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Vibration and Distortion


Gone But Not Forgotten
Oct 21, 2005
I was around fifteen years of age when I experienced this, (I'm twenty-six now), and remember it very vividly so I hope I don't get too long winded.

It was around 2:30 or so in the morning and I had just put down the book that I was reading and set it upon my bedsisde table. I then put myself under the covers, switched off my reading light, and began to remove my glasses. As I was setting down my glasses I noticed that my room had begun to get very warm, almost oppressively so. I began to feel very uncomfortable and vulnerable so I did what all people with bad eyesight do, I reached for my glasses. I noticed immediately that the lenses were fogged, and I used my pillowcase to wipe off the condensation. I looked around my room but saw nothing unusual, so I kicked off the covers and resumed relaxing on the bed.

What happened next occured quite quickly, most likely less than five minutes. Perhaps thirty seconds later I began to hear a vibration, fast and buzzing like a muted cell phone. I looked around to see what was happening when the buzzing volume increased at least ten-fold and was joined by an almost metallic sounding whine. The vibration was so loud the glass in my bedroom window was shaking violently, almost to the point where I felt it would shatter. An enormous pressure began to build around me, almost as if I were on a roller coaster, and the fillings in my two back teeth started to get very hot. Then, to my horror, the empty air to the right of my bed expanded like a soap bubble being blown and revealed a tall completely white figure that was very thin, almost two dimensional, and featureless. The figure moved violently and pushed against the air like it was trapped and distorted the air like a funhouse mirror. At this point I tried to scream, but the sound had completely drowned out any noise I tried to make. The figure then started whipping and thrashing harder than ever, and the pressure around me increased so much that I started to get blurred vision. After a short time of this, I don't know how long for sure as there wasn't a clock in my line of sight, I lost conciousness.

When I awoke at around 3:30 a.m. my pillow and bedclothes were soakeded with blood from my nose, and I had a horrible headache from the back of my eyes to the top of my head. I then, of course, went into my mothers room to tell them that I didn't feel good. My mother, who was also awake, went full on protective mom mode at the sight of all the blood on me and immediately made my step-father drive me to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital I asked my Mom why she was awake, she wouldn't give me a straight answer but mentioned something about a loud noise. My mother was also recovering from a stroke at the time so it was hard for her to describe things then, My step-father was visibly shaken and wouldn't look me in the eyes when I described what happened.

We arrived at the hospital and they gave me a , I think anyway, Catscan and various other tests. The doctor kept asking me if we had flown on a plane, or been anywhere with high elevation within the last day or so. We of course had not and the doctor sent me home with some mild pain reliever and a clean bill of health.

This event was terrifying and by no means the last odd occurence at, or around, my mothers house. I have been alternately fascinated and frightend by this place and will post some other somewhat smaller occurences at a later time. Hope I didn't ramble too much for anyone!
This sounds almost identical to the experiences I frequently have with sleep paralysis. I always get the very intense buzzing noise, so intense it feels like I'm being electocuted. I feel like either myself or the bed is shaking violently, and it does feel like there's a huge pressure preventing you from moving or breathing. Eventually I always seem to be dragged back into sleep (and it does feel literally like I'm being dragged kicking and screaming). I'm quite used to it now, and although I still have feelings of intense terror, I am usually aware it's "just" sleep paralysis and although this doesn't make the fear go away (it seems to have some kind of physical presence which you can't rationalise away) it does mean I am able to mamage the experience. I know its a bit late now, but if it happens again, what works for me is to stop trying to fight off the paralysis/attack. Accept you can't do anything, try to relax and this usually makes me fall back into normal sleep pretty quickly.

The headache and nosebleed sound very frightening and this has never happened to me, thank goodness.
The only time I was actually unconscious was when the buzzing became so intense. I actually hadn't went to sleep yet, but I'm not sure if I could move or not because of how fast this happened.
There are hypnogogic experiences and hypnopompic ones. I can't for the life of me remember which is which but one kind is the type before you fall asleep and the other kind is as you're waking up. I have the ones that happen as you wake up. If you weren't falling asleep as it happened I guess is might not be either of these. It just sounded so similar to my own experiences. And I'm always a little bit wary of experiences that happen as you settle to sleep, because I know that sometimes you can be convinced you're fully awake, when in fact you're already in the first stages of sleep. This happens to me all the time.

