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  1. lordmongrove

    Fabulous Animals: Back After 49 Years!

    Hot on the heels of the return of the Hexham Heads footage we now have the legendary, lost, 1975 cryptozoological series Fabulous Animals with the legendary David Attenborough. I've not seen this since it's firs screening. I wrote to the BBC a few years back asking if they could release it on...
  2. lordmongrove

    I'm Talking In Blackpool On October 12th

    I'm giving a talk in Blackpool, October 12th on my 25 years of monster hunting expeditions. https://www.lapisparanormal.com/richardfreeman?fbclid=IwY2xjawFYozRleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHeQwwEPQAu8ijVh8clxEG8uxIUknDR-HT2Q59qf0RnKOcRdn9AO58C9SyA_aem_x5do5nHCdtoPulWciTjrPg
  3. Sharon Hill

    Kids & Cryptozoology

    I'm interested in some opinions on this topic. I saw this article today, which is slightly convoluted and unclear related to why the guy from Expedition Bigfoot TV show quit: https://thedirect.com/article/ronny-leblanc-expedition-bigfoot-what-happened-exit-season-5 Viewers who tuned in to the...
  4. Sharon Hill

    Pop Goes The Cryptid

    Cryptids are used today in popular culture as fabulous monsters. Depictions of cryptids of all kinds are now mainstream. They have become ubiquitous online but not so much as possibly real zoological organisms to be scientifically recognized. They are more obvious as symbols, icons, and genii...
  5. A

    Research Paper Assistance: Is There A Connection Between Cryptozoology And Human Imagination?

    Hey Everyone! I am a college student, who is taking a course this semester that requires me to interview people on a topic for a paper. I was wondering if some people can answer a quick form for me to collect some data on cryptozoology. The goal of the paper is find a connection between...
  6. A

    The Owlman Of Mawnan

    This was posted in a thread in "It Happened To Me", but i thought it might be better to split it off into Cryptozoology so as not to distract from the original poster's sighting report... http://www.cfz.org.uk/features/owlman.htm The "Owlman" seems to have some similarities with the...
  7. Paul_Exeter

    Study Finds A Huge Number Of People Believe In Bigfoot & The Loch Ness Monster

    Not just wide-eyed believers either: "The study also uncovered how watching TV or science fiction doesn't result in people being more likely to believe in cryptids but viewing viewing paranormal documentaries and reality TV does."...
  8. blessmycottonsocks

    Papua New Guinea Cryptid Research Organization

    A native Papuan - Rex Yapi has founded a cryptozoological group. His forum currently only has 250 members so, if you're on Facebook, you may wish to sign on and support his endeavours. Papua New Guinea is one of the best chances we have for discovering unknown creatures or creatures thought to...
  9. F

    'More Than A Legend' & 'The Case For The Sea Serpent'

    Selling a couple of rare water monster books on ebay if anyone's interested The Case for the Sea Serpent - Rupert Gould More than a Legend- Constance Whyte Or DM me with an offer
  10. lordmongrove

    Swansea UFO Network Presents: Richard Freeman

  11. Erinaceus

    Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon

    https://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/earless-dragon-rediscovery-like-finding-the-tasmanian-tiger-20230625-p5dj9o.html A tiny lizard species described as the "most endangered reptile in the world" has been found in grasslands west of Melbourne in a development that scientists are...
  12. Tunn11

    Manbeast Gait

    A question. We have at least partial skeletons of many Hominins and Hominids and we have a few footprints and fewer tracks (multiple footprints) We also have footprints and tracks of some manbeasts - and possible films. Have any direct comparisons been done of the possible gait of any of...
  13. lordmongrove

    Vuc Person Interviews Richard Freeman On His Expeditions & Theories

    Vuc Person interviews fat, bald goth about hunting monsters.
  14. lordmongrove

    In Search Of Real Monsters: Adventures On Cryptozoology Volume Two

    My new book is out. In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures on Cryptozoology Volume two...
  15. Sharon Hill

    Cryptidcore Aesthetic

    I've mentioned cryptidcore on other threads but today I came across a new article that I think is worth discussing. I'd love to hear some views on it. Cryptidcore and the joy of discovering mythical creatures in the wild, explained...
  16. Lord Lucan

    Sea Serpent Sightings: Whale Penises?

