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Encounters On Netflix About UFO Landing In Wales

Since these phenomena are all related to trends in human culture over history, it seems obvious that these have a psycho-social explanation rather than any extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional connection.

The current trend is UAPs, phenomena which appear in the far distance and can barely be seen even using modern sensor equipment and electronic cameras. A far cry from the Adamski saucers with their clearly-visible portholes.
In my opinion the whole UAP thing is disinformation around hypersonic missile technology and not the first time the military have used UFOs for such a purpose
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I personally believe the archetype evolves as we ourselves evolve. Hence the phantom airships at the dawn of powered flight, the ghost rockets at the dawn of space flight and then these space-suited humanoids during the 1970s when we were trying to find life on Mars, astronauts would surely follow the robot landers and we would eventually travel to all of the planets. You might also argue those those classic flying saucers behaved as drones do nowadays, another step forward in flight technology and already being used in warfare.

What then seems to have happened in the 1990s was that the space alien archetype peaked and somewhat imploded as the abduction crowd and those Whitley Strieber gray aliens entered mainstream consciousness. Then we have the emergence of the cryptids, those werewolves, dog-men, big black puma-like cats and even the British Bigfoot. These creatures that appeared and disappeared at will and terrified as with those glowing red eyes are much more in line with contemporary science-fiction than aliens in space suits. Furthermore, we stand on the verge of being able to create such creatures in laboratories (as well as reviving extinct species such as the woolly mammoth and the thylacine). The 00's infatuation with Zombies? I give you the Black-Eyed Kids...

Preceding all of the above were the little people, elves, giants, faeries, leprechauns etc and their ability to shift bewettwwen dimensions and time and take unwitting humans with them
Maybe Aliens just go through different trends like us humans did in the 20th Century like Flappers, Spiv's, Teds, Mods, Skinheads, Punks, Causals and Rave.
have various threads dedicated to the same British humanoids and UFOs wave of 1976-78, with Wales the undoubted focal point but also similar encounters elsewhere. Also some cases in the years before and after the main window of the events. Is it worth bringing all these together under a single thread and digging into the similarities, discrepancies and both rational and Fortean explanations...?

I think it would be useful to put everything Welsh, at least, together under the Broad Haven thread since all these events seem closely related.
Since these phenomena are all related to trends in human culture over history, it seems obvious that these have a psycho-social explanation rather than any extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional connection.

The current trend is UAPs, phenomena which appear in the far distance and can barely be seen even using modern sensor equipment and electronic cameras. A far cry from the Adamski saucers with their clearly-visible portholes.

"Flying saucers" are, as Jung pointed out many years ago, a modern myth. And like all myths they both evolve and yet show continuity with earlier myths - I doubt much analysis has been carried out of contemporary "UAP culture" yet, but no doubt it will show the same patterns under close examination.

Perhaps the most interesting and novel aspect there is (as you suggested in another thread) part of the collective unconscious is now expressed through social media.
Think the link between old fairy abduction stories and 20thc onwards alien abductions/encounter stories, is blatantly obvious and still would like to see more in depth exploration. So far, the Welsh story was the most compelling - brilliant TV, really enjoyed it. I'd heard about the playground encounters but none of the other associated stuff in the surrounding area at the same time. Or the paranormal stuff going on.

Just been listening to a talk about Welsh fairies on the Druidcast podcast - they sound quite terrifying. Brilliant stuff.
@charliebrown You can read the most reputable account of these encounters here:


Curiously, 'teleporting' cows were also a feature of the Alan Godfrey 1980 Todmorden case ("there was a white flash and [the cows] were gone")
I recently read about the impossible mass transportation of livestock in Truth Proof by Paul Sinclair (not sure which volume, but I've only gotten as far as Volume 3) - sheep IIRC, being found crammed into an impossibly small pen. I'll see if I can dig it out.
Think the link between old fairy abduction stories and 20thc onwards alien abductions/encounter stories, is blatantly obvious and still would like to see more in depth exploration. So far, the Welsh story was the most compelling - brilliant TV, really enjoyed it. I'd heard about the playground encounters but none of the other associated stuff in the surrounding area at the same time. Or the paranormal stuff going on.

