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Cool Photos



Post Your Cool Photos Here!


I just wondered if anyone had any cool photos they would like to share. UFOs, Ghosts anything. I've totally been into this sort of thing for a long time and it was always the photos that did it!

So any URLs or just picture posts would be excellent. Especially really baffling ones!


Try http://www.hantu.net it has just about everything you asked for and more including very fortean photos and stories I have never seen before.

Be warned though there are photos of a very bloody nature (freak accident victims, murders, crocodile victims, snake victims etc etc) under some headings, and the language is sometimes an asian one so the photos often come as a surprise.

You have to sign up (a recent feature) but it is free

Hope this helps!

There are more links to more ghost pictures in another forum here so keep looking

Hi Jim,

Some of the photos I have take since living in our home have been quite remarkable. The images when developed were not apparent when the photos were taken.

Some are featured on our local town's website http://www.moldweb.co.uk. Read my previous thread, A haunted Welsh farmhouse.

Veeeeery interesting!

Thanks you two! Still got to check out that first one (always very weary of registering for web sites due to the amount of junk I get in my hotmail!) but I will do when I get a chance today.

That haunted farmhouse isn't bad! Man, it hurts my head thinking about it all :confused: (it's great!).

Thanks again! Any more anyone?


You don't have to register with the website I suggested, just log on.
I have some pictures on my webpage of airplane contrails that may be chemtrails. You can check the pics at


I think I remember that picture of the ghostly monk. It was in a time life book and was attributed to be taken by the church vicar and shows the altar with a hooded cloak and what looks like a bag over his head. I'll get that at my website soon.

whoops, the picture is of a hooded monk in front of the altar, not of a hooded altar, although a ghostly altar sounds good too.



Ummm... Monte - not really sure what I'm supposed to be seeing in the photos. Probably due to my ignorance of what a Chemtrail is! And yeah the monk photo sounds interesting.

And Rose-Mary - yeah I realised the thing about not logging in - I was talking about the post from fortean101. Sorry if I was ambiguous!

But keep 'em coming! They're getting v. good!


Chemtrails are what some people here in the US believe are planes spraying certain chemicals for some reason or another. I'm not paranoid enough to conclusively believe they are anything but plain contrails, but I wouldn't put it past the American Mindset to do such a thing.

Here's a website with a little more info, and there are plenty more...


also, http://www.rense.com
has some things about them also.

As to the pictures on my site, watch the two trails forming in the sky and creating an 'X', which is supposedly a characteristic of the spraying.
That should kinda clear things up.
I think the story is about the chemtrails, and not to do with any paranoid mindset of the american people. It is clear as day that the govt. is against democracy and world peace. Now, if Montesol wants to reduce this to a paranoid mindset, well I think this just shows how undemocratic america is, and how many americans find it easier to suck up to the system than fight it.
I remember a photo of a plain old "flying saucer" from a book I have somewhere, I'll dig out the details. There isn't much about the photo that is remarkable, but what makes it one of my favourites is that it was taken by a USAF pilot and released with Air Force files.
Yea, paranoid was the wrong choice of words. I apologize. What I should have said is that I haven't done much research into the evidence that chemtrails are what they are. So my knowledge and understanding of the facts on chemtrails can't lead me to personally conclude that they are what they are.
But, paranoia, as well as every other emotion, can make people jump to conclusions about what they are seeing and experiencing.
And when I spoke of the American mindset, I wasn't referring to it as being paranoid, but more willing to perform actions on a people without them knowing. There it is unfair to call it an American mindset, because I am sure there are many American citizens who would be disgusted with chemtrails should they prove true.
I should have phrased my knowledge of chemtrails better, and I retract any generalizations I made about people and their beliefs. But if chemtrails are real, there are people who think it is ok to spray the unwilling public in secret and then lie about it, much as was done with radiation testing and other instances like Tuskegee (sp?). Those were the people I was speaking of, and they were the mindset I wouldn't put past to do such a thing.
Chalk it up to sloppy planning and sloppy grammar.
oh, "Love your country always; Love your government only when they deserve it". I think that's Twain.
Hope that kinda clears up my feelings on things, nwoisevil. Thanks for the feedback.
Wow! Chemtrails have really hit a raw nerve...

