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Ageing & Growing Old

Are you growing older?

  • Yes, I am

    Votes: 82 61.7%
  • No, I'm getting younger

    Votes: 28 21.1%
  • Sorry, I don't understand the question

    Votes: 16 12.0%
  • I'm a Mod; I think adding silly polls to chat threads is pointless

    Votes: 7 5.3%

  • Total voters
At least it's now all done and I can sleep under a couple of cats* for a while! The garden is full of blossom and in between showers I'm out there soaking up the scents and feeling very chilled :)

*both cats being now rather mature they spend a lot of time asleep and are most amenable to being scooped up and positioned elsewhere, especially if a human that radiates body heat is involved!
Ah blossoms, showers, scent and 2 cats. Love it.
I've been here before talking about my friend John and his regrets about his dissipated early life. He reckons if he'd never smoked, taken more exercise and eaten decent food he'd be fit and healthy now, rather than confined to his chair after a stroke and unable to do much for himself. Mind you, he's 83 and 10 years post stroke, so he must have done SOMETHING right, he's still here!
I've been here before talking about my friend John and his regrets about his dissipated early life. He reckons if he'd never smoked, taken more exercise and eaten decent food he'd be fit and healthy now, rather than confined to his chair after a stroke and unable to do much for himself. Mind you, he's 83 and 10 years post stroke, so he must have done SOMETHING right, he's still here!
It's like when the comedian Steve Hughes talked about India and how he buys his medicine of an old Indian guy in the street;
He's 700 years old, got one tooth and lives in a bin.
He's still alive!
I adore my Totoro tshirts Steven...All Daughters call me a nerd for some reason, but still watch my collection of Studio Ghibli If I put them on.
Totoro stage play finished at London Barbican end of March. Marvel was the choreography of the Cat Bus apparently.

Never too old for jury duty.

A summons for jury duty was not what Frances McKenna expected to find when she opened a letter addressed to her 101-year-old mother.

Frances' mother, Evy Boylan, is "a mighty woman", her daughter said, but not able for jury duty. The letter, which arrived on 22 April, stated that Evy was being called to the circuit court in Monaghan on 5 June.

“I open all official documents for mummy,” Frances told BBC News NI. “I opened it and went, ‘Oh my God’. It was a jury summons."

Frances' story was first reported on Shannonside Northern Sound's Joe Finnegan Show. The letter stated that anyone who does not attend for jury service could face a €500 (£430) fine, which prompted Frances to take action.

“I thought, 'This is not happening. What do I do?'” she said.

She asked a solicitor for advice, who told her to fill in and send back a form provided with the letter, stating that her mother could not attend court.

“But I thought, 'This will go missing in the post, I’m not doing that'," she said. "So I phoned a number at the bottom of the letter. I spoke to an actual human being and explained that my mother is in her 102nd year.

“She said, ‘Oh is she coming?’ I went, ‘What do you think?’

"I said no. She said she could be excused.”

Is this an early game with nazi werewlves and vampires? I may be remembering it wrong or have the wrong game entirely. But if it's the same one I devoted weekends to it.
It's about Nazis in a castle. I don't remember werewolves and vampires.
@Mythopoeika @brownmane So uh....what's on your video game shelf?
Assassin's Creed, several editions
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Resident Evil, several editions
The Last of Us, both editions
Witcher 3 (my fav and the one that got me into open worlds games)
The Walking Dead serials
Skyrim V: Elder Scrolls
The Outer Worlds
Nier: Automata
Nier: Replicant
Uncharted (most of the editions) - this is a Sony brand only available with PS, so that is one of my original games played
Legend of Zelda - several editions, including the recent Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom (the ONLY reason I have Switch. I don't like Nintendo consoles nor selection of games)
And many others

Edited to add: I have a few smaller puzzle related games such as Inside.
I love Tetris but don't have it as it is too addictive for me and I can't quit.
One of the things about growing older that took my wife and I by surprise.

My wife was 5’ 8’’ and I was 6’ 1’’.

Now my wife is 5’ 6’’ a loss of 2 inches.

I am now 5’ 11 and 1/2 ‘’ a loss of 1 and 1/2 inches.

This has contributed to back pain as the spinal column compresses.

I don’t think there is a cure.
One of the things about growing older that took my wife and I by surprise.

My wife was 5’ 8’’ and I was 6’ 1’’.

Now my wife is 5’ 6’’ a loss of 2 inches.

I am now 5’ 11 and 1/2 ‘’ a loss of 1 and 1/2 inches.

This has contributed to back pain as the spinal column compresses.

