• We have updated the guidelines regarding posting political content: please see the stickied thread on Website Issues.

forum rules

  1. Yithian

    Reporting Posts

    Differences in style and frequency of use of the REPORT function now vary so widely that some brief guidance may prove helpful. 1) The primary purpose of reporting a post is to draw it to the moderators' attention. You are able to report any posted content at all (including status messages etc)...
  2. liveinabin

    How Do I Change My Email Address?

    I have just realised that my email address attached to my account is now old and defunct. However looking on my profile I can't see where to change my email address. That said I can see where I can add details of my fax and pager numbers!! Can anyone tell me where I can change my email...
  3. EnolaGaia

    Forum Penalty Actions: Warnings & Bans

    The current version of this forum makes provision for both semi-automated and manual imposition of penalty actions (warnings; bans). Warnings and bans may be imposed for violations of forum rules, violations of the governing Terms & Conditions, or incidental infractions judged worthy of...
  4. EnolaGaia

    Tech & Policy Update: Time Limits For Editing / Deleting Your Posts

    Effective immediately ... The forum specifications governing users' ability to edit or delete their own posts have been changed. In past incarnations of this forum there were incidents in which members who'd elected to leave the forum or simply cause trouble deliberately deleted many or all...
  5. Georgek

    Plagiarism & The Modern Curse

    Plagiarism as I understand is the stealing of another person's work. When I was at uni back in 1997 I more or less became a potential criminal overnight for doing my course work. With mechanical engineering and perhaps many more disciplines, at university level you do not have to be correct as...
  6. EnolaGaia

    READ & HEED: Our New Forum's Terms & Rules

    As you know by now, the shutdown of the FTMB and our migration to a new site was largely motivated by legal concerns - most particularly compliance with recent stricter regulations regarding personal data and protecting personal data. As a result of such changes in our operating environment, a...
  7. stu neville

    Bloody Politics

    Following another politically-inspired spite-fest overnight, and given the proliferation of such discussions in the past couple of years, I have decided to segregate all the political threads with absolutely no Fortean angle into their own dedicated forum, called Politics. I will start shifting...
  8. stu neville

    Cutting & Pasting Articles: Accepted Protocol

    I have investigated the copyright situation. It's not clear-cut (of course), but the general gist is that if certain publishers were so-minded they could probably rip us a new one, given the sheer amount of their material that's been lifted wholesale, albeit usually accredited. And, to be frank...
  9. stu neville

    Nailed To A Tree: The Warning & Ban Log

    Following the somewhat confusing events of the last couple of weeks, there are some points that need to be clarified. Warnings: Before anyone is banned, they will be warned: any more than three warnings and they will be banned for an indefinite period until the moderators and/or...