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I watch the Small Town Monsters Bigfoot content primarily for the scenery but also Alslaka and the Pacific North West might just hold a secret. However this latest production defies belief;

They rock up to a two-mile wide wildlife corridor in huge 4x4s, light fires, play loud music, shout and shine torches and yet still expect the Skunk Ape to come bumbling along and bump into them. Just deluded. Not even taking eDNA samples.
Welcome to the world of Bigfoot hunters :sshot:
More chance of one of them shooting and killing another 'Red Neck!'
Yes, redneck shooting another redneck in a ghillie suit accidentally will obviously be part of the movie.

Oh, you mean in real life? Yes, they'll continue shooting each other.
Yes, redneck shooting another redneck in a ghillie suit accidentally will obviously be part of the movie.

Oh, you mean in real life? Yes, they'll continue shooting each other.
There was a guy in a ghillie suit knocked over and killed while running across a road at night pretending to be a bigfoot.
There was a guy in a ghillie suit knocked over and killed while running across a road at night pretending to be a bigfoot.
Do we know he was actually pretending to be bigfoot, and wasn't just in a ghillie suit perhaps hunting? And, if he was running across a road, does whether he was pretending to be bigfoot, or even whether he was in a guillie suit, have anything to do with him being knocked down?
Good grief! Well, that can't be in the movie. Not least because a family has suffered a terrible loss - albeit a loss of someone that will doubtless make their lives a lot less complicated - but because two then-teenagers are probably suffering lasting trauma after hitting and killing some guy even though it couldn't reasonably be said to be their fault.
Article in an online humour magazine about crimes, etc., blamed on Bigfoot:

The 5 Most Ridiculous Things Blamed on Bigfoot


maximus otter
It's also worth considering the suggestion ( shaped no doubt by the sound effects on the podcast ...but even just stripping that away and concentrating on the words) that this "throwing" was great in volume and rapidity . He speaks of a "hail" of stones raining down.

It's hard to visualise that coming from something without opposable thumbs .

Here is a much more detailed account of the 1924 incident.

For what comparison or contrast you can make here, apparently, is how that party described the creature:

View attachment 77396

Edit: it also describes them as ( only?) 7 feet tall.
Since we seem to be talking about more than just the Uncanny episode, I thought that I would post this here. It is several stories of people encountering the "Hairy Man":


These stories do have some good description of the hairy man as well as some description of how the Hairy Men might have originated - as wild men initially.
Since we seem to be talking about more than just the Uncanny episode, I thought that I would post this here. It is several stories of people encountering the "Hairy Man":


These stories do have some good description of the hairy man as well as some description of how the Hairy Men might have originated - as wild men initially.

