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Time Travelling Aliens



Does anyone else think that the supposed ET's come from the future?
I mean they might be the evolved form of us, the next evoloution.
The 'abductions' are for cloning to keep their race alive, they obviously the have no reproductive organs.
They study us to see what their history is like, and to see what the evolved form.
Does anyone else think this or am i alone.
Conspiracist_x said:
I mean they might be the evolved form of us, the next evoloution.
The 'abductions' are for cloning to keep their race alive, they obviously the have no reproductive organs.
If they are clever enough to travel back in time, then they must certainly have the know-how to reproduce themselves without having to abduct people from the past. After all, we are only a decade or two from being able to grow any sort of human tissue we need.
Anyway, without reproductive organs, how the heck did they themselves come into existence in the first place?

Thats a good point annasdottir.
But they could be mutated. Theres lots of different ways to explain their exsistence. I just think that if there are ETs flying around our skies they must have a reason. If there isn't ETs then it must be a government, probably America, but it could be others, they are probably flying new aircraft. I dunno. What do u think the UFOs are?
if we can clone a sheep why cant they? who's to say in a few years that we wont be able to clone people? (ignoring all legalities) then i'll guess if they can both time travel and fly round in disks then they can clone thing's if they want to

Annasdottir i know they are Unidentified Flying Objects but i mean who do you think is in them.
What I mean is they are unidentified flying objects. That is, they are (apparently) in the sky and are not identified. They are unknown objects/phenomena. "UFO" is not another name for flying saucers.
People (in the West, anyway) tend to see very little of the night sky because of light pollution, air pollution etc. They have no idea of what phase the Moon is in, never mind what planets and stars are visible, which regular metorited showers are expected. There is also a lot of nighttime air traffic. So what tends to happen with UFO sightings is that somebody who hasn't really looked at the night sky for years, if ever, looks up and sees some bright unfamiliar light - "Gahd! Looka that!! A UFO!" Go through UFO reports - see how few of them are reported by people who know something about what the night sky actually looks like - night-driving truckers, for instance - and how many are filed by people who normally spend nighttimes indoors, have been driving all that day, are likely to be tired, are looking at the object through a windscreen.
All over the world, every night, there are thousands and thousands of amateur astronomers out, studying the skies. Why don't any of them spot anything inexplicable?
Perhaps they're on a Search & Rescue mission, looking for one or more of their lost buddies - only they're not sure quite where in Time or Earthspace they're likely to be (hence sightings of them throughout history and across the globe)?
Film tie in

Delving into the theory of films based on real theories, has anyone seen the film 'Mission To Mars'. They go on a mission to mars and find something wierd on the 'Face Of Mars' they explore and find an opening. THey go in and find it is a ship, a hologram comes up and shows that a huge meteor hit mars(which was once like Earth) and devestated it, all of the aliens flew away apart from one that stayed and planted the DNA code into the early stages of the Earths life producing life as we know it(sorry about the pun), i think that the reason there is so many sightings(apart from the percentage of drunks, tierd people and wackos, that report them) throught history is the aliens coming back to see how their creations are evolving and living.
if we can clone a sheep why cant they?

Maybe they're somehow contaminated and they need 'pure' genetic material to use for their genetic experiments?
Annasdottir said:
All over the world, every night, there are thousands and thousands of amateur astronomers out, studying the skies. Why don't any of them spot anything inexplicable?
Speaking as an astronomer (admittedly mostly of the armchair variety) those who do observe mostly use telescopes, which is an almost literal example of tunnel vision! So, while our hero is admiring the beauties of the rings of Saturn (well-placed for viewing at present), a whole fleet of UFOs could sail across the other side of the sky without him noticing!

And the higher-tech amateur now is imitating the professionals - he sits indoors in the warm watching the images from his telescope on his PC!

Naked eye observers would be more likely to see UFOs, but as these people mainly look for meteor showers, they might well interpret any odd lights as part of the shower.

PS: My first telescope was homemade by me, as a teenager. Several decades later, I have just acquired another one - it was on sale in a charity shop for peanuts! If it encourages me to get outside more often, and I see anything weird, I'll report it here...
Maybe 'they' are taking samples and making tests to determine the differene between the humans of today and those of the future - if they are time travellers. Isn't that what we would do if we were capable of time travel today (putting aside all the arguments stated in another thread).