Incidentally I'm one of those cynical types who likes to explain everything fortean as either sleep paralysis or a trick of the light, so excuse my scepticism. I hope you don't take my replies to mean that I doubt what you're saying. It's certainly not intended that way. I just like to be able to put a rational explanation on everything or I'd never sleep well again...

Your whole experience sounds absolutely horrifying. The only other rational explanation I can come up with is that you had some kind of seizure or cardiovascular event, although I assume whatever scans and tests you had would have covered this?

Were you left with any feelings about what the experience might have meant? What were the other odd experiences you had in the house?
roundeyeddog said:
... Then, to my horror, the empty air to the right of my bed expanded like a soap bubble being blown and revealed a tall completely white figure that was very thin, almost two dimensional, and featureless. The figure moved violently and pushed against the air like it was trapped and distorted the air like a funhouse mirror. At this point I tried to scream, but the sound had completely drowned out any noise I tried to make. The figure then started whipping and thrashing harder than ever...

Sorry, I am unclear here...was the white figure still inside the 'bubble' when it materialised, or did the bubble turn into the figure? From what you've wrote, it seems that the figure was unaware of your presance? It doesn't sound like it intended to harm you, more that it was caught up in it's own struggle with attaining freedrom from whatever had it captivated, like the things that happened to you where the symptoms, not the cause. Like the pressure increased with the struggling so it was an after effect if you see what I mean. Does that make sence? lol I wonder though, if this 'being' was entraped for a reason? Because it was a bad spirit, or, if it were inoccent and was there by mistake? Do any of your other experiances involve the same being?
Very spooky experiance btw. As someone with a dental phobia I gasped when I read about your heating fillings! Ouch, Not nice.
From your mother and step-fathers reaction do you thibk they had a similar experience? and have you tried asking either of them about it since?
The heat in your fillings sounds like an induced electric current due to alternating electromagnetic field. I sometimes use a radio-frequency plasma etcher, bodged together by my ex-boss. I wrapped it in aluminium foil which I connected to ground, which probably shields most of the r.f. But I still get a strange feeling in my head, especially in my teeth (full of fillings) and my sinuses when I switch it on. I try to hide behind a large, stainless steel piece of equipment while it is running and only come out to adjust it. So your post made me go ouch! as well ...

Can you find out if your neighbours also had any problems that night?
That's completely ok Mindalai, the reason I posted was to shed some light on the experience. I'm not sure that this wasn't a naturally occuring phenomenon, or if my perception was changed by my fear. I was just making sure I was being clear in my description.

The figure was completely "encased" in the soap bubble like effect and it looked as though it had no interest in me whatsoever. I was still terrified, regardless of it's intentions. :shock:

My mother has seen the lights that are frequently seen at the house,as well as other things which I will post later, but unfortunately her memory of the night in question is fuzzy. Ever since her second stroke her memory is unreliable at best, of incidents before said stroke. My stepfather will not speak of the event at all and doesn't like for me to bring it up, I have yet to get anything at all from him.
Psychic Sylvia Brown has described several instances in which beings
"from beyond" have to alter their vibration level to be heard/understood
when communicating with people. The idea is that the other side exists
all around us, but since it vibrates at a different frequency -- we
typically don't even know it is there.

She describes one incident where her recently deceased grandmother
returned to visit her. The voice was preceeded by what sounded
to her like a clap of thunder -- which also frightened her father
who was in another part of the house. The noise was caused
by the sudden shifts in vibration that were caused by her grandmother's
attempt to communicate using her actual voice on "our level".

She also says that this accounts for EVP and why the voices sometimes sound like they are in slow motion.

Very interesting, roundeyeddog!

Aarauer said:
Can you find out if your neighbours also had any problems that night?