Having watched the very persuasive video that Sharon posted a few weeks back on this thread and having read the J.W. Burns accounts of encounters with the Sasquatch people (posted on the Uncanny thread), I am pretty well convinced that the Sasquatch were simply indigenous folk who opted out of mainstream American Indian society and chose a more pastoral life well away from other tribes and the white man.
In modern parlance, we would describe them as having gone off-grid. A few generations of an isolated and feral lifestyle, having abandoned the social niceties of hair-cuts, shaving, bathing and wearing of clothes (for most of the year anyway) and you have a very plausible match for Burns' original descriptions of the Sasquatch. That strikes me as vastly more believable than the modern myth of some sort of giant ape-man.
Having watched the very persuasive video that Sharon posted a few weeks back on this thread and having read the J.W. Burns accounts of encounters with the Sasquatch people (posted on the Uncanny thread), I am pretty well convinced that the Sasquatch were simply indigenous folk who opted out of mainstream American Indian society and chose a more pastoral life well away from other tribes and the white man.
In modern parlance, we would describe them as having gone off-grid. A few generations of an isolated and feral lifestyle, having abandoned the social niceties of hair-cuts, shaving, bathing and wearing of clothes (for most of the year anyway) and you have a very plausible match for Burns' original descriptions of the Sasquatch. That strikes me as vastly more believable than the modern myth of some sort of giant ape-man.
I really like this theory in terms of North America. Those early newspaper reports are of a "wild-man" being encountered by prospectors and lumberjacks etc rather than an "ape=man".
I really like this theory in terms of North America. Those early newspaper reports are of a "wild-man" being encountered by prospectors and lumberjacks etc rather than an "ape=man".
Over on the Uncanny thread, I mentioned the Osage tribe, known for their imposing size.
I wonder if one of them, known as John Stink, could have been behind J.W. Burns' original Sasquatch stories.
Born around 1870, John Stink was also known by his Osage name Ho-Tah-Moie, meaning rolling or roaring thunder.
He grew into a huge man, standing over 6 feet tall and with a massive barrel-chest.
Sometime in the 1890s or 1900s, his story takes an unfortunate turn, resulting in him acquiring the nickname "The Ghost of Pawhuska”. There are differing stories of him either succumbing to a tuberculosis or smallpox epidemic or simply freezing in a snow-drift. His apparently lifeless body was buried by his fellow tribesmen in a shallow grave in an Indian cemetery on Bacon Rind Hill east of Pawhuska. Except he wasn't quite dead. A day or so later, he awoke from his comatose state, dug his way out of the grave and returned to his village - causing the superstitious tribes-folk to flee in terror at the sight of this apparent walking dead man or evil spirit.
Out of desperation, John Stink went to live as a hermit high in the Osage hills, where he fenced off a parcel of land for himself and the wild dogs who were his only companions. He refused to ask for help from the white man, who he hated, although he would very occasionally visit a trading post to swap animal skins for tobacco. His Osage brothers were afraid of him and would not visit the hills he supposedly haunted. There, he lived the rest of his life as a hermit, until he succumbed from pneumonia in 1938.
If you read the J.W. Burns' stories of encounters with the Sasquatch, the descriptions of tall, stockily-built, hairy, unkempt, filthy and foul-smelling people seem a remarkably good fit for poor old John Stink (and the Lazarus-like supernatural aspects of his story almost certainly help the legend to grow a bit too).
Could this be the clearest ever photograph of a Sasquatch?




Over on the Uncanny thread, I mentioned the Osage tribe, known for their imposing size.
I wonder if one of them, known as John Stink, could have been behind J.W. Burns' original Sasquatch stories.
Born around 1870, John Stink was also known by his Osage name Ho-Tah-Moie, meaning rolling or roaring thunder.
He grew into a huge man, standing over 6 feet tall and with a massive barrel-chest.
Sometime in the 1890s or 1900s, his story takes an unfortunate turn, resulting in him acquiring the nickname "The Ghost of Pawhuska”. There are differing stories of him either succumbing to a tuberculosis or smallpox epidemic or simply freezing in a snow-drift. His apparently lifeless body was buried by his fellow tribesmen in a shallow grave in an Indian cemetery on Bacon Rind Hill east of Pawhuska. Except he wasn't quite dead. A day or so later, he awoke from his comatose state, dug his way out of the grave and returned to his village - causing the superstitious tribes-folk to flee in terror at the sight of this apparent walking dead man or evil spirit.
Out of desperation, John Stink went to live as a hermit high in the Osage hills, where he fenced off a parcel of land for himself and the wild dogs who were his only companions. He refused to ask for help from the white man, who he hated, although he would very occasionally visit a trading post to swap animal skins for tobacco. His Osage brothers were afraid of him and would not visit the hills he supposedly haunted. There, he lived the rest of his life as a hermit, until he succumbed from pneumonia in 1938.
If you read the J.W. Burns' stories of encounters with the Sasquatch, the descriptions of tall, stockily-built, hairy, unkempt, filthy and foul-smelling people seem a remarkably good fit for poor old John Stink (and the Lazarus-like supernatural aspects of his story almost certainly help the legend to grow a bit too).
Could this be the clearest ever photograph of a Sasquatch?

View attachment 77453



I am going to post the same link that Paul Exeter posted in Uncaany that features Fred Roehl's talk of his 2006 encounter with Hairy Men. Sorry if this appears upthread.

