• We have updated the guidelines regarding posting political content: please see the stickied thread on Website Issues.
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stu neville

Staff member
Mar 9, 2002
Following the somewhat confusing events of the last couple of weeks, there are some points that need to be clarified.

Warnings: Before anyone is banned, they will be warned: any more than three warnings and they will be banned for an indefinite period until the moderators and/or administrators have an opportunity to discuss the circumstances of the suspension, and the subsequent action.

Members will be notified via PM each time they are warned, and if a third and final warning is reached their Username will be posted on this thread (hopefully this will be a rare occurence): by these means, though it may smack to some of "Traitor's Cloister", it will be unequivocal who is on their final warning: we as mods have been accused of heavy-handedness rather too often when others are unaware of the background. This way everyone knows who is likely to be banned, and why.

Warnable Offences Simple: flaming, provocation to flame, and trolling. Some clarification here - heated debate regarding a topic is not flaming, nor is it trolling; the instant it gets personal, however, it becomes certainly the former and frequently the latter. Personal insults, speculation regarding the real-life identity of another member and so on are completely agianst the rules of this board, and as such are warnable offences. Provocation to flame, where a member already known to be volatile (and as such would already be on the warned list) is subtly (or overtly) needled by others in an attempt to provoke a reaction and thus get them banned is equally reprehensible, and therefore carries equal censure.

Banning is the action of placing a member into stasis: it is not deletion, their posts remain unscathed, and their account can easily be re-activated. It is within the power of any Moderator to place any other member under a temporary ban if such action is warranted - for example, if a flame war rapidly develops between two members of otherwise previously good character (no extant warnings in either case) any available Moderator has the mandate to warn and ban each of the perpetrators for a day or so to allow them to cool off; if one of the members had previous warnings for similar behaviour, however, their ban may be somewhat longer. Similarly, Mods may temporarily close a thread at their own discretion if the entire discussion has descended into a mass slanging match, or complaints are received regarding the content: such bans and closures will only ever be temporary: longer term bans and closures should be done as a result of discussion between two or more moderators, and the rationale for such posted at the end of a closed thread or on this thread for banned members.

NB: Anyone who attempts to re-register under a different username whilst their original is the subject of a banning order will have the new name, and any posts in that name, deleted without further discussion.

Deletion is the entire removal of a user from the board. The option of preserving their posts is available, however. Deletion will only happen in two cases:

1) A repeated offence as listed above, despite a third and final warning, will result in an indefinite ban until moderators and/or administrators have an opportunity to discuss and deletion is agreed upon.

2) A full scale troll attack: in these circumstances, Moderators have the power to delete all posts and the user without further recourse and under their own initiative.

We wish to be as open and accountable as possible: please appreciate that this is a difficult job, and whatever action is taken will invariably provoke a mixture of support and criticism: we merely wish to propogate an atmosphere in which members can feel free to express themselves and engage in debate: 95% of the members herein wish to, and do, just that. Our job is to allow them to do so.

Ben Arnold and GTP45 have now both been deleted.

(Any references to them that are now unnecessary will be deleted too as we come across them.)

We keep an eye on new members joining too... (it's Hell back here, I tell you!
This is to thank all those who PM'd me about the recent unpleasantness.

I realise you did it because I was the only Mod online at the time (I've done it myself!), but it's probably better just to Report the offensive post - that way if one Mod logs off without catching the PM, the next Mod on can take action instead.

Anyhow, the system works when we all pull together!
Adam Rang

Following discussions, Adam Rang is now reinstated on a final warning: any further transgressions and his ID will be deleted entirely.

We remain in discussion regarding Chopper: will post when we have reached agreements.

I had to delete two troll attacks last night, hopefully before most of you saw them. Thanks again to those who reported them.
Veronica Lake has been banned for persistently breaching the Guidlines.

(Decisions on deleting banned members are refered to Admin.)
mikey michael

For any of you unfortunate enough to have been around in the small hours, the above poster decided to launch a spam attack with a thread entitled "You are being Controlled", posted to eight seperate forums, in which he attempted to convince the members of the board that the moderators, Niles, Rynner and myself, are controlling what anyone sees or hears to our own, religious, agenda..