That is so obvious that I can't believe it never occured to me! .I'm not very close to anyone in the area, since I only visited my mother on vacations and such, but since I live a little closer now I think I'll make a sweep around the neighborhood. Hell, it may even help that they don't know me! I'll have to break out my journalism notes I made in college!
The only time I or (more importantly) anyone else i have been with at the time, has experienced "anything" fortean was at a house my family lived in for 8 years or so over 12 years ago. When it rained heavily, before a "big" thunderstorm or indeed in fog, or heavy early morning dew (house virtually in countryside)- We (the occupants at the time ) to varying degrees experienced all sorts of "super-natural phenomena" (the most severe, a girlfriend saw the bottom half only of a "being" stalking the edges of the bed, she couldn't wake me during the few minutes of her "encounter", but immediately on doing so insisted i take her home,@ about 3am.) BUT also (for many) a general feeling of being watched/followed.
I had my only almost "abduction" there, i say only because i vividly remember telling "something" to "F**K OFF",and to my (still remembered satisfaction) it did.
The house had almost in it's back garden (a few hundred feet away) a pylon, so naturally we lived almost in a path of electricity cables. You should hear these things buzz in a moist or ion charged atmosphere!!
Keeping in mind that many cables are now laid under ground, and the well publicized research into electromagnetic interference i expect to see more and more "inexplicable super nature.
roundeyeddog, given that strokes run in your family, that you had an event with strong heat/touch/audible/visual sensations that knocked you unconsious, and that afterwards you had a serious nosebleed and headache, I think I know exactly what your parents were thinking when thy drove you to hospital, and maybe it's understandable that they don't want to mention it now.
_farry_ said:
roundeyeddog, given that strokes run in your family, that you had an event with strong heat/touch/audible/visual sensations that knocked you unconsious, and that afterwards you had a serious nosebleed and headache, I think I know exactly what your parents were thinking when thy drove you to hospital, and maybe it's understandable that they don't want to mention it now.

That's a distinct possibility. My stepfather and I haven't had the greatest rapport in the past either, so it looks as if I'm on my own to do some research. That's one of the reasons I want to canvass this area (always wanted to say that) and do some library work.
This is a fascinating story roundeyeddog.

Please post your other experiences soon as I and I'm sure other people can't wait to hear them!
Very interesting story, thanks for sharing! Did your clocks or watches stop in the house during this episode?

jandzmom said:
Very interesting story, thanks for sharing! Did your clocks or watches stop in the house during this episode?


I don't believe so, but I don't remember if I ever checked and/or noticed.
Good grief !! You are seriously brave !

You say that as the intensity built, the glass in your windows was vibrating, rattling. Which strongly suggests an external cause; external to you, I mean.

The fact you methodically prepared yourself for sleep and can remember this clearly, plus the fact you took conscious note of what you were experiencing and reached for your glasses and discovered them to be fogged by the inexplicable sudden heat, suggests you were quite normally awake prior to the appearance of the two-dimensional creature.

Have you been able to discuss it with your biological father? Has he shown any interest or concern? What about other close family members?

Did the nose-bleeds and other physical symptoms persist? Did you discover any marks or bruising on your body? Any damage or unexplained marking or displacement of items in your room after the event?

Have you been advised of what may have triggered the strokes suffered by your mother? Are you aware of any member of her family who may have suffered stroke/s?

Did you retain full memory of the experience afterwards? What conclusions did you draw at the time -- how did you explain the experience to yourself afterwards? It must have been very traumatic for a teenager. Were you comfortable returning to the room you occupied at your mother and step-father's home? Afterwards, when preparing to visit there again, were you reluctant to do so or did you push the experience from your thoughts? How do you cope with it; have you distanced yourself and is the experience isolated in your memory, as if it happened to someone else, or as if it's something you saw in a movie?

Do you suspect your mother's physical situation may have been caused by an experience similar to your own? Is your step-father ordinarily uncommunicative with people other than yourself? Have you ever considered him capable of violence? Are you comfortable around him?

When you went to your mother and step-father's room (after you regained consciousness) did you describe to them your experience? On the way to the doctor's, did they question you about how your physical condition might have arisen? Were you calm enough to tell them what you'd seen? Did you tell the doctor? I can understand if you did not, of course, because you would have been frightened, confused, in shock. But if you did, what were the reactions of the adults (parents, doctor)?

Were/are you prone to nose-bleeds and sudden intense headaches? Did the doctor question your parents about the state you were in? What did they say? Were you ever required to undergo further medical tests?

Do you suspect that your parents were aware that something had happened in your room, prior to your going into their room? Did they ever offer an explanation for the 'noise' they said they'd heard?

Have you experienced anything similar since? Had you experienced anything like it before?

One of the most frightening and fascinating experiences I've ever heard about. I hope someone comes along who's able to help you make sense of it.
My real father was actually fairly interested in this, but he has never been to my mothers house because of a little bit of antagonism between the two of them.

My mothers strokes were caused by a brain anuerysm, which is hereditary, so I can probably rule out any exterrnal cause.

I was reluctant at first to go back because I remembered it very clearly, but curiosity and the need to see my family won out.

I have had no physical problems, other than mild flu like stuff and your garden variety hay fever.

I have had more experiences there, though not the same kind, and I'll post them as soon as I get a little time.