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The W5 Of The Alien Abduction Experience: Possible Answers To A Global Phenomena

The Aliens involved with cattle mutilations, and human implantations, and / or abductions, the whole gamete, maybe interested in trying to find what makes us human by researching what we are eating, specially proteins. They may also be to influence our own genetics by DNA, genetic interference of both human and animal protein consumption, as a catalyst to procreation. In this I mean, the compatibility of humans to be at the top of the food chain. How, and why we made it it to such a universal diet.
You could carry out genetic sampling without using such a crudely intrusive set of methods, though. Indeed if you had very advanced technology you could probably carry out the sampling without anyone ever realising. You wouldn't need to leave dead cows everywhere.

As I've said elsewhere the 'logic' of abductions, as of cattle mutilations, seems to be more dramatic than anything else. Why else have memory erasure which appears to fail all the time for example?
Yes, aliens are trying to change our DNA so humans can survive the harsh environmental conditions of the future.
Yes, aliens are trying to change our DNA so humans can survive the harsh environmental conditions of the future.
Why are they 'trying'? If they are sufficiently evolved that they can cross interstellar space, manipulate memories, etc etc, then there should be no 'try', there should be only 'do'.

Except that 'changing DNA' isn't a thing.
Somewhere in human history the DNA was changed to produce 15% of the worlds population to end up Rh negative blood.

Some scientists claimed this was a forced change by an unknown condition.

Our DNA needs to change for the upcoming climate change and scarcity of food.
Most people in my immediate family are negative except for me which a long time ago caused my wife and I a Rh problem with her second pregnancy.

The baby was taken early and turned out OK.
I am Rh neg, my husband (and children's father) was Rh pos. So after each child was delivered their blood type was tested to see if I would need the Anti D injection which they give you post delivery to protect the next pregnancy. And every one of my children is Rh neg...

I like to think I have the superior blood.
Hello everyone.

This is the main part of my theories on the Alien Agenda. It is the Primary Wheel about which all my other ideas concerning Alien Abduction, Alien Implantation, and Alien / Human Contact Experience. This first part will quickly introduce the main concepts of my theory, it will be the W5, the who, what , where, when, and why of the Alien Experience. I must include how these Alien Entities are infiltrating our lives.

At first it would appear as if They should have no problem at all interfering with our lives. However, upon much closer inspection there appears to be a lot of difficulty for them penetrating our Collective Consciousness. These Beings always exercise a great quantity of power and energy in order to tap into our minds. This energy appears to be a very bright LIGHT. A living light made of a consciousness of its own. It has many properties of powers such as levity, and hypnotism. In all my own research I have seen a curious faculty in all these Alien Abduction Experiences, or A.A.E. These Beings seem to be serving the LIGHT. It is as if They are moving under the Will of the Light that abductees report seeing. As it the Light wants to understand us, and that these Alien creatures are just the agents.

Now of course this brings up many possibilities concerning the concepts of Lucifer. Adding that the name, used only once was referring to the Morning Star, and it means Light Bringer, it is a Latin Word meaning "Light". Nothing more. With this said, we are faced with the dark side of the Alien experience. The deep, black eyes, the black oil that some abductees experience in their surgeries, the fear. So now we have the equilibrium of Light, and Darkness. The abductee experiences both at the same time. But the Light does not seem to bring comfort to the Abductee. It only seems to amplify the terror. The one permeating phenomena of the alien abduction experience is the constant presence of radiation. The Light is radioactive. We all know the dangers of radioactivity, and its use usually signifies the lower consciousness of a more primitive species like us. A species that doesn't understand anything about the true nature of radioactivity. And so someone is trying to send us a message. Trying to warn us of something important. It involves, darkness, light and radioactivity.
Last night I dreamt I wrote a letter to Whitley Strieber.
Powerful, negative vibrations of energy are released upon the earth, and affect the collective minds of people, when billions of animals are being slaughtered in slaughter houses all over the world everyday. The Aliens maybe trying to show us, in a unconscious collective mind, way, what it is like for the animals when they are probed, tagged, adducted onto transport trucks, and exposed to foreign environments. The Alien Abduction experience would be there way of showing us the negative we are producing daily.
Powerful, negative vibrations of energy are released upon the earth, and affect the collective minds of people, when billions of animals are being slaughtered in slaughter houses all over the world everyday. The Aliens maybe trying to show us, in a unconscious collective mind, way, what it is like for the animals when they are probed, tagged, adducted onto transport trucks, and exposed to foreign environments. The Alien Abduction experience would be there way of showing us the negative we are producing daily.
I agree with the first part but I can't see that the relatively few cattle mutilations that the vast majority haven't really heard about makes much difference.