    I am browsing Twitter when I come across renowned Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman's theory for the probable explanation of the Olaus Magnus’ Sea Serpent - a.k.a the Great Norway Serpent, or Sea Orm. The following article gives a run down on the history of the serpent. Following is Loren's...
  17. lordmongrove

    Cryptozoology Research Papers

    Cryptozoological research papers on line. https://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/Cryptozoology
  18. blessmycottonsocks

    Kasai Rex

    Does Mokele M'Bembe have a rival? Alleged theropod dinosaur (or could be a new crocodile species or some sort of large monitor lizard) reported in the Congo. Been doing the rounds on Pinterest, along with some decidedly dodgy photos. https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Kasai_Rex
  19. Mikefule

    Bigfoot Enters The Political Debate

    Not only a silly story showing the depths to which the hard earned privilege of democracy has been dragged in the USA, but with the added bonus of the antagonists being named Cockburn and Riggleman, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45009077
  20. lordmongrove

    Serpent Monster Of The Everglades (1901)

    http://malcolmscryptids.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/the-monster-of-everglades-1901.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+MalcolmsMusingsCryptozoology+(Malcolm%27s+Musings:+Cryptozoology) 30 foot serpent in Florida Python? Anaconda? Huge catfish? Newspaper tattle?
  21. lordmongrove

    On The Track

    A new episode of the CFZ webshow
  22. Richyboyo

    Chupacabra In Texas 1950?

    I wonder if anyone can throw any light on this photo—as in exactly where and when it was 1st published? It was some time in 1950 Chupacabra or What - Is It? If you know, you might tell Charles Hudson of Dallas, Tex. His coon dogs ran the strange creature down and killed it before he could...
  23. blessmycottonsocks

    Unidentified Aquatic Creatures

    Looks like a cross between a manatee and a hippo: Mystery sea creature photobombs Brit's pictures on holiday in Corfu sea cave Harvey Robertson was on a boat cruise with when he captured a number of photographs of what looks like a cross between a crocodile and a hippo. By LOUISE PARKER...
  24. L

    Sasquatch Map Of The U.S.

    Through some research I was doing for Paranormal Camping I stumbled on an interesting map that has been put together by cartographer Joshua Stevens. I won't explain anymore about it here but rather let you either read my news post about it (which contains all the links etc)...
  25. lordmongrove

    In Search Of The Japanese Wolf

    http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2014/04/h ... nese-wolf/ In search of the Japanese wolf.
  26. lordmongrove

    Footage Of 'Hibagon'

    Supposed footage of Hibagon. Looks like he has shoes on to me.
  27. kamalktk

    'Werewolf' Captured On CCTV In Brazil

    Well, it's something. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/366131/VIDEO-Werewolf-spotted-in-terrifying-CCTV-footage The grainy CCTV footage shows a dark creature coming out of the trees and pacing around on all fours before vanishing again And it isn't the first time it has been...
  28. P

    Wolves In Wales?

    I have a youtube channel with several home made educational videos about wolves,(devilsfanuk) as i am passionate about the wolf and i`ve been a wolf studies student for a year now, as well as being active with several wolf conservation groups. Last week a youtube user commented on one of my...
  29. lordmongrove

    The Almasty Thread

    http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2 ... html?rss=1
  30. T

    Tracking Living African Pterosaurs

    Tracking Living (Or Recently Dead) African Pterosaurs Posted by Chris Parker Dec 17 2009 One might think that the continent of Africa would be the repository of animal fossils of all types but the number of pterosaur fossils discovered there have been few and far between. I say this with the...
  31. S

    Thylacines (Post-1936 Sightings)

    (This thread is, for the moment, just a conglomeration of old ones. Once I've gathered all the stuff from the forum, I'll look to start splitting again and merging between the two thylacine threads. It will take a while, but in the meantime the vast majority of our thylacine stuff will be in one...
  32. K

    Black Shuck In Hertfordshire

    Not sure whether this should be here or in Cryptozoology, but here goes. A few years ago I was seeing a girl in Stevenage (luckily I have since moved ) who's sister was single with three kids. I never asked what happened to her husband - this being Stevenage I probably assumed she never had...
  33. B

    The Two Varieties Of Tabby Cat

    Dunno if this should be on the cryptozoology page or not, but what the hell... Anyway, I heard a long time ago (don't know if it was a book, TV show or what) that the reason why there appear to be two varieties of domestic tabby cat - one with a stripy, 'tigerish' pattern to its coat, the...
  34. A

    The Thylacine ('Tasmanian Tiger' Or 'Wolf')

    General question how many of you believe there is a possibility for the creature to still roam the earth? Scale from 1-10. 10 Being positive 1 being No way. Im going with 10, the world is so vast and there are many remote locations that has not been explored. It is highly unlikely that all...
  35. M

