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Wax Cones, Anyone?


Justified & Ancient
Dec 27, 2001
Last April I was walking on the moors near where I live. During the course of the afternoon's wandering about, I stopped for a rest by a boulder that a crow was perched upon. (Of course, it flew away as I approached!).

I paused there awhile and found a little pool of water on the other side of the rock. Then I noticed something white, in a dark hollow beneath the stone. I peered in but couldn't quite see what it was, so I reached in and pulled it out.

It was a cone, made of some sort of waxy material. Inside the cone were what looked like 'slivers' or 'parings' of a shiny metallic substance. I took a few pics and put it back, thinking someone may have put it there for some reason that was important to them. It's probabley still there now.

Anyone got any ideas what it was? And maybe a reason for it being there?

Here are some pics:-

The place where I found the cone. It's just visible in the central hollow under the rock: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v480/ ... /Cone3.jpg

The cone, with my girlfriend's hand for scale: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v480/ ... /Cone1.jpg

A close up: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v480/ ... /Cone2.jpg



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I feel silly for even knowing this, but it appears to be a pseudo-orgone (post-Reichian) device colliquially referred to as a Holy Hand Grenade or HHG for short.

Yes Virgina, mr. Farnsworth has been known to go slumming it occasionally...
Philo_T said:
I feel silly for even knowing this, but it appears to be a pseudo-orgone (post-Reichian) device colliquially referred to as a Holy Hand Grenade or HHG for short.

Yes Virgina, mr. Farnsworth has been known to go slumming it occasionally...

Aha! Cheers Philo_T! I've never seen those before. I did a quick Google and the pics of the 'Holy Handgrenades' on www.orgonite.info look almost identical to the thing that I found.
Which leads up to the followup questions : Who constructed & placed the item, and what effect were they trying to accomplish? Methinks there is a kook at large in your locality. How exciting!
Philo_T said:
Which leads up to the followup questions : Who constructed & placed the item, and what effect were they trying to accomplish? Methinks there is a kook at large in your locality. How exciting!

I've fancied gifting the area where I live but have always been put off by working with resin. I live in a flat with no garden and my kitchen is tiny and so working with these kinds of materials are pretty daunting.

Anyone know whether the resin has any specific purpose other than to bind the materials together? Could the same be achieved with wax, for example?
I wouldn't be surprised if they put it there because of some perception they had about the stone above it. Something to do with ley lines or standing stones. Is the rock cupmarked, out of interest? You couldn't tell us which moor it's on? I must say it makes me want to make a resigned sighing noise, but nevertheless it's all very interesting and I've now learnt what a HHG is.
Eponastill said:
I wouldn't be surprised if they put it there because of some perception they had about the stone above it. Something to do with ley lines or standing stones. Is the rock cupmarked, out of interest? You couldn't tell us which moor it's on? I must say it makes me want to make a resigned sighing noise, but nevertheless it's all very interesting and I've now learnt what a HHG is.

It's on Rombald's Moor (aka Ilkley moor) in West Yorkshire.

We checked the rock for cup-marks, there weren't any. (Er, we look at every rock we pause at on the moors for any signs of rock-art :oops: ). I'm not aware of the rock being 'significant', although it is quite prominent where it is, and it lies roughly due south of the Swastika Stone.
Someone can hear much more clearly now :shock:
If it weren't for the HHG thing, I would have sworn it was one of Madonna's bra stuffers :lol:
gyrtrash said:
It's on Rombald's Moor (aka Ilkley moor) in West Yorkshire.

We checked the rock for cup-marks, there weren't any.
Ah don't worry about your strange hobby (we've all got them...).

Ilkley's stuffed with weirdness so I read. And I'm reminded of that famous 'alien' photo too

I'm sure it's collected lots of strange rumour and experiences over the years. So just the place for some Eccentric and their metal filings, eh.

I'd love to visit and see all the nice rock art. One day.
Philo_T said:
Which leads up to the followup questions : Who constructed & placed the item, and what effect were they trying to accomplish? Methinks there is a kook at large in your locality. How exciting!

Sounds like an Orgone Generator, to make one you get a whole load of shavings and put them into a resin cast.

Certain groups of people place them near to mobile phone masts, electricity sub stations, and anywhere they feel 'negative energy' is being given out.

The idea is that the Holy Hand Grenade as it's called will negate the negative effects in the area.

Whether this actually achieves anything useful at all is another question.

Some info on this kind of thing:

http://www.metatech.org/cloudbuster_&_o ... rator.html

Just as an aside, Cloudbusters do actually work, they get rid of cloud quite well, unfortunately they are quite dangerous and they really mess up the local weather systems.
Sadly, the muppets who use these things don't seem to realise that.
I've seen that alien before but never noticed that he/she/it was wearing a "Hello Kitty" shirt....cool. :D
zoltan_g said:
Sounds like an Orgone Generator, to make one you get a whole load of shavings and put them into a resin cast.

Any idea why it has to be resin? In the 'how to' type articles I've read on this, it's never actually mentioned why resin is used and not any other material.
jefflovestone said:
zoltan_g said:
Sounds like an Orgone Generator, to make one you get a whole load of shavings and put them into a resin cast.

Any idea why it has to be resin? In the 'how to' type articles I've read on this, it's never actually mentioned why resin is used and not any other material.

Erm, that's a good question, I'm not sure to be honest. I suppose it's relatively easy to cast hot resin.
I don't know if resin is any better for generating Orgone than any other material though.
The whole orgone thing relies on the juxtaposition of metalic and organic substances (cf the orgone accumulator, lined with layers of wood and metal in turn) so I imagine the resin is the organic componant, as it is probably derived from petrochemicals or whatever.

Just as an aside, Cloudbusters do actually work, they get rid of cloud quite well, unfortunately they are quite dangerous and they really mess up the local weather systems.
Do we have reliable sources for this?
_Lizard23_ said:
The whole orgone thing relies on the juxtaposition of metalic and organic substances (cf the orgone accumulator, lined with layers of wood and metal in turn) so I imagine the resin is the organic componant, as it is probably derived from petrochemicals or whatever.

I thought similar but still not really sure why specifically resin as opposed to, say, wax. The only thing I can think of is durability for outdoor use.
_Lizard23_ said:
The whole orgone thing relies on the juxtaposition of metalic and organic substances (cf the orgone accumulator, lined with layers of wood and metal in turn) so I imagine the resin is the organic componant, as it is probably derived from petrochemicals or whatever.

Just as an aside, Cloudbusters do actually work, they get rid of cloud quite well, unfortunately they are quite dangerous and they really mess up the local weather systems.
Do we have reliable sources for this?

I have a link somewhere, I'll try and find it.
Images retrieved and attached to prevent their being lost (and the thread being rendered nonsensical).