Hey all,

Thanks for clearing up the chemtrail business. And wow! They really have hit a raw nerve!

Tubal, that USAF photo certainly sounds interesting. To be honest it was UFOs and the like that got me quite into this sortofa business so that's where my heart really lies (so to speak).

Once again - keep the photos coming! I want people's jaws to hit the floor when they see the photos from this thread!


Jim - have you checked my post in the ufology section? I think you may find the footage interesting, to say the least. I am still undecided about it, as you can probably tell from my schizophrenic replies.
It just made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I first saw it...

Hang on a minute... I've just become a "Yeti". How odd...

Video is pretty cool!


Yeah that video is pretty cool. I actually stumbled upon it by accident yesterday (I saw your post today). ooOoOooh! Spooky. or not.

I'm undecided about it too actually. It just doesn't look 'right'. But then again - perhaps seeing it in real-life still wouldn't look 'right'. Who's to say? I looked at some of the others from the sci-fi site as well. Even the Ladybird submission looks fake at some points (the ladybirds on the guys hand at the start) but, once again, who's to say. I certainly have no evidence to sway it either way - just my gut instinct as it were.

So - any more anyone?


I think the sci-fi site ones are fake simply because they look so like you would expect them to. How did the person following the UFO one manage to keep their lense on it that long, and why wasn't everyone else in the helicopter bricking themselves and why did the helicopter not move blah blah blah.

The UFO one that I find most compelling is a Nasa one, I can't find it right now, but it shows something above the earth's atmosphere from a space shuttle and then a missile of some sort appears to come out of the earth's atmosphere and the thing behind the shuttle vanishes off very rapidly. From what I recall, Nasa don't deny this is authentic and it is a very interesting film.
not bad! not bad at all!


Definitely not bad likes! The video you were talking about seems to flash as well - wonder what that's about? hmmm....:confused: . Currently just checking out some of the other videos there - some seem to be quite interesting.



I have some photos of my uncle wearing nothing but a black mess tank top. But they are not suitable for anyone.


Hey all,

That Castle of Spirits site was, in fact, pretty good. Seems to be pretty definitive. Quite impressed!

I notice the replies are drying up a bit! Everyone done with the photos?


The Castle of Spirits link is pretty good. Most ghost sites I have seen seem to have a lot of paranormal camera straps/bits of dust in the flash/camerperson's fringe/camerperson's thumb type phenomenae rather than anything remotely interesting. In fact I've noticed there seem to be hardly any good ghost pictures. I can tell I'm going to have to take a few of my own.

Anyone know of any good Berkshire ghosts I can hunt down with my trusty camera?
Re: Ghost /Ectoplasm Photos

Gloria said:
An interesting link to a Canadian ghostwatch society: some pictures of Churchill Hotel in York, England; a scary face peeping into a room, etc. http://www.ghrs.org/bc/photogallery.htm

Sorry to be negative, but most of those photo's seemed to be dust/light reflections in the lense, or strange clouds of mist taken by someone standing outside on a cold night (breath perhaps?)
I want to beleive in ghosties and such like, but stuff like this always leaves me feeling that someone somewhere is preaching to the converted, and so can produce any everyday anomaly on film and claim tis the spirits tying to contact us oooOOOoooOOO shpooky ;)
I don't know if this is the best place to post this, but here it is. I ran across it earlier today while looking for a new avatar photo. Don't remember where I found it. Werd enough, and kind of funny I suppose.

I don't know if this is the best place to post this, but here it is. I ran across it earlier today while looking for a new avatar photo. Don't remember where I found it. Werd enough, and kind of funny I suppose.

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