I see that Tun11, over on the thread about "Fortean Themed TV Programs", has coined a new acronym:
Buph; for a mundane incident which is blown up into a major Fortean event. = Big Unexplained Paranormal Happening.
I thought this raised an interesting point which might deserve a thread of...
I wonder what Charles Fort would have thought, had he known that a magazine and an entire society would spring out of his research?
Never mind a website!
(Mods; feel free to move if you feel this is not the right place)
I want to blog on local Forteana but in a scholarly way; there's too much junk online and I am trying to make an academic name for myself
Which does not mean I cant do Forteana!
What do you suggest? Any good examples?
Just finished reading the following article and if not seen previously, wondered if it may be of interest. I thought it was an excellent read.
Vindication for the Damned: Why Fort’s Strange Philosophy Has Endured
Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
Date: 13 November, 2019
Tiffany Ellsworth Thayer (1902-1959), author, actor and co-founder of The Fortean Society of New York. Two bellicose letter to George Macy, founder of the Limited Editions Club. The first letter is typed and hand...
I thought that we had a thread already on the way Fortean topics come into vogue for a while and then sink.
I can't find one.
It is not always easy to identify a lack of something. Google does not help - its new format seems to avoid any statistics on the results page.
The topic I had in mind...
I seem to be finding representations of fortean themes. Having said that I will find no more, of course. We have a thread on films, this is intended to be for more static visual representations.
After musing a while on my contributions here since joining, I noticed a common theme emerging. It seems I'm not hugely interested in classifying, solving or 'believing' in much Fortean phenomena. What motivates me is our reactions to, and behaviour around the Fortean.
For some, various...
(This line of discussion has been transplanted from the Troll's Head thread.)
One question, if I might please enquire - what is Fortean?
Been bothering myself for a while now, particularly regarding news items.
Is it Fortean, or not?
What would, - maybe in one sentence? - encapsulate the...
It is my contention that many aficionados of Charles Fort have completely missed his real importance to modern thought. Many speak about Fort as if he were nothing more than an eccentric curator of a virtual museum of late Victorian curiosities. This certainly is the view taken by the majority...
Not literally about Fort himself, but certainly his influence, is this little essay I scribbled a few years back:
In the childhood play of my little brother Mark and I, a large stable of continuing characters evolved over a period of years. A few of these imaginary...
When I got it into my head to write about anomalous phenomena, the problem was where to begin? I decided to start from the ground up, with definitions of what sort of things I'd be writing about.
The first thing Charles Fort would say would be "There can be no definitions, because nothing...
In a reply I gave to an old post I just discovered, I suggested that too many contemporary 'Forteans' had become effectively sceptics and have abandoned Forts stance of suspended disbelief, if not outright creative mystification. I regard this as a negative trend, particularly at a time when the...
While doing some other Fortean research it has struck me that Forteana and the paranormal has a starting point. Maybe 1830, certainly late 1820s.
Yes, I know these things have always been reported, but look at Forts records and you see they really take off about now. And the first recorded...
Having gone through a lot of FT back issues, looking for articles, essays, etc, on Fort's philosophy (as distinguished from Fortean phenomena), I have found quite little (appreciating FTs need for commercial appeal and not academic supply), though I have found a few other things in journals like...
So, what I'm wondering is this:
How many people had an interest in Forteana before they encountered the term Forteana or became aware of Charles Fort?
|Are there some of us who discovered the man and his ideas before (or simultaneous to) developing an interest in UFOS or ghosts or ULs or...
So, here it is in a nutshell and up for debate:
"I want to believe and will suspend judgement until I have more proof, for or against (no matter how daft the phenomena, or claims may seem at the time)."
"I don't have to believe, because I know most 'Fortean style phenomena'...
When the measurement of a circle can begin anywhere, does that include the centre, and does it depend on how many dimensions it has?
Please discuss.
Curious forever. Hope not.:confused:
Is the fortean position on science that it should be evidence driven rather than theory led?
If so, then instead of concocting ideas they want to believe are true, scientists should treat the anecdotal evidence of the ordinary person who has witnessed something extraordinary as the means to...
It seems to me, from stuff on this message board and elsewhere, that there are two fairly different philosophical and methodological approaches to the subject matter that often get lumped together under the label 'Fortean'. I reckon clarifying this might reduce the amount of time that gets spent...
In the "What do we mean by Fortean?" box in the mag there is the following quote "I concieve of nothing, in religion, science or philosophy, that is more than the proper thing to wear for a while." This has been bugging me for a while now and I just wondered what other people thought about it...
I got this by e-mailing the forteana mailing list at [email protected] :
Bob Rickard, editor of the "Fortean Times" offers this introduction to forteana :
Part of the difficulty in defining the word 'Fortean' is that it can mean different things to different...
Whta is known of the Fortean Society? Are there any surviving members? Do any copies of their journal, Doubt, exist? I recall that FT had a letter from a former member a while back, but since then...?
Ian Kidd
Ex incognitus scienta
charles fort
Apparently from a Fortean Society brochure:
"These members embrace the only "doctrine" Forteanism has, that of suspended judgement, temporary acceptance, and eternal questioning."
"John Keel expressed vitriolic disdain for Forteans, whose efforts, he believes, have abandoned the standards set by Charles Hoy Fort.
Keel defended Fort’s own reputation, pointing out that his sources were...
1. Neil Gaiman.
(From Sunday, September 02, 2001)
"And while we're waiting for the FAQ etc thing to get up and running (ho! says older-but-wiser author in a hollow and sceptical voice) I thought I'd answer a few more questions. My...
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