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Bad Medicine: Daffy Doctors & Medical Mishaps

What was the magnet for C?
It was supposed to attach to the eye prosthesis so that some semblance of natural eye movement would be retained - at least, that is what I was told.

From hasty internet research since I got back yesterday it seems more likely that it was to make sure the prosthesis was retained securely - it is a problem that with my damaged socket it's not unusual for the eye to pop out unexpectedly. I've got very practiced at handling the situation.

Ohio hospital propped dead woman up in bed to fool family into thinking she was alive

An Ohio woman who died during a routine surgery performed by a controversial doctor was allegedly propped up to make her look alive in an effort to fool her family into believing she had survived the procedure, a lawsuit claims.

The family of Sheila Sue Trimble claims that the 65 year-old was in 'good health' when she entered Adena Health in Chillicothe for a heart catheterization on August 18. That procedure was a straightforward and routine one, the suit claims.

Records seen by a local newspaper show Trimble died at 1pm, according to the suit. Her death certificate records her time of death as 3:05pm - the same time her family were ushered in, it is alleged.

They allege that they were urged to turn off Trimble's life support, despite hospital staff knowing that she'd already died.


maximus otter

Millions wrongly labelled with penicillin allergy, pharmacists warn​

Millions of people wrongly believe they are allergic to penicillin, which could mean they take longer to recover after an infection, pharmacists say.

About four million people in the UK have the drug allergy on their medical record - but when tested, 90% of them are not allergic, research suggests.

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society says many people confuse antibiotic side-effects with an allergic reaction.

Common allergic symptoms include itchy skin, a raised rash and swelling.

Nausea, breathlessness, coughing, diarrhoea and a runny nose are some of the others.

But antibiotics, which treat bacterial infections, can themselves cause nausea or diarrhoea and the underlying infection can also lead to a rash.
And this means people often mistakenly believe they are allergic to penicillin, which is in many good, common antibiotics.

These are used to treat chest, skin and urinary tract infections - but if people are labelled allergic, they are given second-choice antibiotics, which can be less effective.



Insta-Famous Plastic Surgeon Accused of ‘Chop Shop’ Horrors

Judy had known Dr. Arian Mowlavi for years, but at her appointment in November 2020, she sensed something was off. The 60-year-old preschool teacher had visited the Instagram-famous plastic surgeon’s Laguna Beach office multiple times over the last five years and was returning that fall for a small, discreet liposuction procedure around her bra line. But this time, she says, the doctor pressured her to give him free rein, cajoling her into letting him remove skin as well as fat.

Days later, when she pulled the foam rubber dressing off of her incision, she knew she’d made the wrong call.

“It smelled like you forgot a gym bag in the car for a while, with a wet towel in it,” she said.

After more than a week of excruciating pain, Judy collapsed in her home and was rushed to the emergency room, her vital signs crashing from multi-system organ failure in her kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart. At one point, she said, doctors called her family together to say their goodbyes. She remained in a medical coma for more than two weeks. Even after waking, she had to stay in the hospital for two months as doctors removed necrotic tissue from her back.

“My injuries look like I am a shark bite victim,” she said.

A December 2021 class action lawsuit by more than 30 former patients alleges that Mowlavi groped them in the exam room, made lewd comments about their bodies, permanently altered their bodies without their consent, and gave some of them life-threatening infections. The Orange County District Attorney’s Office filed a lengthy civil case against him this summer, seeking millions in damages.


maximus otter
Pharmacy accidentally gives abortion pills to patient undergoing IVF

A Las Vegas woman who underwent in vitro fertilization was left heartbroken after a CVS pharmacy accidentally gave her her abortion pills that took the lives of her unborn children.

Timika Thomas, a mother of four who previously had her fallopian tubes removed, recalls that she began “cramping really bad”when issued Misoprostol instead of doctor-prescribed vaginal suppositories.

After taking two doses, the IVF patient checked the bottle she was given from the North Vegas pharmacy.

“The first thing I read is it’s used for abortions,” she added.

“They just killed my baby … Both my babies, because I transferred two embryos.”

It was shown that one technician misunderstood the generic name for the brand Thomas’ doctor had prescribed her and had entered the incorrect name into the prescription.

A pharmacist failed to spot the error and another did not counsel Thomas at the time she retrieved the pills.