Which is a crock, as most of you know, and as many of you were kind enough to point out on the threads in question. These threads have nonetheless been deleted and mikey michael has been banned indefinitely, as this farrago constitutes a troll attack: mikey was already on a second warning as many of his posts had been reported by other members as offensive, and certainly most of them weren't at all constructive or even relevant to the threads to which they'd been posted. Naturally this ban will be seen by mikey as proof positive of the conspiracy, but there we go.

He also attempted to implicate Oll Lewis into his little theory: Oll had contacted him as a welcome gesture, which mikey then abused. I can state categorically that Oll had nothing whatever to do with this troll attack, he was used by mikey in an attempt to lend some credibility to his utterances.

Once again, thank you to those who defended us on the threads, although really you shouldn't feed the trolls!

Mr Chopper

Chopper, for all his 'niceties', was directly involved in troll activities. He has admitted as much; and he claims to know other controversial members in real life. He has previously posted very provocative material in apparent innocence, only to delete it again once others had taken up the baton

Chopper was directly involved in cribbing images from the photo competition and their subsequent use, photo-shopped onto obscene material held on another website. This can be proven by one image appearing cropped on the competition pages and un-cropped on the offending site. To absolve himself of responsibility he claimed he was hacked, by another character he has subsequently admitted to associating with in real life: it seems strange, to us at least, that he would wish to do so with someone who had caused this degree of financial hardship, and for whom the Police were apparently looking. Also, bear in mind that Chopper was the only person in the entire board that claimed to have been successfully hacked in this manner.

Chopper has misled the entire forum. He and others have manipulated at least three board members into Trolling on their behalves and thus he carries a degree of guilt for distress caused to other, innocent members of this board. It was for these primary reasons, and sundry others, that he was banned.

All that having been said, we have read the comments above from a number of members, and we wish to assure everyone that the opinions of the membership are important to us, and wherever possible we try to take these into account, subject to the strictures of our position as moderators.

We recognise that despite his shortcomings, Chopper was nonetheless a popular member: we can’t deny his frequent entertainment value, for example. To this end, we are prepared to reinstate Chopper on the same basis as was Adam Rang: a final warning in place, and with a direct undertaking from him that he will not flame, provoke or otherwise harass any other member. Any infringement of this agreement will result in a total and irrevocable ban.

We shall shortly be contacting Chopper with this proposal: subject to his agreement, we shall reinstate him.

Stu, Niles and Rynner.

Has agreed to the terms as discussed, and understands that there will be no further warnings.

He is now reinstated.

Evolved has been banned overnight (for repeated flaming), and possibly permanently after discussion between Mods and Admin.

The Flame War thread has also been removed. I realise it was intended as a joke, but some people take a joke too far, and used the thread as an excuse for real flaming. I certainly do not have the time to go through it deciding which posts are jokes and which are flames. There are plenty of other posts where people can have more constructive fun.

After discussion between ourselves, Evolved has now been deleted. His constructive posts remain, however, as he did start a number of good quality threads.

Who's Online had to be temporarily disabled because of an attempted troll attack. (Mods can still see who's online, however.)

The Who's browsing thread will now be deleted. (Don't want to feed the trolls, do we?)
Trolls, flaming and more are described in the Guidelines.

Please, everyone, READ them! :rolleyes:
The 'Children are our sterile future' thread was closed because the discussion had descended to argument and threatened to get worse.

I've had PM's asking 'Was I flaming?'. No, but you will be told if you are! The general tone of the thread did not reflect the sweetness and light that (mostly!) marks this board out as a good place to be.
Who's Online and New registrations

Hopefully Who's Online be back before long: it was disabled as a result of troll activity (attempting to register with offensive names, which then showed up on Who's Online even if they couldn't post).

