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Triangular UFO Sightings

Yeah; pink is one of the options.
I don't know if anyone remembers the Greifswald Lights from about 30 years ago, but I'm pretty sure these were shown to be flares from a Soviet (?) exercise:


Typically the only references I can find now cast doubt on the flare story but I'm pretty sure these were more firmly linked to flares at one point. They certainly look very flare like.
I don't know if anyone remembers the Greifswald Lights from about 30 years ago, but I'm pretty sure these were shown to be flares from a Soviet (?) exercise:


Typically the only references I can find now cast doubt on the flare story but I'm pretty sure these were more firmly linked to flares at one point. They certainly look very flare like.
I have to wonder though... do they cast doubt on the flare explanation because they "want to believe"... or because it's actually unlikely?
I have no idea. Probably a mix of the two: wanting to believe leads to an emphasis of those accounts or factors which seem to lead away from the flare explanation.

I'll see if I can track down a more definite attribution of the sighting to flares.
Here we go, had to find one in German (Google translates ok). This webpage seems to be written by one of the actual witnesses:


The solution to the mystery: Operation Tannenbaum - a military maneuver. Legendary UFOs become IFOs (Identified Flight Objects)

The NVA (People's Navy/Air Force) didn't think it necessary to use the media to enlighten the people who were speculating about UFOs, and that after the Wall had fallen!

Thanks to Werner Walter and his colleagues from CENAP , this UFO case could be explained about 4 years later .

The sighting area, the Pomeranian Bay, not just Greifswald, was part of the GDR's air firing zone II at the time and was used by the Warsaw Pact, including the People's Navy.
According to NVA officers, the so-called UFOs were training flares on parachutes.
These flares (fire bombs) from the Silbermühle company (now NICO) were fired very high with small rockets from warships, and after detonation they slowly floated down hanging on oversized parachutes, or depending on the thermals of the heated Baltic Sea, they stood in the sky.

These flares, very high and distant, but glaringly bright, were then spotted with infrared-tracking surface-to-air missiles shot at. In this case by the Northern Group of the Soviet Forces, which was stationed on the Polish side about 50 km behind the border at Scheuna.
The surface-to-air missiles, which flew into the flares in a parabolic trajectory, had long since used up their fuel, with the exception of a few remnants, so that there was no longer a tail to be seen.
It only flashed when (the translation was a bit weird at this point but I assume 'a missile hit a flare' was meant). After reunification, the NVA used maneuvers to dispose of their remaining rockets and flares.

I had not previously considered this possibly for some sightings of massive, slow moving, or hovering, triangular-shaped objects, with lights in each corner and an apparent central light, often seen to be red in colour.

These two videos demonstrate how deceptive an otherwise unlit Goodyear blimp flying at night, might be.

Here’s one from 2021 over military base in Twentynine Palms, California

Looks like could well be flares but according to witnesses, they hovered in the roughly same place for 10 minutes. Can some flares do this?

I’m not convinced by the ‘you can see the outline of a craft’ photo..

That is the same event as in the earlier post.

There were 50 witnesses to this event, but it has been satisfactorily explained.
Looks like could well be flares but according to witnesses, they hovered in the roughly same place for 10 minutes. Can some flares do this?
Yeah, near enough; they can last for 7 minutes or so, long enough to get plenty of Smartphone footage.

Here's Mick West on the subject
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Here’s one from 2021 over military base in Twentynine Palms, California

Looks like could well be flares but according to witnesses, they hovered in the roughly same place for 10 minutes. Can some flares do this?

I’m not convinced by the ‘you can see the outline of a craft’ photo..

Pretty sure this is the same case, and quickly debunked (unfortunately):

"After stating they spent “two years” investigating the case, the existence of this training exercise and the scheduled military activity on the base was entirely left out of the original reporting by Corbell and Knapp."

Beats swamp gas or Venus I suppose :0) his book is quite good
Have now downloaded his book on Kindle and getting stuck in.

There is a sketch of the object as seen by daughter Victoria. This sketch shows the craft between two large electricity pylons which surprised me as a) I didn't recall him mentioning pylons and b) from his narrative the location I had found on Google maps had no pylons in view. I then found the pylons further up the road and quite close to the crossroads at High Cross, where they approach across the fields and cross the Fosse Way.

It is possible to work out the location of the car from the alignment of these pylons as seen in the sketch. The pylons aren't visible from where they turned right onto the Fosse Way but apparently the lights were and so the logical conclusion is that the lights were not close to the car as he claims but some distance away. This then casts doubt on his entire narrative about the object being just tens of feet away and I'm afraid they sound more and more like military flares or some other misidentification.

Furthermore, the author claims he had no interest in UFOs prior to this event and yet he states that immediately following the sighting "My wife checked her watch in case there had been any missing time". Sorry, but this sounds very much like someone who was familiar with UFO lore and the concept of missing time following UFO encounters.

I am not saying the author is dishonest but I feel he saw some unusual bright red lights in the sky from the backseat of the car and his imagination got the better of him, especially as the written testimony from his daughter and now ex-wife both essentially state that they saw some unusual bright red lights out over in the fields, stopped the car to getter a better look and then they were gone.

I had not previously considered this possibly for some sightings of massive, slow moving, or hovering, triangular-shaped objects, with lights in each corner and an apparent central light, often seen to be red in colour.