Just been listening to a talk about Welsh fairies on the Druidcast podcast - they sound quite terrifying. Brilliant stuff.
The authors of 'The Dyfed Enigma' made strong links between the Welsh humanoids, UFOs and paranormal goings-on and fairy lore and abduction stories
I recently read about the impossible mass transportation of livestock in Truth Proof by Paul Sinclair (not sure which volume, but I've only gotten as far as Volume 3) - sheep IIRC, being found crammed into an impossibly small pen. I'll see if I can dig it out.
Found it! In Truth-Proof 3, location 978 on Kindle:

While we were talking John remembered something else that had happened earlier in the year, and it was something that still puzzled him. By this point we had left the farmhouse and were talking outside, as John began telling me an amazing story - one that I believe is just as incredible as any of the strangest accounts in the world - including the paranormal happenings at the world-famous Skin Walker ranch in Utah.

John was showing me around the yard and we began walking towards a pile of galvanised panels, which are designed to be erected and dismantled fast. They are used to make corralled areas so the sheep can be managed more easily. He told me the panels can be combined to form a narrow passage with an upward sliding gate attached at each end. This panelled passage usually holds up to six sheep, nose to tail. The animals can then be tagged or moved through a foot bath if required, then released into a larger holding area.

“Last year something happened on those fields Paul; something so strange that I still cannot get the image of it out of my mind.”

He began assembling a few of the panels as he spoke.

“I fixed these panels together myself, because I needed to tend to the flock. It's a 'right game' trying to heard them into it because they know what you're doing. They're not daft. They know that going into that holding area involves something being done to them and they don't like it. That's why it's so hard to believe what happened. If someone had told me I would not have believed them, but I saw it with my own eyes.”

“Saw what John?”

John lifted of one of the steel panels and asked me to hold it, he then lifted another two panels and slotted steel rods into them to hold them together. It took us less than 5 minutes to build this narrow run that forms a corral designed to hold six sheep, nose to tail.

“Right, now you can see what I am talking about. Now imagine walking towards this and finding it full of sheep. Its hard to believe, but that run had thirty sheep crammed inside it one morning last year. The poor things were in a right state. They were piled up on top of each other, and in a right tangled mess. I dismantled the panels and began sorting them out, they were frightened to death. When I finally got them all untangled, four of them were dead. I think they must have suffocated or overheated. It must have been terrible for them.

I will never understand how they got in there in the first place. It's hard enough for me and the dogs to get them into the larger holding area in daylight, but this happened during the night. How thirty sheep ended up in that narrow steel passage I will never know.”
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A bit of mystery in Broad Haven UFO case.

When Netflix made one of their episodes on the series “ Encounters “ about Broad Haven’s UFO, Netflix erected a sign near the city warning incoming people that there is an UFO danger in Broad Haven.

The sign has disappeared and the citizens assumed the council of Broad Haven took it down, but the council claimed they didn’t like the sign, but they did not take it down.

Who took the sign ?

A bit of mystery in Broad Haven UFO case.

When Netflix made one of their episodes on the series “ Encounters “ about Broad Haven’s UFO, Netflix erected a sign near the city warning incoming people that there is an UFO danger in Broad Haven.

The sign has disappeared and the citizens assumed the council of Broad Haven took it down, but the council claimed they didn’t like the sign, but they did not take it down.

Who took the sign ?

Probably a random young punk who thought it would look cool on his wall.
Since these phenomena are all related to trends in human culture over history, it seems obvious that these have a psycho-social explanation rather than any extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional connection.

The current trend is UAPs, phenomena which appear in the far distance and can barely be seen even using modern sensor equipment and electronic cameras. A far cry from the Adamski saucers with their clearly-visible portholes.
For me, the fascination lies in trying to find the psycho-social explanation. Why people see what they see, not the 'what' of what they are seeing.
John: “Right, now you can see what I am talking about. Now imagine walking towards this and finding it full of sheep. Its hard to believe, but that run had thirty sheep crammed inside it one morning last year. The poor things were in a right state. They were piled up on top of each other, and in a right tangled mess. I dismantled the panels and began sorting them out, they were frightened to death. When I finally got them all untangled, four of them were dead. I think they must have suffocated or overheated. It must have been terrible for them.
I will never understand how they got in there in the first place. It's hard enough for me and the dogs to get them into the larger holding area in daylight, but this happened during the night. How thirty sheep ended up in that narrow steel passage I will never know.”
Sheep are herd animals, and sometimes follow each other into tight situations. This also happens with cows, which are quite closely related to sheep (both taxonomically and in behaviour).
Here are some cows getting stuck in someone's back garden for no reason at all.

