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The evil lodge


Gone But Not Forgotten
Apr 13, 2003
This happened to me a few months ago and I just thought I would share it with all you forteans.

I was on my motorbike and I came to a junction in my town (no names, too paranoid :lol: ) I was idling at the junction waiting to turn left and there were some cars in front of me and some behind. At this junction to my right was the local free masonic lodge. It's a very odd place, never seems to be any sign of life at it and I have lived here 30yrs, I never see any lights on or people coming in our out. It's a very well made, 130yr old building not surprisingly them being masons and all that. It's quite a nice light blue colour as well.

Anyway, I was looking and thought to myself, "What is this evil place?" At that point the engine on my motorbike fizzled away. It didnt just cut out instantly, it fizzled away. It was like there was a total electrical failure. I was trying the ignition over and over as the cars behind me were gettin impatient, but in the end I had to give up. The ignition wasn't even turning the engine, the electrics had obviously gone.

I got off my bike and wheeled it to the other side of the road where there is a large old Church, an even larger and more impressive building than the hall btw. The cars behind me moved past and I felt like a plonker with a crap bike, which its not, its only 6months old. Having nothing better to do, I tried the ignition again and to my surprise it worked perfectly. I havent had the problem before or since, although I do avoid that road.
It's well-known that there are "dead" spots where certain electrical items don't work. I've heard of a supermarket car park where remote key fobs for central locking won't open the doors, but if cars are pushed a few yards further along, everything is fine.

Seemingly, the Empire State Building is known to be such a place, due to the presence of many transmitting aerials in the area.

Maybe, if you re-visit the spot, you should take a look to see whether there's a mobile phone or radio mast at that junction. Could it be that certain RF waves were interfering with your bike's electronics. Ironically, it could be your bike's very newness which causes it to be susceptible to interference.

Obviously, I'm not saying it's not those nasty Masons, but one has to consider other possibilities...
I can't help but saying that as a Christian and theologian, I LOVE that your problem resolved itself at a church. :D

A priest a the church I work at has reminded me that one of the traditional functions of a church is as a repository for evil - a place where you can take your cares/burdens/problems and leave them there. (She reminded me of this when, after praying with a young woman who claimed to have had a curse put on her - voodoo style - she [the priest] asked me to come into the sacristy with her to help her wash her hands over the piscina [a sink that leads directly into consecrated ground where we pour out consecrated wine or water]). The idea being, basically, that Good eats Evil for breakfast (an idea probably shared by most world religions).

Sorry for the aside...

Now, is there any reason in particular you felt the lodge to be evil? Was it just at that moment, or do you always have that feeling toward it?
Maybe you don't see the masons because they teleport in and out. Maybe a bit of one got stuck in your bike for a second :shock:
Upon thinking about it, I never saw anyone coming or going from the Masonic lodge in the town I grew up in, either... or any other signs of activity, though it was apparently in use. I think rantaclaws is onto something, must be teleportation! :lol:
I've always wondered about Masonic buildings, where it says in large letters MASONIC on them. Aren't they supposed to have been a secret society???
They have a building downtown here with a large sign which lights up at night that says FREEMASONS, so they can't be that secret! ;)
Dingo667 said:
I've always wondered about Masonic buildings, where it says in large letters MASONIC on them. Aren't they supposed to have been a secret society???

No, not secret at all. They are a private society. That is, it is closed to non-members. Also, the society is based on the Christian faith in most Western countries and you have to be a practising Christian to be allowed to join. In the States, I think it doesn't matter what faith you are, as long as you have one and believe in a higher power.

The idea that the Masons are evil or that their buildings are evil is very far from the mark, although admittedly their customs, rituals and ceremonies are a little puzzling to the outsider. But it's all based on the bible and Christian beliefs.
In my part of the world Masonic lodges rent out their large rooms for dances and so forth, so not so private.

Then again, the ones I've seen just looked like concrete blocks--not very atmospheric!
I know that at least some Christian denominations, if not all mainline ones, look at them with suspicion, though. That's all I know, really.

Anyway, Masonic Temples (as I've usually seen them called over here [US]) are often used for civic functions. The one in the small town where I grew up was perpetually leased to the post office for years, and the large city I'm near now has one that hosts naturalization ceremonies for new US citizens.
Otto_Maddox said:
Ringo_ said:
But it's all based on the bible and Christian beliefs.

not what knight and lomas reckon. they date the origins back to the egyptian priesthood.

I'm just going from what I have turned up here in Sweden. Quote taken directly from http://www.frimurarorden.se/eng/index.html:

Can Brethren from foreign Grand Lodges, regardless of religious belief, visit a Lodge in Sweden?

The Swedish Rite practiced in Sweden and the Swedish speaking parts of Finland is based on Christian faith. The other Nordic countries; Denmark, Norway and Iceland are also practicing The Swedish Rite

According to the General Law of Grand Lodge of Sweden, 16.1, admission to the Order can only be granted to men of Christian faith. His proposer and seconder will ensure this be forehand. Whether he is Lutheran or Catholic, it is solely a question for his own conscience.