If you watch this video, there are sketches of what the creature's face looked like in the window. The eyes and wrinkles and flattened nose does look similar to your picture, BMCS. In Fred's description he says the brow to the nose filled an 18 inch window.

I do like the more cultural background that Fred explains in this interview as well as the maps of the area.
Over on the Uncanny thread, I mentioned the Osage tribe, known for their imposing size.
I wonder if one of them, known as John Stink, could have been behind J.W. Burns' original Sasquatch stories.
Born around 1870, John Stink was also known by his Osage name Ho-Tah-Moie, meaning rolling or roaring thunder.
He grew into a huge man, standing over 6 feet tall and with a massive barrel-chest.
Sometime in the 1890s or 1900s, his story takes an unfortunate turn, resulting in him acquiring the nickname "The Ghost of Pawhuska”. There are differing stories of him either succumbing to a tuberculosis or smallpox epidemic or simply freezing in a snow-drift. His apparently lifeless body was buried by his fellow tribesmen in a shallow grave in an Indian cemetery on Bacon Rind Hill east of Pawhuska. Except he wasn't quite dead. A day or so later, he awoke from his comatose state, dug his way out of the grave and returned to his village - causing the superstitious tribes-folk to flee in terror at the sight of this apparent walking dead man or evil spirit.
Out of desperation, John Stink went to live as a hermit high in the Osage hills, where he fenced off a parcel of land for himself and the wild dogs who were his only companions. He refused to ask for help from the white man, who he hated, although he would very occasionally visit a trading post to swap animal skins for tobacco. His Osage brothers were afraid of him and would not visit the hills he supposedly haunted. There, he lived the rest of his life as a hermit, until he succumbed from pneumonia in 1938.
If you read the J.W. Burns' stories of encounters with the Sasquatch, the descriptions of tall, stockily-built, hairy, unkempt, filthy and foul-smelling people seem a remarkably good fit for poor old John Stink (and the Lazarus-like supernatural aspects of his story almost certainly help the legend to grow a bit too).
Could this be the clearest ever photograph of a Sasquatch?

View attachment 77453




Interesting stuff.

More info about John Stink/Ho-Tah-Moie.

Baconrind Family Cemetery

maximus otter
Occasionally we get videos like this one, which can bypass the "is it a person in a suit" for "how strong does someone have to be to do what is shown".

Why face a cam in that direction when there’s no discernible trail there?All animals take the path of least resistance without exception so why does “Bigfoot” push through thick deadfall and start picking it up and throwing it around centre-frame?Fake.
Why face a cam in that direction when there’s no discernible trail there?All animals take the path of least resistance without exception so why does “Bigfoot” push through thick deadfall and start picking it up and throwing it around centre-frame?Fake.
I did not ask if its a guy in a suit.

The question I proposed was "how strong does someone have to be to do what is shown"? Is what is shown within the range of a fit person? A weightlifter? A world level Strongman competitor?
To answer the question I proposed, "how strong does someone have to be to do what is shown"? Is what is shown within the range of a fit person? A weightlifter? A world level Strongman competitor?
It looks like Canadian windfall/dead fall forest? You ever been in any? That's fake. I have pushed rotten pine and snapped them in half,that size as well, they were brittle and rotten inside, I posted a pic on here last year when I was in ontario or Quebec showing such snapped trees and joked it was sasquatch, that camera was placed there deliberately as there's no trail whatsoever.
Occasionally we get videos like this one, which can bypass the "is it a person in a suit" for "how strong does someone have to be to do what is shown".

I get the impression there is machinery hidden behind those trees, they move as if they were being pulled by one of those mini-excavators or something similar. There is a flash from something metallic to the left of the "Bigfoot" just before things get moved

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 12.32.56.jpg
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It looks like Canadian windfall/dead fall forest? You ever been in any? That's fake. I have pushed rotten pine and snapped them in half,that size as well, they were brittle and rotten inside, I posted a pic on here last year when I was in ontario or Quebec showing such snapped trees and joked it was sasquatch, that camera was placed there deliberately as there's no trail whatsoever.
This is a helpful answer.