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What do you think?



I think there is something in my house but I can't decide what exaclty it is. It seems to be a mix of Poltergeist, Haunting and recording but perhaps there is more than one thing.
Examples of things that happen in my house and to me are:
- my name being called.
-mugs and plates being thrown off surfaces.
-shadowy figures seen standing, but never moving.
-a constant feeling of being watched.
If anyone has any ideas then please reply. I haven't heard of many cases where 'ghosts' do so many different things.
In many instances of persistent 'haunting', you'll likely find a spectrum of symptoms, as you describe. It's we who put the label on it: 'poltergeist', 'ghost', 'alien'. If you explore the literature, you'll notice a good deal of overlap between them.

Best way of 'dealing' with your situation, initially, is to simply keep a diary of events, and try to gain independent corroboration where you can. Most importantly, don't let fear or your imagination be fed by it all.
I couldn't agree more. Record everything and don't be afraid; it's a rare human experience and a phenomena which still needs more observation and study, even after 2000 years. Keep an open mind, a skeptical eye and us informed!
I've experienced something like what you describe. The only thing I don't think I got was the calling of my name, but I get that some times anyway so I probably wouldn't have attached any significance to it.

You don't have to find a label for what is happening. It is possible for it to display different types of behaviour. Just watch and wait and be careful to try and find logical alternatives for things rather than subscribing everything to the ghost. Make sure that whenever anything strange happens, there is no other alternative than the ghost.

BTW I was 13 when I experienced 'something' that wasn't very nice (no rude innuendos please). I spent a few rather odd months letting it get on with things, and a few days of terror when it smashed stuff and brushed against me (for want of a better expression). One evening it had me running out of the house in terror to my grandparents, clutching a big pair of scissors (I'd gone all round the bungalow, see, because I was convinced there was an intruder at first, hence the weapon). The next day, when it started again, I lost my temper and told it to f*** off. No more scary things. Still odd things, but no temper tantrums.

Basically, I believe (as my mom always says, and I can't find any reason to disagree) fear will feed things, making them more powerful. Mostly they just want to be acknowledged, but don't let them intimidate you.

But, to reiterate, just make sure there's absolutely no other explanation for what's happening. A friend of mine moved into a house that was unfurnished and spent many evenings there decorating. Every night he would hear heavy footsteps across the upstairs bedroom, although he was alone in the house and could find no explanation. After several nights, he was convinced the house was haunted, until one night he happened to be outside at roughly the time he heard the footsteps every night. It was his neighbour drawing the curtains upstairs, the footsteps echoing because of no carpets or furniture in his property. Mystery solved.
Helen said:
Basically, I believe (as my mom always says, and I can't find any reason to disagree) fear will feed things, making them more powerful. Mostly they just want to be acknowledged, but don't let them intimidate you.
I think this is true. Speak to them if you like (it doesn't matter if there's nothing there, after all!) and show interest but not fear. Many hauntings fade away with such treatment. Some spooks seem to get childish pleasure out of scaring people, but lose interest if it doesn't work.
Thank you all for your help and advise. I'm going to start jotting things down and keeping an eye on things.
Helen said:
But, to reiterate, just make sure there's absolutely no other explanation for what's happening. A friend of mine moved into a house that was unfurnished and spent many evenings there decorating. Every night he would hear heavy footsteps across the upstairs bedroom, although he was alone in the house and could find no explanation. After several nights, he was convinced the house was haunted, until one night he happened to be outside at roughly the time he heard the footsteps every night. It was his neighbour drawing the curtains upstairs, the footsteps echoing because of no carpets or furniture in his property. Mystery solved.

A similar thing happened to me when we moved into our house, Helen!

BTW, just to be sure when we moved in, I told any ghosts that might be around that they were quite welcome as long as they didn't bother us!
