

Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005. What it means to be Christian in America. An excerpt. Originally from August 2005. By Bill McKibben.

Only 40 percent of Americans can name more than four of the Ten Commandments, and a scant half can cite any of the four authors of the Gospels. Twelve percent believe Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. This failure to recall the specifics of our Christian heritage may be further evidence of our nation’s educational decline, but it probably doesn’t matter all that much in spiritual or political terms. Here is a statistic that does matter: Three quarters of Americans believe the Bible teaches that “God helps those who help themselves.” That is, three out of four Americans believe that this uber-American idea, a notion at the core of our current individualist politics and culture, which was in fact uttered by Ben Franklin, actually appears in Holy Scripture. The thing is, not only is Franklin’s wisdom not biblical; it’s counter-biblical. Few ideas could be further from the gospel message, with its radical summons to love of neighbor. On this essential matter, most Americans—most American Christians—are simply wrong, as if 75 percent of American scientists believed that Newton proved gravity causes apples to fly up.

Asking Christians what Christ taught isn’t a trick. When we say we are a Christian nation—and, overwhelmingly, we do—it means something. People who go to church absorb lessons there and make real decisions based on those lessons; increasingly, these lessons inform their politics. (One poll found that 11 percent of U.S. churchgoers were urged by their clergy to vote in a particular way in the 2004 election, up from 6 percent in 2000.) When George Bush says that Jesus Christ is his favorite philosopher, he may or may not be sincere, but he is reflecting the sincere beliefs of the vast majority of Americans.

And therein is the paradox. America is simultaneously the most professedly Christian of the developed nations and the least Christian in its behavior. That paradox—more important, perhaps, than the much touted ability of French women to stay thin on a diet of chocolate and cheese—illuminates the hollow at the core of our boastful, careening culture.

* * *

Ours is among the most spiritually homogenous rich nations on earth. Depending on which poll you look at and how the question is asked, somewhere around 85 percent of us call ourselves Christian. Israel, by way of comparison, is 77 percent Jewish. It is true that a smaller number of Americans—about 75 percent—claim they actually pray to God on a daily basis, and only 33 percent say they manage to get to church every week. Still, even if that 85 percent overstates actual practice, it clearly represents aspiration. In fact, there is nothing else that unites more than four fifths of America. Every other statistic one can cite about American behavior is essentially also a measure of the behavior of professed Christians. That’s what America is: a place saturated in Christian identity.

But is it Christian? This is not a matter of angels dancing on the heads of pins. Christ was pretty specific about what he had in mind for his followers. What if we chose some simple criterion—say, giving aid to the poorest people—as a reasonable proxy for Christian behavior? After all, in the days before his crucifixion, when Jesus summed up his message for his disciples, he said the way you could tell the righteous from the damned was by whether they’d fed the hungry, slaked the thirsty, clothed the naked, welcomed the stranger, and visited the prisoner. What would we find then?

In 2004, as a share of our economy, we ranked second to last, after Italy, among developed countries in government foreign aid. Per capita we each provide fifteen cents a day in official development assistance to poor countries. And it’s not because we were giving to private charities for relief work instead. Such funding increases our average daily donation by just six pennies, to twenty-one cents. It’s also not because Americans were too busy taking care of their own; nearly 18 percent of American children lived in poverty (compared with, say, 8 percent in Sweden). In fact, by pretty much any measure of caring for the least among us you want to propose—childhood nutrition, infant mortality, access to preschool—we come in nearly last among the rich nations, and often by a wide margin. The point is not just that (as everyone already knows) the American nation trails badly in all these categories; it’s that the overwhelmingly Christian American nation trails badly in all these categories, categories to which Jesus paid particular attention. And it’s not as if the numbers are getting better: the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported last year that the number of households that were “food insecure with hunger” had climbed more than 26 percent between 1999 and 2003.

