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BBC News On Edinburgh Fortean Society


Least Haunted
Oct 27, 2002
Or perhaps Edinburgh Fortean Society on BBC News, depending on how you feel.

The sleuths undecided on UFOs, Bigfoot and ghosts

Kerry Charles was driving on a dark, deserted road on Skye in terrible weather when she saw what she thought was an enormous black wolf.
Wolves have been extinct in Scotland since the 18th century so Kerry knew it was probably not real.
It could have been her brain interpreting a figure from the rocky and rugged scenery in poor light conditions, she said.
"That made me think: 'I haven't seen something that isn't there before'," Kerry added.
"So I wanted to hear what other people's experiences have been. It got me curious."
Earlier this month, Kerry attended her first meeting of the Edinburgh Fortean Society.
It was founded in 1999 and meets once a month to investigate and analyse phenomena which seem to push the boundaries of accepted scientific knowledge.
Members say that just because science cannot currently explain something, it doesn't mean it never will be able to.
Now read on....

Nice one @gordonrutter :cool2:
So overall we had the online article, coverage on Radio Scotland and coverage on TV via the Nine. The Edinburgh Fortean Society has received a massive inundation of new members. We have a talk next Wednesday, we will see how many new people attend that! All good and sensible stuff, nothing silly season about it.

Here is a link to iplayer with The Nine, the Fortean bit starts about 50 minutes in.


The link may expire as its a topical news programme, I'm not sure.
Ahhh this makes me wish I lived in Edinburgh. Are there any other active fortean societies across the UK? If there are it's completely passed me by, but I might be interested in joining one. I'm based in the North East.
Ahhh this makes me wish I lived in Edinburgh. Are there any other active fortean societies across the UK? If there are it's completely passed me by, but I might be interested in joining one. I'm based in the North East.
There is a general thread on Fortean groups


There was a vague interest from a couple of people to try a Newcastle one but nothing ever came of it. It's only 90 minutes to Edinburgh by train!