Some interesting points were raised on X about episode 2:
More comments from Gideon Reid here.
Hind was a self-described UFO evangelist. As she describes it her mission was to educate the Africans about UFOs and aliens. She was a pamphleteer for ufology hoping to attract more UFO reports to her publication.
So, in September of 1994 when the Ariel School events occurred right on Hind’s doorstep (she lived less than an hours drive away in Harare) it was the perfect opportunity to exercise those best practices.
However, it is widely considered to have been a failure of interviewing technique. The principal criticism being the way the witness interviews were conducted. School finished at 1pm on the Friday, the children had the whole weekend before they were interviewed by the BBC’s Tim Leach on Monday 19 Sept, and by Hind in person on the Tue 20 Sept, almost FIVE days after their encounter. Hind interviewed children in groups in a chaotic arrangement in front of TV cameras with throngs of onlooking children crowding the doorway.
Why didn’t it occur to Hind that, especially when interviewing children, that it was crucial to tape-record their remarks so that any later contamination effect from a group interview could be mitigated?
As the proud creator of UFO Afrinews did she bring copies of these newsletters with her to this meeting? If so did they distort the children’s testimony? (As we’ll see some of the drawings in UFO Afrinews are strikingly similar to those the Ariel pupils produced on the Monday).
Mack was an idiot, but he was not the prime mover in this case. Cynthia Hind seems to have basically created this entire sighting out of very little.
More comments from Gideon Reid here.

Mack was an idiot, but he was not the prime mover in this case. Cynthia Hind seems to have basically created this entire sighting out of very little.
Great post, sadly have never been that convinced about the Ariel case given the distances involved, the issues regarding the interview techniques and the involvement of Cynthia Hind.

The excellent skeptical blog 'Three-Dollar Kit" has a detailed analysis of this case and the involvement of both Mack and Hind:

'In no case am I suggesting the witnesses are lying, either the children in 1994 or their adult selves. The adults are recalling events they believed at the time to be true. The children were unwittingly copying each other in the context of a UFO narrative that appeared even before the sighting began, and was subsequently consolidated in the school environment."


"In three subsequent reports that Cynthia Hind wrote (for MUFON in Dec 1994, and two in her own newsletter in 1995), her reporting distorts the early testimonies of the children (the first two days, recorded by the BBC) - we know this because we have their actual words on camera. I'm not suggesting deliberate deception, only that in writing up the case (and in the absence of any pushback) she created a narrative that matched her bias."

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Found it! In Truth-Proof 3, location 978 on Kindle:

While we were talking John remembered something else that had happened earlier in the year, and it was something that still puzzled him. By this point we had left the farmhouse and were talking outside, as John began telling me an amazing story - one that I believe is just as incredible as any of the strangest accounts in the world - including the paranormal happenings at the world-famous Skin Walker ranch in Utah.

John was showing me around the yard and we began walking towards a pile of galvanised panels, which are designed to be erected and dismantled fast. They are used to make corralled areas so the sheep can be managed more easily. He told me the panels can be combined to form a narrow passage with an upward sliding gate attached at each end. This panelled passage usually holds up to six sheep, nose to tail. The animals can then be tagged or moved through a foot bath if required, then released into a larger holding area.

“Last year something happened on those fields Paul; something so strange that I still cannot get the image of it out of my mind.”

He began assembling a few of the panels as he spoke.

“I fixed these panels together myself, because I needed to tend to the flock. It's a 'right game' trying to heard them into it because they know what you're doing. They're not daft. They know that going into that holding area involves something being done to them and they don't like it. That's why it's so hard to believe what happened. If someone had told me I would not have believed them, but I saw it with my own eyes.”

“Saw what John?”

John lifted of one of the steel panels and asked me to hold it, he then lifted another two panels and slotted steel rods into them to hold them together. It took us less than 5 minutes to build this narrow run that forms a corral designed to hold six sheep, nose to tail.

