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'The Great Global Warming Swindle': Is Climate Change A Myth?

What Google University? Science via YouTube?

I'll stick to getting my info from worldwide scientific consensus instead.
That video uses IPCC data to make the argument.
Another thing that has always bothered me. Why his global warning only causing bad effects? Listen to the doom mongers. They never say any good effects about global warming.
The first good effect has been the increase in greenery in normally-dry parts of the world.
quoting myself from a decade+ ago:

ExxonMobil CEO says burning fossil fuels is warming the planet.


direct link to speech http://www.cfr.org/united-states/new-north-american-energy-paradigm-reshaping-future/p28630
"So I'm not disputing that increasing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere is going to have an impact. It'll have a warming impact. "

"TILLERSON: Well, let me -- let me say that we have studied that issue and continue to study it as well. We are and have been long-time participants in the IPCC panels. We author many of the IPCC subcommittee papers, and we peer-review most of them."
To me, the point is that temperature increase is not attributable to CO2 - it is the other way around...and always has been.

Due to an ending/reduction of the Cenozoic Ice Age, Increase in temperature is inevitable and so also, is the increase in CO2, so drop the taxes and the guilt trips.

We can therefore expect among other changes around us, an increased volatility in our climates.

So stop the idea that agricultural stock - or for that matter - anything else is responsible for any increase in temperature, and at the same time, utilise any method for renewable energy sources, because we have 'The Science'.

As far as I'm concerned it's time for a Renaissance. YMMV.
I don’t think anyone is going to change their view, but anyway -

Have a look at this short critique of Climate The Movie at just 4 minutes. Durkin’s earlier ’Swindle' film apparently made several false claims.

I note Durkin also made Brexit: The Movie, advocating leaving. That’s gone well hasn't it..

This site addresses most of the anti reasons if you’ve got the inclination to look.

I note Durkin also made Brexit: The Movie, advocating leaving. That’s gone well hasn't it..
Can we leave the overt political sneers out of this please? I don’t think Brexit has anything to do with global warming and this just reinforces some of the points made in the video.
Can we leave the overt political sneers out of this please? I don’t think Brexit has anything to do with global warming and this just reinforces some of the points made in the video.
I don’t think Covid, as brought up by you above, has much, if anything, to do with global warming either.
The way I see it, when it comes to climate change, it might be happening with or without human aid; it might be speeding up or slowing down because of our actions. But isn't being 'eco-friendly', increasing 'clean energy' production, and reducing pollutants a good thing to do in of itself?
Or is this a case of "If I'm told to do something, I'm going to find reasons NOT to do it?" Like if you're banned from smoking, you take it up because 'no one is gonna tell me what to do!'
I didn’t bring the WHO into the conversation. But when presented with their report on climate change and health, I made the observation on their initial stance on covid which I found lacking to say the least. The point is that scientific consensus may be statistically skewed to a particular narrative - and this video explores the professional scientific mindset that follows the climate money and rejects the views that the sky isn’t falling. The WHO fumbled the ball - but don’t take my word for it…

Covid: Serious failures in WHO and global response, report finds​


This is an indicator that a large mass of doctors and scientists can be captured and the implications of this are valid in the climate argument. This is why I pointed at the WHO. Brexit has nothing to do with it.

Apart from the UK being first off the blocks to get a vaccine in circulation of course.
I didn’t bring the WHO into the conversation. But when presented with their report on climate change and health, I made the observation on their initial stance on covid which I found lacking to say the least. The point is that scientific consensus may be statistically skewed to a particular narrative - and this video explores the professional scientific mindset that follows the climate money and rejects the views that the sky isn’t falling. The WHO fumbled the ball - but don’t take my word for it…


This is an indicator that a large mass of doctors and scientists can be captured and the implications of this are valid in the climate argument. This is why I pointed at the WHO. Brexit has nothing to do with it.

Apart from the UK being first off the blocks to get a vaccine in circulation of course.
Re Covid, with hindsight of course things could have been done differently.

That report says

The panel argued that the WHO's Emergency Committee should have declared the outbreak in China an international emergency a week earlier than it did.

It should have done so at its first meeting on 22 January last year [2020], the report said, instead of waiting until 30 January.

The month following the WHO's declaration was "lost" as countries failed to take appropriate measures to halt the spread of the virus.

The WHO was then hindered by its own regulations that travel restrictions should be a last resort, the panel said, adding that Europe and the US wasted the entire month of February and acted only when their hospitals began to fill up.

Panel co-chair and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said it was "critical to have an empowered WHO".

"If travel restrictions had been imposed more quickly, more widely, again that would have been a serious inhibition on the rapid transmission of the disease and that remains the same today," she added.
Still off topic of Global Warming Swindle as far as I can see.


maximus otter