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The JFK Assassination-Parallel Universe Affect


Author of The Tarot Wheel / I Ching Oracle Wheel.
Apr 23, 2013
In this mock Grand Unified Field Theory of ALL Conspiracy Theories, I propose that it all began with the day, and exact time of John F. Kennedy's assassination.
On that special day, and at the exact time, several parallel universe merged into one.
On that day a single string of time and space, our normal time and space, became entangled with several other parallel universe timelines.

First, there are two Oswald timelines moving very close to each other.
The first timeline, it is the Communist sympathizer nutcase Oswald that shoots JFK.
In another timeline it is the very sane, Communist trained, and hired Oswald that assassinated the President.

This covers the conflicting theories of Oswald being in different places at apparently the same time.
In another parallel universe now coiling into our timeline, it is the Cuban assassin that shoots JFK.
In another timeline, it is the U.S. Government, and the Umbrella Man that helps assassinate the President.
In still another timeline it is the Soviet Union that assassinates JFK.

Three different shoots from at least 3 to 4 different timelines shoot Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll.
At three parallel universe shoots shot from behind JKF.
From this moment on, our timeline would continue to fuse with numerous other timelines related to original assassination of JFK.

For example, the U.S. Government is said to have pulled the trigger because John was going to expose the truth about Aliens.
Suppose he had, what kind of world would we be living in today?
We might be living in a society of Black Eyed Children. Or a world of cross human-alien hybrids.

Conspiracy theories concerning the Secret Governments have continued to accelerate exponentially ever since that fateful day.

I think all of the Conspiracy Theories involving the Elite Societies, from Weather Wars, to Alien Abductions have in fact taken place.
But we, in our present timeline, have only experienced all this other alternate timelines as possible theories, and rumours.
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Can you make money writing this kind of stuff? My coursework is really hard and I'm having to pay for the privilege of writing it. :banghead:
I'm happy with this theory. What about the parallel reality where the crew of Red Dwarf convince a future version of Kennedy to go back in time and assassinate himself? Is there room for that?
Does that work though? If he goes back & assassinates himself then he wouldn't exist in the future he's come from...
Does that work though? If he goes back & assassinates himself then he wouldn't exist in the future he's come from...
No, he vanished as he walked away. But also no, because it was Red Dwarf and was therefore daft.
Nah, he'd be a different Kennedy from a parallel dimension.

OK - that works.

How about in the parallel dimension Lee Harvey is an all American good guy who also goes back in time & who's mission is to kill the future Kennedy before he gets to the past one.
OK - that works.

How about in the parallel dimension Lee Harvey is an all American good guy who also goes back in time & who's mission is to kill the future Kennedy before he gets to the past one.
Are you not confusing this with "The Dead Zone" ? :)
I was thinking more Terminator. Can't remember what happens in The Dead Zone.
Ah. The main character assassinates a presidential hopeful, because he sees a future where the third world war is started by said candidate.
With disastrous unforseen results? Can't imagine a happy ending to a Cronenberg film..
Can you make money writing this kind of stuff? My coursework is really hard and I'm having to pay for the privilege of writing it. :banghead:
I am sure there is a way. But perhaps not through this venue. ha.
I think it's more inspired by the Stephen King book about the JFK assassination, soon to be a major TV series.
Hummm. I've never read the Dead Zone, and was unaware of any T.V. series related to this idea. But since there are many more people beginning to think along these lines, then perhaps the Timelines of the Parallel Universes are getting closer and tighter.
Even weirder is the theory that who, or what really killed JFK was one of the secret service gentlemen tasked with looking after the POTUS, who, after hearing a rifle shot, stumbled on picking up his carbine, and accidentally shot the president himself, but in reality it was a well thought through plan by members of the Dallas Police Department, nefarious bastards, to take out the president because he was a socialistic catholic, and to stitch up LHO, an American of extreme views who married a russian women, and to have Mr Ruby, a loyal republican take care of the patsy, in exchange for looking after his family, when he was diagnosed with lung cancer...
Hello Everyone. Thank you so kindly for all your comments, and engagements. I'm back from a long hiatus.
Does that work though? If he goes back & assassinates himself then he wouldn't exist in the future he's come from...
Unless DNA, human genealogy, and destiny all work outside of time.
I wonder, two different people, or the same people in two different timelines? In one timeline Oswald, in another, it is again the spirit, or soul of Oswald, just in a different body, born on a different day, but with both wanting, or progressing toward the same destiny, the Assassination.
Even weirder is the theory that who, or what really killed JFK was one of the secret service gentlemen tasked with looking after the POTUS, who, after hearing a rifle shot, stumbled on picking up his carbine, and accidentally shot the president himself...
This is the one that I actually find most convincing!