After complaining to the Nevada State Board of Pharmacy, the two pharmacists faced fines and provisionally lost their licenses — ones which can be reinstated over the next year.


maximus otter
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Pharmacy accidentally gives abortion pills to patient undergoing IVF
A Las Vegas woman who underwent in vitro fertilization was left heartbroken after a CVS pharmacy accidentally gave her her abortion pills that took the lives of her unborn children.

Timika Thomas, a mother of four who previously had her fallopian tubes removed, recalls that she began “cramping really bad”when issued Misoprostol instead of doctor-prescribed vaginal suppositories.

After taking two doses, the IVF patient checked the bottle she was given from the North Vegas pharmacy.

“The first thing I read is it’s used for abortions,” she added.

“They just killed my baby … Both my babies, because I transferred two embryos.”

It was shown that one technician misunderstood the generic name for the brand Thomas’ doctor had prescribed her and had entered the incorrect name into the prescription.

A pharmacist failed to spot the error and another did not counsel Thomas at the time she retrieved the pills.

After complaining to the Nevada State Board of Pharmacy, the two pharmacists faced fines and provisionally lost their licenses — ones which can be reinstated over the next year.


maximus otter
Doesn't surprise me in the least. The pharmacists in my neck of the woods are incompetent, bordering on dangerous. On several occasions one such character dispensed meds at twice the prescribed dose to Ms P. This despite the fact that prescriptions are checked and signed for by two qualified staff. It's only because she has certification to deal with meds that Ms P recognized the errors. The pharmacist when complained to, give not give a toss. I guess some would have merely taken the double dose with pretty awful side effects.
Doesn't surprise me in the least. The pharmacists in my neck of the woods are incompetent, bordering on dangerous. On several occasions one such character dispensed meds at twice the prescribed dose to Ms P. This despite the fact that prescriptions are checked and signed for by two qualified staff. It's only because she has certification to deal with meds that Ms P recognized the errors. The pharmacist when complained to, give not give a toss. I guess some would have merely taken the double dose with pretty awful side effects.
That would be gross negligence surely?
The saga continues.

In September last year, Ebrima Sajnia watched helplessly as his young son slowly died in front of his eyes.

Mr Sajnia, who works as a taxi driver in The Gambia, says three-year-old Lamin was set to start attending nursery school in a few weeks when he got a fever. A doctor at a local clinic prescribed medicines, including a cough syrup, but the feverish child refused to take them.

"I forced Lamin to drink the syrup," recalls Mr Sajnia, sitting at his home in Banjul, capital of The Gambia.
Over the next few days, Lamin's condition deteriorated as he struggled to eat and even urinate. He was admitted to a hospital, where doctors detected kidney issues. Within seven days, Lamin was dead.

He was among around 70 children - younger than five - who died in The Gambia of acute kidney injuries between July and October last year after consuming one of four cough syrups made by an Indian company called Maiden Pharmaceuticals.

In October, the World Health Organization (WHO) linked the deaths to the syrups, saying it had found "unacceptable" levels of toxins in the medicines.

A Gambian parliamentary panel also concluded after investigations that the deaths were the result of the children ingesting the syrups.

Both Maiden Pharmaceuticals and the Indian government have denied this - India said in December that the syrups complied with quality standards when tested domestically.

It's an assessment that Amadou Camara, chairperson of the Gambian panel that investigated the deaths, strongly disagrees with.

"We have evidence. We tested these drugs. [They] contained unacceptable amounts of ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol, and these were directly imported from India, manufactured by Maiden," he says. Ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol are toxic to humans and could be fatal if consumed.


Finally, some justice.

The boss and three other officials of an Indonesian firm whose cough syrup was linked to the deaths of over 200 children have been sentenced to jail.

They were handed two-year prison sentences and fined 1bn Indonesian rupiah ($63,056; £51,786). The firm, Afi Farma, was accused of producing cough syrups containing excess amounts of toxic substances. The company's lawyer said they denied negligence and the firm was considering whether to appeal.

Prosecutors had been seeking a prison sentence of up to nine years for Afi Farma's chief executive, Arief Prasetya Harahap, and seven years each for the other defendants.

The Public Prosecutor said that between October 2021 and February 2022 the company received two batches of propylene glycol, which is used for making cough syrup.