This Christian nation also tends to make personal, as opposed to political, choices that the Bible would seem to frown upon. Despite the Sixth Commandment, we are, of course, the most violent rich nation on earth, with a murder rate four or five times that of our European peers. We have prison populations greater by a factor of six or seven than other rich nations (which at least should give us plenty of opportunity for visiting the prisoners). Having been told to turn the other cheek, we’re the only Western democracy left that executes its citizens, mostly in those states where Christianity is theoretically strongest. Despite Jesus’ strong declarations against divorce, our marriages break up at a rate—just over half—that compares poorly with the European Union’s average of about four in ten. That average may be held down by the fact that Europeans marry less frequently, and by countries, like Italy, where divorce is difficult; still, compare our success with, say, that of the godless Dutch, whose divorce rate is just over 37 percent. Teenage pregnancy? We’re at the top of the charts. Personal self-discipline—like, say, keeping your weight under control? Buying on credit? Running government deficits? Do you need to ask?

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To read the remainder of this essay, pick up a copy of the August issue of Harper's Magazine, on newsstands near you.

Bill McKibben, a scholar-in-residence at Middlebury College, is the author of many books, including The End of Nature and Wandering Home: A Long Walk Across America’s Most Hopeful Landscape. His last article for Harper’s Magazine, “The Cuba Diet,” appeared in the April 2005 issue.
This is The Christian Paradox, a feature, originally from August 2005, published Wednesday, July 27, 2005.

Twelve percent believe Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife.

I couldn't read any more, I was laughing too much!

Personally, I very much object to being lectured by "a scholar-in-residence at Middlebury College" as if I were a delinquent toddler. The problem with articles like that is that they try to treat a whole nation as if it were a single person. "We say we're a Christian nation but we don't act in a very Christian way". The truth is a little more complex than that. Most people simply live their lives from day to day, try to do their best for their families and friends, work increasingly long hours in jobs they hate, and once every four years they get a chance to vote in an election for one of two or three political partys with very little significant difference between them. If someone asks them to fill in a survey stating their religion, they'll probably tick the box marked 'Christian' out of sheer habit, but most of the time they're far too busy just trying to survive to pay much thought to God. Individual people may well try their best to live a Christian life, but they have very little control over the decisions which the government makes on their behalf, the fluctuating social and economic conditions which fuel crime in their communities, or the behaviour of the rapacious global corporations which employ them. Just what exactly does Mr McKibben expect us, as individuals, to do? And what exactly is he doing to make things better, other than spout self-righteous and banal rhetoric? Grrr! :)
There is a theory that for a large part of the population in what we would consider to be christian countries, christianity is merely a fallback position for people who have no paticular religion or spirituality per se. Sort of a vague notion left over from ideas that were/are pushed on them by the culture as a whole that they haven't got round to reaching an actual choice on themselves, or are afraid to reject for one reason or another.

I'd imagine it's much the same in countries where other belief systems are dominant - perhaps Alexius could illuminate us on that?

Enjoyed the article, thank you!

American Christianity seems to tend towards what my household calls Old Testament Christianity. Neither Jesus (except as "personal saviour"-- :rolleyes:) nor his definition of the two greatest commandments figure into Old Testament Christianity.
A vast country, many different people with different levels of education, background, upbringing - is it any wonder that some 'messages' of The Bible are misunderstood or interpreted differently? Christianity appeals to different people for different reasons and they interpret it as they wish.

The Bible itself is full of contraditions but the essential message (be nice to each other) is pretty simple. Christianity is like a vast painting, with different styles and colours all over the canvass ... but in the centre is a small, simple yet great sketch of a smiling face.

And I'm not even Christian...
Stormkhan said:
A vast country, many different people with different levels of education, background, upbringing - is it any wonder that some 'messages' of The Bible are misunderstood or interpreted differently? Christianity appeals to different people for different reasons and they interpret it as they wish.

The Bible itself is full of contraditions but the essential message (be nice to each other) is pretty simple. Christianity is like a vast painting, with different styles and colours all over the canvass ... but in the centre is a small, simple yet great sketch of a smiling face.

And I'm not even Christian...
And that's a shame, 'cause we could do with a few more like you.
The Bible itself is full of contraditions but the essential message (be nice to each other) is pretty simple. Christianity is like a vast painting, with different styles and colours all over the canvass ... but in the centre is a small, simple yet great sketch of a smiling face.

Beautifully put, Stormkhan!

I suspect the heavier fundamentalist/evangelical brushstrokes overwhelm the rest of the canvas, if I may extend that lovely metaphor some more. And I agree with BRF about Christianity being a sort of "fallback position". I'm not a churchgoer nor was I raised with any sort of religion, but I celebrate Christmas as a sort of default.
Leaferne said:
I'm not a churchgoer nor was I raised with any sort of religion, but I celebrate Christmas as a sort of default.