It was, essentially, a tragic absolutely fatal accident occurring seconds after a possibly-survivable throat wound inlicted by Oswald. It would explain the stoicism of the Kennedy family, and disinclination to seek further culprits/conspiracy solutions - SS man actually did his job but an accident occurs during his duty. The situation can't be remedied and seeking revenge just isn't appropriate or in character for his widow and family in the circumstances.

The official inquiries fudge the issue and as Oswald is already dead then why subject the unfortunate SS man to the ire of the world? So Oswald is then reported to have shot JFK more than once and the business is done. Except it isn't - people could sense something was off, wrong, strange about the death and hence the myriad CTs and silliness.
This is the one that I actually find most convincing!

It was, essentially, a tragic absolutely fatal accident occurring seconds after a possibly-survivable throat wound inlicted by Oswald. It would explain the stoicism of the Kennedy family, and disinclination to seek further culprits/conspiracy solutions - SS man actually did his job but an accident occurs during his duty. The situation can't be remedied and seeking revenge just isn't appropriate or in character for his widow and family in the circumstances.

The official inquiries fudge the issue and as Oswald is already dead then why subject the unfortunate SS man to the ire of the world? So Oswald is then reported to have shot JFK more than once and the business is done. Except it isn't - people could sense something was off, wrong, strange about the death and hence the myriad CTs and silliness.
...Hold on- what have you been up to, in a parallel Universe, then?
And how do we really know it’s the “you” from 2016...?
Administrative confirmation. My original profile was frozen until recently. I had to jump a few hoops to help prove I am the "real" Jim, and not an A.I., clone, replica, hybrid, Alien or android.
This is the one that I actually find most convincing!

It was, essentially, a tragic absolutely fatal accident occurring seconds after a possibly-survivable throat wound inlicted by Oswald. It would explain the stoicism of the Kennedy family, and disinclination to seek further culprits/conspiracy solutions - SS man actually did his job but an accident occurs during his duty. The situation can't be remedied and seeking revenge just isn't appropriate or in character for his widow and family in the circumstances.

The official inquiries fudge the issue and as Oswald is already dead then why subject the unfortunate SS man to the ire of the world? So Oswald is then reported to have shot JFK more than once and the business is done. Except it isn't - people could sense something was off, wrong, strange about the death and hence the myriad CTs and silliness.
Where was this SS man situated? Would people not have seen his mistake? Adding the damage of the head shot proves it was a shoot gun of some sort.
We may have the Age of Pisces, and entered the Age of Aquarius in September of 1962, when a planetary alignment of five planets took place. This an idea held by many, and should be Googled for more information. The alignment took place in the orbits of the planets, not something seen on earth, looking up at the horizon. These two Ages are still in conflict as the two wheels maybe pulling in energies from parallel earths, where anything is possible. A direct effect on people's sense of realities. People seeing JFK, or Elvis, Cryptids, Ghosts, Aliens, all phenomena generated by alternate earth energies seeping through the middle way of the two conflicting wheels, or Ages.
In this mock Grand Unified Field Theory of ALL Conspiracy Theories, I propose that it all began with the day, and exact time of John F. Kennedy's assassination.
On that special day, and at the exact time, several parallel universe merged into one.
On that day a single string of time and space, our normal time and space, became entangled with several other parallel universe timelines.

First, there are two Oswald timelines moving very close to each other.
The first timeline, it is the Communist sympathizer nutcase Oswald that shoots JFK.
In another timeline it is the very sane, Communist trained, and hired Oswald that assassinated the President.

This covers the conflicting theories of Oswald being in different places at apparently the same time.
In another parallel universe now coiling into our timeline, it is the Cuban assassin that shoots JFK.
In another timeline, it is the U.S. Government, and the Umbrella Man that helps assassinate the President.
In still another timeline it is the Soviet Union that assassinates JFK.

Three different shoots from at least 3 to 4 different timelines shoot Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll.
At three parallel universe shoots shot from behind JKF.
From this moment on, our timeline would continue to fuse with numerous other timelines related to original assassination of JFK.

For example, the U.S. Government is said to have pulled the trigger because John was going to expose the truth about Aliens.
Suppose he had, what kind of world would we be living in today?
We might be living in a society of Black Eyed Children. Or a world of cross human-alien hybrids.