“Right, now you can see what I am talking about. Now imagine walking towards this and finding it full of sheep. Its hard to believe, but that run had thirty sheep crammed inside it one morning last year. The poor things were in a right state. They were piled up on top of each other, and in a right tangled mess. I dismantled the panels and began sorting them out, they were frightened to death. When I finally got them all untangled, four of them were dead. I think they must have suffocated or overheated. It must have been terrible for them.

I will never understand how they got in there in the first place. It's hard enough for me and the dogs to get them into the larger holding area in daylight, but this happened during the night. How thirty sheep ended up in that narrow steel passage I will never know.”
I don't wish to belittle the testimony of this witness as it is an intriguing case, however organised gangs with dogs steal sheep for the black market:


He may have been fortunate that the rustlers were interrupted or ran out of time before they could load those sheep into a transporter. One of my favourite Fortean cases involved a reputable witness walking his dog early in the morning from some woods and across farmland. He came across a row of windows set into a grass bank, lit up from the inside so that he could see men moving around on a walkway of sorts. Suddenly a man noticed him and told him rather menacingly that he "shouldn't be there". Later that day he went back and found only a pile of earth at the location. Police thought it may have been a mobile sheep slaughter unit operated by sheep rustlers and disguised by creating a grass 'bank' around its sides. A lot of effort but then have you seen there price of lamb...?!
I don't wish to belittle the testimony of this witness as it is an intriguing case, however organised gangs with dogs steal sheep for the black market:


He may have been fortunate that the rustlers were interrupted or ran out of time before they could load those sheep into a transporter. One of my favourite Fortean cases involved a reputable witness walking his dog early in the morning from some woods and across farmland. He came across a row of windows set into a grass bank, lit up from the inside so that he could see men moving around on a walkway of sorts. Suddenly a man noticed him and told him rather menacingly that he "shouldn't be there". Later that day he went back and found only a pile of earth at the location. Police thought it may have been a mobile sheep slaughter unit operated by sheep rustlers and disguised by creating a grass 'bank' around its sides. A lot of effort but then have you seen there price of lamb...?!
It's a lot easier to transport dead sheep than live ones - you can just stack them all on top of one another and get a lot more in than you'd get if they were alive. Plus no noise, no need for ventilation...
It's a lot easier to transport dead sheep than live ones - you can just stack them all on top of one another and get a lot more in than you'd get if they were alive. Plus no noise, no need for ventilation...
Without getting too graphic the walkway wsx probably to facilitate the bleeding of the animals immediately after they were despatched and thus enabling the valuable, choice cuts to be taken and the remainder either buried or dumped in a river. The grass banks would have helped muffle the noise, too.
I finally got around to watching the final episode last night, about UFOs seen after the tsunami and Fukushima reactor leak. There was certainly some very interesting video footage, although at least one of the interviewees was completely barking. Also nice to see different cultural angles on unexplained lights in the sky. Anyone know any more about this, particularly the video of anomalous lights moving around?
There was certainly some very interesting video footage, although at least one of the interviewees was completely barking.
Do you have a link for that, please? Thanks.
Do you have a link for that, please? Thanks.
Well, on Netflix the series link is https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/81489034

The Episodes tend to be shuffled depending on which country you are in, but it is the Lights Over Fukushima episode (episode 4 for me). The videos are in the episode, I've been unable to find them on You-Tube though they might be there somewhere.
Well, on Netflix the series link is https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/81489034

The Episodes tend to be shuffled depending on which country you are in, but it is the Lights Over Fukushima episode (episode 4 for me). The videos are in the episode, I've been unable to find them on You-Tube though they might be there somewhere.
Damn! I don't have a Netflix subscription.
This is the nearest I could find. . .
Hmmm. I didn't know that so many UFOs had been spotted during the Fukushima disaster.
The question is - were they real, solid objects or were they earthlights/piezoelectric discharges/ball lightning caused by earthquake activity?
Hmmm. I didn't know that so many UFOs had been spotted during the Fukushima disaster.
The question is - were they real, solid objects or were they earthlights/piezoelectric discharges/ball lightning caused by earthquake activity?
In some videos they look like a group of drones performing a coordinated display.