These two videos demonstrate how deceptive an otherwise unlit Goodyear blimp flying at night, might be.

Great find, thanks.

Interesting that one of the Goodyear blimps was on a European tour in 1999, the same year there was a spate of early hours/night-time triangular UFO reports from the Leicestershire area and elsewhere that featured three white-is lights and a red light.



The Goodyear blimp visits motor racing venues, such as Mallory Park in Leicestershire:


Located just eight or so miles from where Colin Saunders had his late evening 1999 triangular UFO sighting.

During the 2011 UK visit the Goodyear blimp was stationed at Cardington near Bedford (50-ish miles from Colin's sighting), that huge old airship hanger visible from the railway, and toured the UK. One comment on the linked forum is of particular interest:

"Living in Upminster, I saw this regularly over the summer and up until recently. Saw it a few times all lit up doing night flights coming home off of late shifts from work and also lit up tethered in the airfield. In fact it seemed to spend more time tethered in the airfield, than actual flying."


Found this:

"The famous Goodyear blimp returned to the West Midlands today for the first time in more than a decade.
Goodyear airships, known as blimps, were once a familiar sight across the region, when they were based at Halfpenny Green, near Wolverhampton, but have not flown in the UK since 1999.
Goodyear, which employs around 400 workers at its Bushbury plant, has now commissioned a new pair of blimps, Spirit of Safety I and Spirit of Safety II."


Of further note is that these triangular lights were described a slow and/or stationary and few were seen to exit the scene at phenomenal speed as in so many classic UFO reports.

So a picture is building up of Goodyear blimps having being based and flown in the Midlands in 1999 and at the same time a spate of 'triangular UFOs' displaying the same navigation lights as the blimp. I've always felt the "It was a blimp" explanation to be somewhat lazy and it was rightly parodied in The Simpsons X-Files episode, however the evidence is hard to ignore.
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Further to the above, the 1999 British Touring Car Championships (BTCC) were at Donington Park on the 5th April


This is five days after Colin Saunders saw bight lights in the night sky that he believed to be a triangular UFOs but that manoeuvred "like a an airship" (his words). This took place on 31st March 1999 near Hinckley (Leics), which is just 20 miles from Donington and also not far from its hanger.

I haven't yet found an image of the Goodyear blimp at Donington in 1999, but in 1993 the SEGA blimp visited:

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I wonder if it could be shown that triangular UFO sightings had declined since 1999; that might be one clue.
I wonder if it could be shown that triangular UFO sightings had declined since 1999; that might be one clue.
...and then increased each time the Goodyear blimp has toured Britain, although there are other advertising airships out there too, such as the SEGA one
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I wonder if it could be shown that triangular UFO sightings had declined since 1999; that might be one clue.
Apparently, just the opposite!
(AI) [According to the National UFO Reporting Center, which catalogs more than 8,100 sightings of triangle-shaped UFOs since the early 1960s, lists more than 200 in the first half of 2021. However, there is no evidence that triangular type UFO sightings have declined since 1999. In fact, there are still many reports of triangular UFO sightings around the world]
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Footage of either a triangular UFO, drones or Chinese lanterns:

"A Pennsylvania woman was left mystified when she looked out her window and spotted a triangular set of lights hovering in the night sky."

Just had a look at this one 'Paul_Exeter,' and I'm wondering - why is it that when three lights are together, it's automatically said to be a triangular UFO?
They could just as easily be three lights (individual UFO's/UAP's that are locked together distance wise and travel in unison for a reason!
Detailed 2023 sighting from Pennsylvania:

"He observed what he described as a massive triangular shaped object that emitted a bright greenish-orange glow. The object was hovering when he saw it. While talking to me he became overly excited stating that the object had suddenly just vanished then moments later reappeared again, however it had moved forward ahead slightly. There seemed to be an electric hum coming from it. The object did this a second, and then a third time while he watched it. The man attempted to take pictures with his cell phone camera. He could see it in the viewer however the pictures only showed a blur not the object. He could not understand why that happened."

Read on:


There is a second such sighting further down the document
Just had a look at this one 'Paul_Exeter,' and I'm wondering - why is it that when three lights are together, it's automatically said to be a triangular UFO?
They could just as easily be three lights (individual UFO's/UAP's that are locked together distance wise and travel in unison for a reason!
This would be a sensible defence strategy. An enemy may assume a triangular craft and aim for the centre thereby missing all of them.

Or they could just travel without the lights on.
Detailed 2023 sighting from Pennsylvania:

"He observed what he described as a massive triangular shaped object that emitted a bright greenish-orange glow. The object was hovering when he saw it. While talking to me he became overly excited stating that the object had suddenly just vanished then moments later reappeared again, however it had moved forward ahead slightly. There seemed to be an electric hum coming from it. The object did this a second, and then a third time while he watched it. The man attempted to take pictures with his cell phone camera. He could see it in the viewer however the pictures only showed a blur not the object. He could not understand why that happened."
More than likely, emitted electrical interference from the object to affect anything using an electrical system, mobiles, cameras etc.
There are perhaps half a dozen detailed triangular UFO sightings in his report of 2023 in Pennsylvania so well worth a read:

There is one thing I noted that seems to stand out, and that is that the triangular UFO's seem to be able to fly in any direction. We see them as a forward pointing/travelling object, but it seems that they might be well able to travel forwards equally as well from there 'flat' sides facing forwards.