Conspiracy theories concerning the Secret Governments have continued to accelerate exponentially ever since that fateful day.

I think all of the Conspiracy Theories involving the Elite Societies, from Weather Wars, to Alien Abductions have in fact taken place.
But we, in our present timeline, have only experienced all this other alternate timelines as possible theories, and rumours.
Thank you everyone.
Where was this SS man situated? Would people not have seen his mistake? Adding the damage of the head shot proves it was a shoot gun of some sort.

This is the suspected rifle and the unfortunate Secret Service Agent.

In this mock Grand Unified Field Theory of ALL Conspiracy Theories, I propose that it all began with the day, and exact time of John F. Kennedy's assassination.
On that special day, and at the exact time, several parallel universe merged into one.
On that day a single string of time and space, our normal time and space, became entangled with several other parallel universe timelines.

First, there are two Oswald timelines moving very close to each other.
The first timeline, it is the Communist sympathizer nutcase Oswald that shoots JFK.
In another timeline it is the very sane, Communist trained, and hired Oswald that assassinated the President.

This covers the conflicting theories of Oswald being in different places at apparently the same time.
In another parallel universe now coiling into our timeline, it is the Cuban assassin that shoots JFK.
In another timeline, it is the U.S. Government, and the Umbrella Man that helps assassinate the President.
In still another timeline it is the Soviet Union that assassinates JFK.

Three different shoots from at least 3 to 4 different timelines shoot Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll.
At three parallel universe shoots shot from behind JKF.
From this moment on, our timeline would continue to fuse with numerous other timelines related to original assassination of JFK.

For example, the U.S. Government is said to have pulled the trigger because John was going to expose the truth about Aliens.
Suppose he had, what kind of world would we be living in today?
We might be living in a society of Black Eyed Children. Or a world of cross human-alien hybrids.

Conspiracy theories concerning the Secret Governments have continued to accelerate exponentially ever since that fateful day.

I think all of the Conspiracy Theories involving the Elite Societies, from Weather Wars, to Alien Abductions have in fact taken place.
But we, in our present timeline, have only experienced all this other alternate timelines as possible theories, and rumou

In this mock Grand Unified Field Theory of ALL Conspiracy Theories, I propose that it all began with the day, and exact time of John F. Kennedy's assassination.
On that special day, and at the exact time, several parallel universe merged into one.
On that day a single string of time and space, our normal time and space, became entangled with several other parallel universe timelines.

First, there are two Oswald timelines moving very close to each other.
The first timeline, it is the Communist sympathizer nutcase Oswald that shoots JFK.
In another timeline it is the very sane, Communist trained, and hired Oswald that assassinated the President.

This covers the conflicting theories of Oswald being in different places at apparently the same time.
In another parallel universe now coiling into our timeline, it is the Cuban assassin that shoots JFK.
In another timeline, it is the U.S. Government, and the Umbrella Man that helps assassinate the President.
In still another timeline it is the Soviet Union that assassinates JFK.

Three different shoots from at least 3 to 4 different timelines shoot Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll.
At three parallel universe shoots shot from behind JKF.
From this moment on, our timeline would continue to fuse with numerous other timelines related to original assassination of JFK.

For example, the U.S. Government is said to have pulled the trigger because John was going to expose the truth about Aliens.
Suppose he had, what kind of world would we be living in today?
We might be living in a society of Black Eyed Children. Or a world of cross human-alien hybrids.

Conspiracy theories concerning the Secret Governments have continued to accelerate exponentially ever since that fateful day.

I think all of the Conspiracy Theories involving the Elite Societies, from Weather Wars, to Alien Abductions have in fact taken place.
But we, in our present timeline, have only experienced all this other alternate timelines as possible theories, and rumours.
The Theory continues with two earth's pulling away from each other. In September of 1962 the world was said to have entered the Age of Aquarius. It was due to a very rare planetary alignment. So we are still leaving the Age of Pisces. Pisces is exiting, and Aquarius is entering. It is said to take a couple hundred years before any two Ages are separated.

As the two Ages pull against each other, rifts are ripped into our time/space continuum. Portals are opened, alternate earth's appear. In one world entering ours through a rift, people see The New Jersay Devil. Soon the appearances stop. Such bazaar encounters with all things paranormal happen, but then disappear to never happen again, or not for decades.

I propose that most conspiracy theories from 9 11, to Roswell are splinters caused by the two Ages of Pisces, and Aquarius moving apart from each other.