    The Hoop Snake

  36. W

    'Drop Bears'

    time to confess about our australian "drop bears" According to legend, Drop Bears are dangerous creatures that hide in gum trees. You can tell if one of them is hiding in a tree by lying on your back beneath the tree and spitting upwards. If the Drop Bear is up there, it'll spit back...
  37. MrRING

    Alligator/Lizard Men

    Alligator Men It seems like I recall in the 70's there being a fai interest in a bigfoot-style giant biped called Alligator Man. I think there was even an episode of In Search Of dedicated to him. Why is thus crypto no longer remembered - was it all a porven hoax, or was it like Mothman a...
  38. A

    The Dover Demon

    Dover Demon on kids TV! I turned on ITV the other day and it was the usual hour of kids programmes they have before the news on weekday afternoons... and there was a seriously acid/ecstasy influenced CGI cartoon on called "Tiny Planets", featuring a creature very much resembling the Dover...
  39. A

    The Beast Of Gévaudan

    [Emp edit: Warning: This thread may contain spoilers for the film Brotherhood of the Wolf which is loosely based on these events. Its also worth noting that there is a BotW discussion thread here: https://forums.forteana.org/index.php?threads/brotherhood-of-the-wolf.1953/ if you are only...
  40. A

    Kappa the Creature from Japan

    I have just read and saw amazing pics of a creature called The Kappa it is part of Japanese folklore This is what the Japanese has found out so far about the strange creature, Kappa: 1) It lives in or near rivers. 2) It looks like a 5 year-old human child. 3) Its arms and legs are...
  41. A

    'Big Names' Who Support(ed) Aquatic Mammals

    I've seen many cryptozoology *enthusiasts* like myself say that the undulating, psychrophilic megaserpents and four-paddled longnecks that are reported as "lake monsters" would be reported more often if they were mammals. Sure, a cryptid doesn't become real until the day that any skeptic can be...
  42. A

    Allow Me To Clarify A Few Things About Cryptid-Hunting

    I just introduced myself on the Chat board two days ago and I think I gave people the impression that it is a personal goal of mine to kill a Bigfoot. Just because I SUPPORT cryptid-hunters doesn't mean I am one. Heck, I can't be! I don't possess any firearms nor any hunting experience, and I...
  43. A

    The Yeti

    The Yeti,....I recently read a book called THE SEARCH FOR THE YETI, written by a mountaineer, who claimed that the enigma of the Abominable Snowman, the rarely sighted creature which roams inhospitable areas such as Tibet, was actually based upon sightings of the elusive and almost as monstrous...
  44. A

    Mande Burung On Video

    ok so now there are 2 cryptozoology videos out there that i havent seen :( i hope this new one with the indian bear man turns out to be as good as it sounds. Experts say it could be a bear but even if this is the case the 50cm foot prints left behind would mean that it is one big bear. Im sure...
  45. A

    What (Exactly) Is A Bunyip?

    I have read several accounts and reports of this creature, but they all seem to somehow conflict. Are we talking about more than one animal or several types of the same species of animal? Can anyone help with this question?
  46. J

    The Difference Between Fortean Zoology & Cryptozoology

    What do you make of Jon Downes'(?s) notion of 'Zooform phenomena'?: Http://www.eclipse.co.uk/cfz/admin/history.htm "Cryptozoology is the study of hidden or unknown animals, and such creatures, belonging to a species wholly or partly unknown to science, are usually collectively referred to...
  47. A

    I Need Any Info You Can Give Me On Cryptozoology

    hey every1 i need anything about cryptozoology you can give me cuz i am doina research paper for a class at school on it! So i need as much stuff as i can get. (i already have a lot) :confused: :blah:
  48. A

    The Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film

    Despite much criticism and analysis, the Bigfoot Patterson film still seems to defy all scepticism. Does anyone out there think it is a real Bigfoot, especially with the analysis provided by the likes of Grover Krantz who believe it to be an unknown biped. Unfortunately, enigmas such as Bigfoot...
  49. A

    The Yowie

    Just wanted to get others thoughts on a theory I heard on Tele. Basically theres an Australian guy called Tim the Yowie man.He claims to be Australias leading cryptonaturalist. He believes that most of the worlds famous monsters,i.e.Big foot,yetis etc are all yowies. He even believes...
  50. rynner2

    Sea Serpents & Monsters (General; Miscellaneous)

    Cornish Sea Monster Richard La Monica is a sasquatch researcher, based in Ohio. In an article about him it was mentioned that his Cornish grandparents had told him about a monster sometimes seen in Falmouth Bay. I emailed him about this, and this is part of his rely: "... My mother, aged 85...