I do to, but as the pagan celebration it once was (till the Xtians took it over).

All the fun stuff comes from pagans. :nonplus:
I'm not certain that this is unusual in any "predominantly Christian" country. As someone pointed out, when a belief system is ingrained heavily into the historical fabric of a culture, inhabitants of said culture will tend to naturally use identification with the generalized belief system as a fall-back position. What we're talking about is old-fashioned syncretism -- no great revelation there, I'm afraid. One need look at, oh, I don't know, say ... any other culture ever to exist on the planet now or in the past to find the same thing.

But anyway, I find it amusing when people point at this or that "Christian" group and declare that they're a bunch of terrible hypocrites. That's kind of the point, isn't it? I mean, Christianity of all other world religions has as its underpinnings the very notion that we all are incapable of doing what we ought to, regardless of our intentions, and are in need of redemption, the fullness of which we will never see this side of heaven, yes? Given that, it should be patently obvious to the most casual observer that Christian churches are full of hypocrites on one level or another. The ideal will always be out of reach of my potential on this earth and in this life, right? What is true is that this fact has escaped many who do indeed call themselves Christian. The article attests to this, and confirms, really nothing more than the fact that people are people.
Mighty_Emperor said:

The Christian Paradox

Here is a statistic that does matter: Three quarters of Americans believe the Bible teaches that “God helps those who help themselves.”
Isn't that one of the fundamental notions in Zandor Lavey's satanic bible, not waiting for a false deity to help you but getting up and something about it yourdelf.
Jesus Christ, that is "more than a little scary". They remind me of cult followers whos minds have been that warped that they can't accept anything contrary to their normality. And wasn't it the bible who said love thy enemy and tries to teach acceptance towards other religions. And aren't all religions basically the same when you get past all the ceremony. Islam, christianity and Judaism are more similair than some people might like to accept.
My god, I knew they were pretty foul, but thats just incredible.
And now you have some other fundi type tellin ppl amerka should assasinate that south american guy....Religion the DMT of the masses..
I'd be very interested to find out what your 'average' american thinks about the American Taliban and the Unchristian Chritianity.

Graylien seemed to suggest that regular folk don't have time or don't care about the religious posturing of commentators and church leaders. If this is the case then I fear for the furure of America. Finding yourself in a regime that restricts personal choice and dictates they way and what one is taught as a result of apathy is too depressing to contemplate.

A country that weilds the freedom stick so readily really ought to train its eyes within its own borders once in a while.
This might be UL but has anyone else heard the story about the American tourists that went to either Jerusalem or Bethlehem and thought it would be appropriate to sing a hymn...... Jingle Bells?? :roll:
monster_magnet said:
I'd be very interested to find out what your 'average' american thinks about the American Taliban and the Unchristian Chritianity.

Graylien seemed to suggest that regular folk don't have time or don't care about the religious posturing of commentators and church leaders. If this is the case then I fear for the furure of America. Finding yourself in a regime that restricts personal choice and dictates they way and what one is taught as a result of apathy is too depressing to contemplate.

A country that weilds the freedom stick so readily really ought to train its eyes within its own borders once in a while.

I fear for the future of America as well. Most people either don't seem to care or just roll their eyes - 'Yeah, right; the American Taliban'.

Unfortunately, American fundementalism has completely infected the Christian community in this country. They really are the tail wagging the dog. Moderate Xtians either go along with the crowd or just turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy. Maybe they think God will sort it all out. :roll:

The fact that we decry radical religious kooks in other countries, but no one don't worry about our own fantatics and extremists is amazing to me. When did the US forget about irony?
krobone said:
Unfortunately, American fundementalism has completely infected the Christian community in this country. They really are the tail wagging the dog. Moderate Xtians either go along with the crowd or just turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy. Maybe they think God will sort it all out. :roll:

Their position is the same as muslim leaders in this country, they do not want to risk speaking out against the extremists because the extremists are not wrong - not in a ecclesiatical sense at least, as protestentism is all about interpretation of the bible.

The catholic preachers of hate on the other hand can, and should be stopped from their evil missions by the inquisition (or its modern equivelant) - which is why it is there.