These batches contained 96% to 99% ethylene glycol, the prosecutor said. Both substances can be used as additives to solvents. While, propylene glycol is non-toxic and widely used in medicines, cosmetics and food, ethylene glycol is toxic and used in paint, pens and brake fluid. The company did not test the ingredients used in the cough syrup and instead relied on quality and safety certificates from its supplier, prosecutors said.

A surgeon in Guigang, China is being investigated for repeatedly punching a patient in the face during surgery. I should think so too!
The video appears to show the surgeon punching a patient in the head at least three times while operating on their eyes.
Aier China, which operates a chain of eye hospitals, said the incident took place during an operation in its hospital in Guigang, a southwestern Chinese city.
The patient was an 82-year-old woman and "during the surgery, due to local anaesthesia, the patient had intolerance". She moved her head and eyeballs multiple times, according to their statement.
As the patient could only speak a local dialect and did not appear to respond to the doctor's warnings in Mandarin, the surgeon "treated the patient roughly in an emergency situation". Local authorities say the patient sustained bruises on her forehead.
Mom Stunned to Get Text Message From Son After He Died at the Hospital

A stunning mixup at a Canadian hospital led a family to mourn their son's untimely death — until he texted his mother, seemingly from beyond the grave.

Heather Insley had already decided to donate the organs of her son, Sean Cox, when she received a mysterious text message from a number she didn't know claiming to be him.

Cox, aged 43, had long struggled with addiction and had, as Insley believed, just died of complications related to his substance abuse. But he'd also often text or call from different numbers when he was in contact, as addicts are often wont to do — leaving the woman perturbed.

Insley's husband, Bill, told her that the text was likely just a "sick joke," but when she got another one a few days later, she called the number and heard her son's voice on the other end of the line.

"I thought, oh my God, your funeral's tomorrow," the woman recounted. "I thought, I'm so happy he's alive, but I just went through all that mourning."

On New Year's Day, when a man who greatly resembled Cox entered the hospital in Ottawa, a nurse got in contact with his family after having seen him come in a few months prior for an overdose.

Because his face was partially obscured by ventilators and his arms, which should have borne tattoos, were covered by a thermal blanket, Insley was unable to tell that the man in the hospital bed wasn't her son — and had, unfortunately, never considered otherwise.

The identity of the deceased man remains unknown, but before learning they had the wrong person, the family had his handprint taken at the funeral home for a memento that may now serve as a means of helping identify him.


maximus otter
Texas doctor found guilty of poisoning patients by putting dangerous drugs in IV bags

A Texas doctor who was dubbed a "medical terrorist," was found guilty of injecting heart-stopping poison into IVs at his former medical clinic in North Dallas.

A 12-person jury found Dr. Raynaldo Ortiz guilty on all 10 counts after nearly seven hours of deliberation.


Ortiz and Dr. Kaspar

As a result of Ortiz’s action, several patients suffered cardiac emergencies and Dr. Melanie Kaspar died after using one of the IV bags, prosecutors said.

Federal prosecutors said the anesthesiologist committed the shocking crimes at Baylor Scott and White Surgicare North Dallas in retaliation for a medical misconduct probe.

The incidents first began two days after Oritz was notified of a disciplinary inquiry against him over his handling of a medical emergency. Other doctors noted he complained the center was trying to "crucify" him.

Ortiz was convicted of four counts of tampering with consumer products resulting in serious bodily injury, one count of tampering with a consumer product and five counts of intentional adulteration of a drug, prosecutors said.

He faces up to life in prison.


maximus otter
The doctors were the delusional ones.

A member of US soul group the Four Tops is suing a hospital, claiming doctors halted emergency treatment and ordered a psychological evaluation because they did not believe him when he told them he was famous.

Alexander Morris, who joined the long-running group in 2019, says he went to Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital, in Detroit, with difficulty breathing and chest pain, in April 2023.

Mr Morris's legal action claims he was racially profiled and doctors assumed he was mentally ill when he told them he was in the Four Tops, instead of treating "his clear symptoms of cardiac distress".

He was eventually diagnosed with a serious heart condition and pneumonia and suffered three seizures in hospital.

The hospital has previously said its "top priority" is the health and safety of patients but it is "unable to provide details on cases under investigation".

The Four Tops are known for classic hits such as 1966's Reach Out I'll Be There and have had a number of line-up changes in recent years.