As a result of this, and in the light of repeated recent attempts by trolls to register as new members using web-based e-mail addresses, as from now it will be necessary for all new members to register with a POP3 e-mail address (i.e your service provider's own mail service, eg "[email protected]", "[email protected]" etc): Hotmail, Netscape etc addresses will simply no longer be accepted and applications will be turned down: this is already indicated in the initial registration screens. Neither can we accept Konzoo POP3 addresses as they are not attached to any ISP, and so in effect function as a webmail account. The membership activation code will be sent to the POP3 address indicated, and upon it's return we will activate the user ID.

Existing members with web mail addresses will be unaffected: however, if you change your e-mail address to a web based one please notify one of us via PM. Similarly, if a new member wishes to change from a POP3 to a web-based address this will be possible once they have made the transition from Grey to Yeti (ie after thirty posts). Any existing, established member is free to change their e-mail address but must notify us, otherwise they may find their access to the board becomes restricted. It's unfortunate that we now have to enforce this rule (which, as I said has actually been on the initial registration screen all along), but POP3 addresses allow us to report abuse directly to the specific ISP.

Following consultation between the Mods, Exorcistate and Shivananda have been temporarily banned. They have been devoting most of their posts to purely personal bickering between themselves. This was not illuminating or even amusing.

The ban will be reassessed next week.
Crooked Troll thread

Has been deleted as it was speculation about another member.
St Clair has been Warned for flaming.
The warning to St Clair provoked some comment on the thread concerned. The comment was irrelevent and has been removed.

Abuse directed at another poster is not fair comment on his ideas.
Likewise, if you feel someone is abusing you or someone else, report the posts and do not take things into your own hands by replying in kind.

This is all clearly set out in the Guidelines.
Nonny Mouse

Has been banned. At her own request: she's got a book to finish, but always ends up on here instead, so has asked me to ban her til the new year.

So don't panic or send out the search party, she'll be reinstated on the first of February, as she requested.

Exorcistate, Shivananda and Herne the Hunter

Following extremely protracted discussions between moderators and admin, it has finally been decided to delete all three of the above.

Exorcistate and Shivananda had, despite much correspondence between each of them and ourselves, continued to take every opportunity to snipe at one another, report one another, etc, whilst actually paying scant attention to the genuinely interesting and intelligent questions and discussions being held in their honour elsewhere. No more of their posts have been deleted though, and those that remain will be left intact. The Sean Manchester thread on Notes and Queries will remain closed, as Exorcistate cannot now answer on behalf of Bishop Manchester.

Herne the Hunter mysteriously appeared not long after Exorcistate's banning, and proceeded to take every opportunity to remind us all of Exo's plight: as he appeared to do little else, and his prose resembled Exorcistate's to a very high degree, he too has been deleted, and his thread "Exorcistate: gone forever" has been deleted as well (as apart from anything else it was somewhat redundant, as Exorcistate is now gone forever).

Herein ends the speculation: I am posting an open thread on Website Issues: if you wish to discuss this matter and express opinions, please do so on this dedicated thread.


Has now been deleted, for revealing personal details about another board member on thread - the offending post has been deleted. As he was on a last warning, the terms of which he expressly agreed to, any violation of the guidelines would have had this result. He had sailed perilously close to the wind recently, and had been reminded by me on thread last week of his situation. These reminders he chose to ignore, and so has no-one to blame for his deletion but himself.

In support of Stu's post, I'll reiterate what I've said before:

We Mods get our impression of the health of the board from the Reported Posts and PMs we receive. Our actions are taken as a result of these, and if we do not reveal the full story it is solely to protect the privacy of members whose trust has been abused by certain offenders.
An official warning has been given to Themainman for making unneccessarily provocative posts.
Two Official Warnings given to Shadow for intentionally prevocative and inflamitory posts.

Third and final warning given, due to same activities on other threads.

Rynner has decided to take an extended sabbatical, as he has RL projects which are consuming all his time. He'll still be posting here, but has withdrawn from active modding.

As a result, Schnor will be his replacement. He is now a mod.

Hullo all, thanks for the vote of confidence chaps, and as normal if anyone has a problem, feel free to pm me and I'll do my best to sort it out :)

Warned for posting intentionally inflamitory remarks.
Nonny Mouse

is now un-banned, and is successfully being reintegrated into the community.

There, all better now, Nonny?
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