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It has theorized that since the Sherman’s in 1964 only wanted a low price of $200,000 for the ranch, the Sherman’s were scared and wanted to get out fast.

Supposedly, an extinct Dire Wolf caused havoc on the ranch with strange deaths of livestock.

Supposedly, in the past a neighbor claimed one their dead cows was found with no blood and missing organs.

Does this laser experiment prove a UFO above the triangle area, or another dimension, or maybe some kind of weird geophysical strangeness going on ?
I suspect it is just a matter of phasing in the laser emitters. The green lasers seem to be much brighter than the blue ones; one way to lower the brightness of the laser beam would be to 'attenuate' the power supply, introducing short (imperceptible) breaks in the laser beam where the light is not shining.

Purely by chance it seems that the 'rolling shutter' of the camera has captured these breaks on a few occasions; the human observers would not have been able to see the effect, and in fact the observers said that they could not see it.

Watch Tom Scott's video as well; he says that the effect was not visible to the naked eye.
Does this laser experiment prove a UFO above the triangle area, or another dimension, or maybe some kind of weird geophysical strangeness going on ?
Not at all.It is a perfectly normal result of the laser phasing.

Supposedly, an extinct Dire Wolf caused havoc on the ranch with strange deaths of livestock.
Unless the DNA of the wolf is shown to be from a Dire Wolf (very unlikely), this is not supported by evidence.
So far, no mention of the DNA results for the Dire Wolf.

But Travis said 3 different photo shots of the green beam showed the same, and it seems the group wants to rerun this same laser experiment.
Yes, there were three different shots showing the effect. They were all different, presumably showing different stages of the interrupted beam. The best test of this equipment would be to run it elsewhere, far away from their (totally imaginary) wormhole, to see if the same effects occur.
Although Dire Wolf's DNA was sequenced in 2021, the correct way to validate DNA is to do it in at least 2 or 3 different laboratories.
On the other hand, the brutal way in which the samples have been obtained is clearly an indication that it is a television show, at least in that aspect, too far from a rudimentary scientific method.
The identification of an unknown specimen, in the current state of zoology, cannot be carried out without DNA analyzes carried out in more than one laboratory . Having the sequence of species such as the Dire Wolf already developed, the analysis is very simple.
I am sure that the financial resources are available, so regardless of the biologist's images, what counts as scientific proof is the presentation of the DNA analyzes endorsed by the laboratories that have performed them.​
I hope the program talks about the DNA tests sent off by the biologist from the dead animal.

Just as an outsider observer, the dead animal’s lower jaw structures is a perfect match for the dire wolf according what was shown on comparison pictures on the screen.
So many domestic dogs have been bred to have large jaws though. The US has many breeds like this. Check out the size of the jaw on this American Bulldog for example. It's huge. I am sure it is some kind of domestic dog. A vet or dog expert if some kind would probably be best placed to work out the breed.

So many domestic dogs have been bred to have large jaws though. The US has many breeds like this. Check out the size of the jaw on this American Bulldog for example. It's huge. I am sure it is some kind of domestic dog. A vet or dog expert if some kind would probably be best placed to work out the breed.


*re: Skinwalker Ranch.
Was watching last nights programme, showing how the Indians sang and drummed up the hotter spot within the area of the ground spiral (being the suggested portal?), which also conjured up a ufo. A ufo then shot across the sky - calculated to be moving at some astonishing speed! These will take some explaining.
'Eric' realised later, that they'd also caught sight of two sources of light falling through the night sky disappearing incredibly fast down behind the mesa, toward the spiral!
However, I noticed that they didn't pick-up on the fact that the second source of light diverted from the path of the first lit object at the last moment, just before they dipped behind the mesa. That must mean that whatever those things were, they had the ability to change course (as it wasn't apparent that they'd touched or deflected off from each other - which suggests they could have also been ufo's.
It was also very interesting to note that they had surmised that it was the sound (frequency) from the drumming that had brought about the occurrence's. Reminded me of Stonehenge - when it was tested for certain sound resonance effects from certain positions from within the stone circle. . . :thought:
*All-in-all, a good interesting nights watch!
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A ufo then shot across the sky - calculated to be moving at some astonishing speed! These will take some explaining.
I watched last night's episode too but I wasn't impressed by this "UFO" because you could see it's wings moving. This is just small and close to the camera, appearing to be far away and moving fast.
Eric' realised later, that they'd also caught sight of two sources of light falling through the night sky disappearing incredibly fast down behind the mesa, toward the spiral!
However, I noticed that they didn't pick-up on the fact that the second source of light diverted from the path of the first lit object at the last moment, just before they dipped behind the mesa. That must mean that whatever those things were, they had the ability to change course (as it wasn't apparent that they'd touched or deflected of each other - which suggests they could have also been ufo's.

Was that the strange heat signatures in the sky in the heat map? Yes, those were interesting. I wonder what caused those?
It was also very interesting to note that they had surmised that it was the sound (frequency) from the drumming that had brought about the occurrence's. Reminded me of Stonehenge - when it was tested for certain sound resonance effects from certain positions from within the stone circle. . . :thought:
*All-in-all, a good interesting nights watch!
The observation that Thomas made about the plants moving was interesting too.