Surely there would be differences in the body of a man of1801, compared with one of today (think of all the additives in today's food, and the effects of modern industry on the human body), so presumably there would be differences between 'them' and us.


I just think if their were andvanced versions of us they most know how it feels to be us, or have it in books or whatever, i just think if the were trying to figure us and themselves out it would probably benefit all of us if they would ,excuse the movie quote again, "land on the white house lawn and say " "hello we are here, and we have been watching you, How are you?"
A bit improbable but it would be easier on everyone, that is if people could deal with 'aliens' being out there.
I once read in a book that if the goverment/s told the people that there are extraterestrials out there that they would go into mass panic.
One thing i like about these aliens and conspiracists is that someone said that the us government found a ufo at roswell and traded human abudctees for alien technology so they could beat the russians and woever else they like.
Yes, but they wouldn't have the benefit of a nice, fresh 21st century human body . . . nothing like the real thing! We have access to any number of documents from, say, 200 years ago, but we don't have first-hand experience of that time, so our impressions are 'tainted' by 21st century views.

Suppose, but if they are so advanced they could probably clone a body from DNA samples from todays doctors.
if they are so advanced with the ability to clone and travel in time why bother time travelling just clone from the samples you already have or mess with a bit of your own dna

unless in the future we all become mutants and they need our pure DNA to .................... ignor me i dont know where im going with this

rynner said:
Speaking as an astronomer (admittedly mostly of the armchair variety) those who do observe mostly use telescopes, which is an almost literal example of tunnel vision! So, while our hero is admiring the beauties of the rings of Saturn (well-placed for viewing at present), a whole fleet of UFOs could sail across the other side of the sky without him noticing!

And the higher-tech amateur now is imitating the professionals - he sits indoors in the warm watching the images from his telescope on his PC!
Naked eye observers would be more likely to see UFOs, but as these people mainly look for meteor showers, they might well interpret any odd lights as part of the shower.
I was thinking of the popular "star parties" held in the USA, of which there are dozens and dozens every year. Basically, they consist of loads of amateur astronomers going out to some remote location and spending all night looking at the sky with 'scopes, bins and naked-eye; some are just one-night affairs, other are big camping festivals lasting up to a week. Plenty of scope ('cuse the pun) there for spotting anything anomalous in the skies, I would have thought.
As for the truckers reference, my husband is a retired trucker. He spent 30 years on the road, often driving at night; on the many occasions he had to spend the night in his wagon, he would always find some remote layby far from urban lights. He knew the night sky well; he also knew his geography. Therefore (for instance), when he saw some coloured lights moving across the nightsky, he knew that it was a plane flying into the small airfield a few miles away in that direction. To take another instance, when he was driving through Cheshire one night and saw a small red glowing light across the fields, he knew that it was one of ICI's plants flaring off some gas. He also knew how small distant lights could appear distorted through a windscreen. He never once saw anything in the night sky that he couldn't explain. As I asked in my previous posting, how many UFO reports have been made by truckers?
And as for naked-eye observers thinking strange lights are part of the meteor showers they are observing, wouldn't it be a tad foolish for alien spacecraft to scoot around in the middle of a meteor shower?
Annasdottir said:
And as for naked-eye observers thinking strange lights are part of the meteor showers they are observing, wouldn't it be a tad foolish for alien spacecraft to scoot around in the middle of a meteor shower?
Assuming UFOs are alien spacecraft!

But just for the sake of argument, OK: but if they're capable of crossing light-years of space, I'd expect them to have some defence system against much bigger particles than generally arrive here as meteors.

Also, if the craft are stooging around in the lower levels of the atmosphere, they'll be in no more danger than our aircraft, because most meteors burn up at the top of the atmosphere, miles higher.

And a nice synchronicity - just before reading your post, Annasdottir, I had an email from a member of our astro-soc, describing his observations of the Leonid shower last w/e! Observing in the early morning from a layby on Dartmoor (on his way to a business meeting) he reported this:

"Two of the four bright ones were among the 10 brightest I have ever seen, leaving a trail wich sustained for 2 to 3 seconds about moving across say 5 degrees of sky."