I don’t think there is a cure.
My Mum has really shrunk in recent years. She wasn't tall to begin with, but she's definitely getting shorter.
Blimey all those games ... another part of modern life that has totally passed me by! Well almost, my grandson was into 'Grand Theft Auto' and I pretended to take an interest in his progress and had a look at the graphics like what good grandmothers are supposed to do!
Anyway I've played Tetris in the dim and distant past, and like a lot of other people fell under the spell of Candy Crush for a while, that is until one of Kathryn Tates characters (I think) said from her hospital bed 'I really regret not playing more Candy Crush' which brought it home to me what a waste of time! I guess neither of those two count as games in the way mentioned upthread lol

My ex used to disappear up to the top floor, making out he'd gone to work on word processing his thesis, where he'd be gone for ages. Anyone else remember the home computer the beeb brought out in the 80s? Well it was one of those. So I believed him, but then one day I caught him out when our sons came to winge about him. Muuuum tell him ... muuuum come and tell him!

Going up to investigate he was playing their game called 'Canyon' .The De deduh deduh duh de der jingle was the dead give away! I turfed him off with difficulty but even so he went on it night after night for ever so many weeks determined to get through all the levels. When he eventually did he called us up to gather round while there was a fly past of all the enemies he'd shot down.

Was it really bloody worth it?

I'm sure the games you are all playing are far more intellectually challenging and worth while !!!!!!! At least the graphics will be more sophisticated!
As a counterpoint, I haven`t really played computer games since I moved away from home. I remember a teacher in high school talking about how he spent a lot of his free time playing Playstation and me thinking about how I did not want to be that kind of adult.
One of the things about growing older that took my wife and I by surprise.

My wife was 5’ 8’’ and I was 6’ 1’’.

Now my wife is 5’ 6’’ a loss of 2 inches.

I am now 5’ 11 and 1/2 ‘’ a loss of 1 and 1/2 inches.

This has contributed to back pain as the spinal column compresses.

I don’t think there is a cure.
Similar C.B. - I was 1.75cm (they don't make diamonds as big as bricks), and now, I'm 1.72cm.
I decided on my experience older people shrink

You just hope your spine can take the pressure.
Yes, they do. My kids are teasing me about my being shorter. I used to be the same height as my middle daughter (5'6") but she's about an inch taller than me now and I can't reach stuff from high shelves like I used to, even on tiptoe.

The other day I thought I'd buy myself some multi-vitamins - my diet hasn't been good lately and I thought it might help. Could I get the lid off? No I bloody couldn't - it's one of those 'pinch, squeeze and turn' childproof bottles. I didn't realise I'd lost THAT much power in my wrists, although I'm charitably trying to assume that it was a particularly hard to open design. Every time I had someone in the house, I would forget about asking them to open the bottle, so it sat there for a week, while I remained vitamin-free.

I finally got sick of it. I contemplated going round to ask my neighbour to do it, then I thought no, bugger it, I'm not THAT old. So I took to it with the grippy bit in the middle of my pair of scissors and, after some minor damage, got the lid off.

Can't report any great increase in health yet, but I shall keep taking the tablets.
Yes, they do. My kids are teasing me about my being shorter. I used to be the same height as my middle daughter (5'6") but she's about an inch taller than me now and I can't reach stuff from high shelves like I used to, even on tiptoe.

The other day I thought I'd buy myself some multi-vitamins - my diet hasn't been good lately and I thought it might help. Could I get the lid off? No I bloody couldn't - it's one of those 'pinch, squeeze and turn' childproof bottles. I didn't realise I'd lost THAT much power in my wrists, although I'm charitably trying to assume that it was a particularly hard to open design. Every time I had someone in the house, I would forget about asking them to open the bottle, so it sat there for a week, while I remained vitamin-free.

I finally got sick of it. I contemplated going round to ask my neighbour to do it, then I thought no, bugger it, I'm not THAT old. So I took to it with the grippy bit in the middle of my pair of scissors and, after some minor damage, got the lid off.

Can't report any great increase in health yet, but I shall keep taking the tablets.
Stay away from pickle jars for Heaven's sake.

I keep a hammer and nail handy for those.

Put the jar on a firm surface (ideally with a damp tea towl or cloth underneath) put the nail in the centre and give it a swift whack with the hammer so that you puncture the lid.
That'll get the b'stard off.

I then just put some tape over the hole - although they never last long enough for it to matter really.
I'm 5' 5.5 inches. Or at least I was. Definitely lost my half an inch that I was so proud of :(

As I like my men (and women) to be able to look me in the eye - up a bit or down a bit is just fine and dandy, don't care which - it's good to hear that everyone else is shrinking too!