Thanks for the link with the Skulls, provided much more information then I had before on them
KarlD, the one thing that interests me the most is the Mitchell Hedges Skull that looks like it was constructed out of glass
jimv, thanks as well for the ALT thread, I'll have to give it a read through for sure, as for the Jesus thing, you will always have people agree and disagree with you on this opinion

I however will not, I just like to think that one day a man achieved enlightenment, and on this day he started to share with others how to become enlightened. Over years of doing this, people started to stop paying their taxes and the government started to lose control of their society. They figured if they illuminated the source of the problem they would be able to once again establish control.
I think the religious outlook of the word Jesus, constitutes a man in cloth with a halo above his head, when he was probably more like a guy who came from a mother and father like the rest of us, did his time and all the meanwhile knew there was something more to life then just living up to others expectations as well as his own.
Who knows for certain, but I tell you this, I always preferred Hey Zeus