He was luckier than most UK observers!

LATER: I just came across this link - Falling stones!
I watched that the other day, it had mick jagger and emilio estavez.
But i turned over because it was a good plot but wasnt very well filmed.
txlibrarian said:
Movie called "Freejack" had that as the plot.

No, that's based on 'Immortality Inc', in the where a racing driver is snatched from the present to provide a host body for a dying tycoon.

The book is very different and lot better.

Synopsis at: http://www.sciencefictionmuseum.com/stories/reviews/snop008.html

I think the film you're talking could be 'Official Denial' 1993, where the 'aliens' are in fact evolved humans from a ruined far future who are undergoing some kind of genetic deterioration and need uncontaminated DNA to reintroduce certain traits.

(It had some very primitive CGI effects, and Dirk Benedict and Erin Grey)

How's that for snatching a thread from the past?
(Actually I was looking up Conspiracist_x's old posts)
another view

in Ray Fowler's book The Watchers, a continuation of his work with Betty Andreasson, whose draftmanship improved with each book ( she does fairly detailed sketches of her abductors and their technology), BA's visitors tell her that they " used to be us."
Is the Andreasson story unknown here or too silly to discuss?
Try reading John Varley's Millenium or watch the movie...
It's possible that the highly evolved future humans (if that's what they are, and if they exist) are tweaking our DNA, to alter the course of their own evolution.
It's the most effective way to apply enhancements to an entire species in one go (assuming you've got time travel capability).
Surely if your a time traveller interference in the past could have negative effects as well. So not only can they time travel but they can recognise a DNA line that has no bearing on the future.

Which makes me think I'm even more happy never to have been abducted. Maybe there will be a decendant/s of Mook in the far future.

mooks out
If "they" wanted information about us, surely they would go on the internet?!

I think that if they are here, they must have a very interesting reason for it... either they are trying to tell us something or helping themselves, whether they're from the future or not.
Well its a very interesting subject. I have read tons of books on the subject and after all that I am none the wiser :)

Though I do have some kinda opinion now.

I believe we are visited, whether the phenomena are from distant stars, the hollow earth or wherever I don't know.

For sure some highly competent observers have reported things, so I feel that its a safe bet to say that YES there is something happening, this point seems to be beyond dispute.

Who or what they are is still totally open to question. Who's to say they are not animals, robotic probes, lil green men.

Reading a wide range of reports you begin to see that it may be that we are being visited by many different things, not necessarily all from the same place.

I am pretty interested in astronomy, there's been so much time in the past that our whole solar systems rise and decay has been played out millions of times all around the universe already.

It would seem to me quite arrogant to think that we are the only ones, if not a little scary also, to be out here alone scares me more than thinking of a universe teeming with life.

It seems a remarkable coincidence for everything to have happened the way it has to produce us, maybe so remarkable that it has not happened anywhere else.

If it turns out we are alone then we really need to get a grip on our poisoning of the planet. Its a fragile place and it might be the ONLY oasis for us in the whole universe so we would be wise to get a grip on it now and stop destroying our nursery.

I could speak for hours about all this but have work to do so there you go.

casio said:
if we can clone a sheep why cant they?

Of course they would. But not too many, mind, or they will all be asleep. And if they could build androids, would they dream of electric sheep? (I just thought I'd slip that one in.)

Travelling in time! The whole thing is preposterous!
It would seem to me quite arrogant to think that we are the only ones

I agree with this. If we do find evidence of life having appeared on other planets then the possibility that intelligent life exists elsewhere is increased enormously.
What do people think of the supposition that if the USA already have evidence of intelligent life beyond our planet they would not be spending so much money looking for evidence of life on Mars?
It would seem to me quite arrogant to think that we are the only ones

I agree with this. If we do find evidence of life having appeared on other planets then the possibility that intelligent life exists elsewhere is increased enormously.
What do people think of the supposition that if the USA already has evidence of intelligent life beyond our planet they would not be spending so much money looking for evidence it on Mars?