The animal slaughter part, that I agree with. In the ancient Vedic texts (from India) state that the mass slaughter of animals causes evil to flourish more easily by way of highly negative vibrations and while animals are being slaughtered for consumption, there will always be wars.

This is the shortest part of the theory. As for the implants. I believe the various different Alien Species are deliberately changing our DNA pool. This is being done in a relatively slow process from our point of view. But from There's the intelligent boost in evolution is moving alone quit swiftly. No one knows the exact numbers but over the past 50 years we could estimate that millions have been implanted.

As to why? I think it has to do with the nuclear age we started. The hundreds of atomic tests we conducted above ground, in the oceans, and under the earth. As some professionals in the fields of UFO-Alien phenomena such as Zacharia Sitchin, nuclear bombs were used by the ANUNNAKI and other Alien Species to create life. Yes, a kind of Genesis Machine. We only know of the destructive consequences of nuclear radiations, but we know nothing of its potential ability to create life on a mass scale. I will quote Sitchin at a later time.

In todays world we are constantly devouring various kinds of poisons; to many poisons to mention here. At the same time we are moving into a age where we will be soon, genetically interacting with our computers. Tomorrows computers will be based more and more interlinked with our DNA. Nano-technology with genetic engineering, bio based computers, cloning and stem cell research are all moving toward this. The Alien implantations are designed to either help us with that eventually merging of the man-machine, or perhaps hinder it.

Often abductees find that they are missing small samples of their bodies. In extreme cases, the fetes of the woman has been removed. The Alien Species that do this appear to be of the most desperate. They are trying to create human alien hybrids. Why? For the same reason many Alien Races are taking samples of our plants, trees, air, water, and earth. To seed other worlds, other dimensions. To restart what we have here, potentially billions of planetary systems.
I know wonder if the current sea of people said to have been implanted with Alien technology maybe now affecting our brand new world of A.I. ?
Powerful, negative vibrations of energy are released upon the earth, and affect the collective minds of people, when billions of animals are being slaughtered in slaughter houses all over the world everyday. The Aliens maybe trying to show us, in a unconscious collective mind, way, what it is like for the animals when they are probed, tagged, adducted onto transport trucks, and exposed to foreign environments. The Alien Abduction experience would be there way of showing us the negative we are producing daily.
I agree with the enormous ecological and energy disasters that affect our planet. The human being is responsible for these damages, and in particular the current so-called "civilization." As a social entity it is clear that it does not recognize responsibility for this, , but if we ask each of us individually, we would agree on this more than obvious damage. In reality, in 45 years of research I have not found evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials, much less that they intervene in our affairs, however if so, at least there are beings who care more than us about the destruction of the planet.
I agree with the enormous ecological and energy disasters that affect our planet. The human being is responsible for these damages, and in particular the current so-called "civilization." As a social entity it is clear that it does not recognize responsibility for this, , but if we ask each of us individually, we would agree on this more than obvious damage. In reality, in 45 years of research I have not found evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials, much less that they intervene in our affairs, however if so, at least there are beings who care more than us about the destruction of the planet.
Yes I agree. Thank you.

This is the shortest part of the theory. As for the implants. I believe the various different Alien Species are deliberately changing our DNA pool. This is being done in a relatively slow process from our point of view. But from There's the intelligent boost in evolution is moving alone quit swiftly. No one knows the exact numbers but over the past 50 years we could estimate that millions have been implanted.

As to why? I think it has to do with the nuclear age we started. The hundreds of atomic tests we conducted above ground, in the oceans, and under the earth. As some professionals in the fields of UFO-Alien phenomena such as Zacharia Sitchin, nuclear bombs were used by the ANUNNAKI and other Alien Species to create life. Yes, a kind of Genesis Machine. We only know of the destructive consequences of nuclear radiations, but we know nothing of its potential ability to create life on a mass scale. I will quote Sitchin at a later time.

In todays world we are constantly devouring various kinds of poisons; to many poisons to mention here. At the same time we are moving into a age where we will be soon, genetically interacting with our computers. Tomorrows computers will be based more and more interlinked with our DNA. Nano-technology with genetic engineering, bio based computers, cloning and stem cell research are all moving toward this. The Alien implantations are designed to either help us with that eventually merging of the man-machine, or perhaps hinder it.