Edit -for US viewers, this is from series 4 which is just now playing on Freeview in the UK.
Another insect. When will these people learn?

I recommend stereoscopic cameras in cases like this, which would allow an estimate of the distance and size of any unknown aerial object to be made. But I doubt the Skinwalker crew would want to use them, since they would identify a significant number of these unknowns. And they rely on things remaining unexplained to boost their ratings.
a: I watched last night's episode too but I wasn't impressed by this "UFO" because you could see it's wings moving. This is just small and close to the camera, appearing to be far away and moving fast.

b: Was that the strange heat signatures in the sky in the heat map? Yes, those were interesting. I wonder what caused those?

c: The observation that Thomas made about the plants moving was interesting too.

Edit -for US viewers, this is from series 4 which is just now playing on Freeview in the UK.
a: Odd how we note things differently . . . though very far, (or close) in their recordings, I took those very slight movements to be the object twisting and turning as it moved across the sky, didn't see it as showing any signs of being 'wings' as such though, personally. All too easy to explain it away as just being a bug of some sort being close up in the field of view though, as I would have thought either 'wings,' or any fuzzy movements would be much easier to work that one out.

b: Yes, the white coloured heat signatures did show up very distinctly, and were (as well as the ground heat signatures) also interesting, heat is obviously what causes them . . . but the question is, from where, and how?

c: Totally agree . . . especially as a few of them also felt some kind of pressure effect physically at the same time!
Made me wonder afterwards if it might have come from the beginning's of some kind of spiral vortex formation?
Another insect. When will these people learn?

I recommend stereoscopic cameras in cases like this, which would allow an estimate of the distance and size of any unknown aerial object to be made. But I doubt the Skinwalker crew would want to use them, since they would identify a significant number of these unknowns. And they rely on things remaining unexplained to boost their ratings.
In some cases, including the one in which a UAP was seen to have entered the top of the mesa then exiting from the front halfway down, the footage came from a helicopter, so the insect theory wouldn't apply. Stereoscopic cameras would be an excellent option.
This episode that I have mentioned on other occasions has as the most remarkable fact the frequency of the sound of the drums, which between 182 and 198 is associated with portals, not only in Skinwalker Ranch but also as I have discovered in the area of Mount Uritorco, Cordoba​
This episode that I have mentioned on other occasions has as the most remarkable fact the frequency of the sound of the drums, which between 182 and 198 is associated with portals, not only in Skinwalker Ranch but also as I have discovered in the area of Mount Uritorco, Cordoba​
It seems that some time in the remote past people all over the world started building complex stone structures that may have been capable of capturing and using natural energies. They no doubt at the same time understood how sounds and vibrations may be employed for specific purposes. As the knowledge was lost the techniques intended for specific purposes were interpreted as purely ritualistic and religious in nature, which is how historians view them.
It seems that some time in the remote past people all over the world started building complex stone structures that may have been capable of capturing and using natural energies. They no doubt at the same time understood how sounds and vibrations may be employed for specific purposes. As the knowledge was lost the techniques intended for specific purposes were interpreted as purely ritualistic and religious in nature, which is how historians view them.
I agree with what you say and one of the ways to access part of that lost knowledge is not only anthropological literature but also field work. In my case, I have traveled through several regions of my country interviewing natives and trying to reconstruct that lost knowledge. The so-called sacred areas almost always correspond to sites where vestiges of magalitic constructions and berdrock mortars or cupules can be found.
Earth sounds and vibrational energies were often used to promote access to portals or modified states of consciousness. The use of hallucinogens from plant species contributed to these actions
The latest U.S. episode season 5 is so bizarre, I don’t know if I can describe what is going on.

The drilling company still can not make progress with drilling into the mesa.

The team attacked the triangle area with LiDAR, slam scanner, laser scanners, night cameras, high speed cameras, and machines that measure frequencies and their directions, and what ever else they had.

The single blue laser beam stopped at 2,000 feet with something like a “ tic-tac” splitting the beam.

Rockets fired at the laser beam went sideways.

When all the data was developed, there is a small wormhole at Homestead #2, and also at the triangle area.

These two wormholes are supporting a cone 2,000 feet tall covering the entire ranch supported by the wormholes.

That is why the laser stopped at 2,000 feet.

Travis and group claim they are in disbelief trying to understand the data.
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Another insect. When will these people learn?

I recommend stereoscopic cameras in cases like this, which would allow an estimate of the distance and size of any unknown aerial object to be made. But I doubt the Skinwalker crew would want to use them, since they would identify a significant number of these unknowns. And they rely on things remaining unexplained to boost their ratings.
If they employed the use of the stereoscopic camera system, I'm sure that would indeed cut out an awful lot of the misinterpreted 'visual,' and distance criteria of the images.
The latest U.S. episode season 5 is so bizarre, I don’t know if I can describe what is going on.

The drilling company still can not make progress with drilling into the mesa.

The team attacked the triangle area with LiDAR, slam scanner, laser scanners, night cameras, high speed cameras, and machines that measure frequencies and their directions, and what ever else they had.

The single blue laser beam stopped at 2,000 feet with something like a “ tic-tac” splitting the beam.

Rockets fired at the laser beam went sideways.

When all the data was developed, there is a small wormhole at Homestead #2, and also at the triangle area.

These two wormholes are supporting a cone 2,000 feet tall covering the entire ranch supported by the wormholes.

That is why the laser stopped at 2,000 feet.

Travis and group claim they are in disbelief trying to understand the data.
Frustrating having to wait another 2-3 months to see the UK version!
This latest episode presents a strong argument that the folklore of portals at Skinwalker Ranch is very real.

Travis and group also believe the answer to all questions is locked inside the mesa which so far has been impossible to get inside.
This latest episode presents a strong argument that the folklore of portals at Skinwalker Ranch is very real.

Travis and group also believe the answer to all questions is locked inside the mesa which so far has been impossible to get inside.
That seems to sum it up very well!
The beam stopping in midair is not that unusual.

Here's Dr. Edward V. Browell, Head of the NASA Lidar Applications Group at the NASA Langley Research Center:
"We transmit high-power laser beams in the zenith on many occasions and observe the same optical effect you describe. The cause of this is the enhancement of aerosols (atmospheric particles) in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) which causes enhanced scattering of the laser beam back to your eyes. Above the PBL, which can be very low at night (<100 m), the amount of aerosols is very low compared to within the PBL, and as a result the scattering of the laser beam appears to end abruptly at the top of the PBL. More sensitive detectors, such as we use in Lidar, can continue to sense the scattering from aerosols and molecules well above the PBL demonstrating that the beam does not just stop there. If you are interested, you can see from our airborne lidar images that are posted on our web site (https://web.archive.org/web/20090320123758/http://asd-www.larc.nasa.gov/lidar/lidar.html) how the aerosols (and scattering) vary across the atmosphere."
So scattering of the beam may be terminated at a fairly low level. I suspect it has hit a thin layer of cloud in that region, as blue beams are less likely to penetrate particulates. Unlike red and infrared beams, which can travel further.
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It’s strange but supposedly a vortex over the ranch is interfering with the laser experiment according to all the data collected from all their equipment.
The label 'vortex' is a meaningless one in this context. A vortex is a kind of whirlpool in a liquid or gaseous layer, and displays circular movement in one direction or another; tornados, hurricanes and dust devils are vortices, and they all display a circular or spiral movement with a distinct direction - either in a left-hand direction or a right-hand direction.

The Skinwalker crew have displayed a lot of different phenomena on their program (all of which seem to have fairly straightforward, mundane causes) but I haven't seen any true vortices with marked rotation yet.

This circular 'hole' in their drone LIDAR mapping attempt was caused entirely by circular movement of the drone, and has nothing to do with any vortex. In particular it displays no evidence of spiral movement. You can see that all the scan lines are perfectly radial - no evidence of a vortex.

In short, the 'vortex' description is just more nonsense.
The label 'vortex' is a meaningless one in this context. A vortex is a kind of whirlpool in a liquid or gaseous layer, and displays circular movement in one direction or another; tornados, hurricanes and dust devils are vortices, and they all display a circular or spiral movement with a distinct direction - either in a left-hand direction or a right-hand direction.

The Skinwalker crew have displayed a lot of different phenomena on their program (all of which seem to have fairly straightforward, mundane causes) but I haven't seen any true vortices with marked rotation yet.

This circular 'hole' in their drone LIDAR mapping attempt was caused entirely by circular movement of the drone, and has nothing to do with any vortex. In particular it displays no evidence of spiral movement. You can see that all the scan lines are perfectly radial - no evidence of a vortex.

In short, the 'vortex' description is just more nonsense.
Not spiral, yes, so not a 'vortex' as such, and as it's known spiral-like shape. So what to make of the red circular area? If that is a ground feature (a geological feature presumably), and the Lidar is moving over the area in a circular movement, wouldn't the red area not be circular?
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The label 'vortex' is a meaningless one in this context. A vortex is a kind of whirlpool in a liquid or gaseous layer, and displays circular movement in one direction or another; tornados, hurricanes and dust devils are vortices, and they all display a circular or spiral movement with a distinct direction - either in a left-hand direction or a right-hand direction.

The Skinwalker crew have displayed a lot of different phenomena on their program (all of which seem to have fairly straightforward, mundane causes) but I haven't seen any true vortices with marked rotation yet.

This circular 'hole' in their drone LIDAR mapping attempt was caused entirely by circular movement of the drone, and has nothing to do with any vortex. In particular it displays no evidence of spiral movement. You can see that all the scan lines are perfectly radial - no evidence of a vortex.

In short, the 'vortex' description is just more nonsense.
If I remember correctly, the lidar drone was using a standard back-and-forth grid pattern, not a circular one. In fact I can't recall any of the scans on the ranch using a circular pattern. That doesn't mean that the anomaly in the centre is a wormhole, of course.
If I remember correctly, the lidar drone was using a standard back-and-forth grid pattern, not a circular one.
That is not correct; they should have used a grid pattern but didn't. More incompetence disguised as science.
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