Often abductees find that they are missing small samples of their bodies. In extreme cases, the fetes of the woman has been removed. The Alien Species that do this appear to be of the most desperate. They are trying to create human alien hybrids. Why? For the same reason many Alien Races are taking samples of our plants, trees, air, water, and earth. To seed other worlds, other dimensions. To restart what we have here, potentially billions of planetary systems.
I wonder if such Alien UFO crashes are caused by a thick layer of human thought fields. iIf thoughts are things, and energy that travels beyond our own skulls, than our collective thoughts could be so think, and confusing that they mess up the Alien technologies; which I some would be very sensitive.
Part three gets my vote.

From what Ive read on this subject (which often requires alot of "joining the dots") many abductees are of ET origin and volunteered to incarnate here so that they could assist their own races intentions related to colonizing other worlds. I feel that the main reason these volunteers have no memory of their previous other world existence is primarily to prevent Karma which could force them into reincarnating here again.

Now, this isnt the answer to every abduction or visitation. There will be many ETs from lower civilisations that simply take advantage of us and also the desperate whose own world(s) is close to ruin.

There is dark and light in everything for that is how the universe or creation operates.
Yes I agree. There are many undesirables out there.
Leave two questions.
1-Is there any scientific evidence of the existence of implants in human beings?
2-If question 1 is affirmative, is there any evidence that they are not of terrestrial origin?
On the other hand, the alteration of humanity's DNA should be related to a majority of supposedly implanted human beings, following that theory. There are almost 8 billion people living on planet Earth today. How long would it take to implant a certain number of people so that DNA can be modified over generations?
What is the percentage of those implanted in relation to the total population, according to the estimates of those who defend this theory?​
Leave two questions.
1-Is there any scientific evidence of the existence of implants in human beings?
2-If question 1 is affirmative, is there any evidence that they are not of terrestrial origin?
On the other hand, the alteration of humanity's DNA should be related to a majority of supposedly implanted human beings, following that theory. There are almost 8 billion people living on planet Earth today. How long would it take to implant a certain number of people so that DNA can be modified over generations?
What is the percentage of those implanted in relation to the total population, according to the estimates of those who defend this theory?​
Like most paranormal experiences, these are 'subjective' experiences. Proof in the Alien experience is not scientific. It is subjective.
Like most paranormal experiences, these are 'subjective' experiences. Proof in the Alien experience is not scientific. It is subjective.
But an implant is something objective, something physical, not paranormal. If you propose that the DNA change is carried out by a psychic or spiritual action, I accept your subjectivity. A change in DNA is something completely detectable by science.
On the other hand, the rating of Alien should also be subjective if it is a subjective phenomenon.
But an implant is something objective, something physical, not paranormal. If you propose that the DNA change is carried out by a psychic or spiritual action, I accept your subjectivity. A change in DNA is something completely detectable by science.
On the other hand, the rating of Alien should also be subjective if it is a subjective phenomenon.
True. I am not aware of any scientifically proven Alien implants. It could all be a big hoax. I don't know. If the implants are supposed to change DNA, I don't think there is any evidence of this either. Either scientists are afraid to say anything, or it is something that simply can't be be proven. You raised very intelligent points. I'm afraid I know too little of the phenomena to be of any real help. Or scientists, and science are doing their very best to avoid any kind of proof or evidence. But as far as I am concerned, this topic is purely speculation, and has no basis in science what's so ever.
True. I am not aware of any scientifically proven Alien implants. It could all be a big hoax. I don't know. If the implants are supposed to change DNA, I don't think there is any evidence of this either. Either scientists are afraid to say anything, or it is something that simply can't be be proven. You raised very intelligent points. I'm afraid I know too little of the phenomena to be of any real help. Or scientists, and science are doing their very best to avoid any kind of proof or evidence. But as far as I am concerned, this topic is purely speculation, and has no basis in science what's so ever.
Perhaps scientists associated with some university or official institution have no interest in these issues. As an independent scientist, I would be very interested in obtaining data on these topics.
I believe there is going to be a shift in our consciousness soon. I don't know when, but it could be in hundreds of years. By soon, I am speaking of sudden jumps in consciousness like that which took place 50,000 years ago in ancient Sumer. I think all the UFO sightings, UFO and Alien experiences, the implants, the obductions are all about a sudden shift in higher consciousness being developed by these experiences. Once enough people have have had the experiences, the shift, like a polar shift, may happen.