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FT162 - Your Secret Is Out!


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 7, 2001
The latest edition of FT has arrived - in a transparent cover! Now your postman and everyone else knows what those mysterious packets were. Luckily for them, the cover is nothing lurid this time, mainly text.

BTW, if you don't like rats, skip page 10...

Otherwise, it looks like a good one.
Yes, lots of parrots this month. :blah: And the editorial mentions "a new breed of savvy young forteans who have given it (the bulletin board) a life of it's own". Do they mean us? Well they didn't say "intelligent life".
Is it out in the shops yet? Should I drag the dog into town this afternoon or wait until Saturday?

Decisions, decisions...

's not in Cardiff. Unless the WH Smith people are playing find the FT again.
Sally said:
's not in Cardiff. Unless the WH Smith people are playing find the FT again.

Have you tryed Barry WHS? thats where I'm getting mine from at the mo.
It's a bit of a treck. I'll try the one in Cardiff centre again at the weekend. Sometimes the staff place the FTs back to front or upside down for fun.
Yay! I've got mine on time this month. One prob tho - the new postman left it sticking through the letterbox folded like a newspaper. The cheek of it. Luckily I rescued it quite quickly.
ONE-SIXTY-FREAKING-TWO! Man alive. I'm still waiting for 161 to appear in the store stateside after giving up my long-term sub earlier this year due to a drastic decline in delivery/customer service quality. At least FTwise, you-all in the UK don't know how lucky you are.

Lopaka-Wide awake (and FT bereft) here in America. :(
fortean times 162

I get 'em before barns /noble at my shop. 162 didnt come in my wed. shipmt. but i enjoyed a good Garth Ennis comic. "Kev",the Authority.
beakboo said:
Yes, lots of parrots this month. :blah: And the editorial mentions "a new breed of savvy young forteans who have given it (the bulletin board) a life of it's own". Do they mean us? Well they didn't say "intelligent life".

We still have to wait another week for FT 161 to even appear on our newsstands. Talk about lag time. And talk about advertisements that we can't use. Sorry, but try as I might, absinthe just ain't coming over this border, honey. Will there never be an FT American ad campaign? Seems like a real opportunity to make new dollars in the US when all the ads that are coming here now represent British mail-order companies that we can't use.

By the way, are you saying that Beckjord is not mentioned at all? Interesting. His streak must be broken. I'm sure he'll let us know it, too. That fickle boy.
It's a good issue this month. I definitely want to find that comic book with Charles Fort as a paranormal investigator, and H.P. Lovecraft as his youthful sidekick :D
rynner said:
- in a transparent cover! Now your postman and everyone else knows what those mysterious packets were.

At least now he knows I'm not reading Bizarre or Viz (not as funny as it used to be)
fort comic per : adrian veidt

I've been reading" the Fort comic mini-series" by *Dark Horse",comic company.Just ask your local comic shop dealer to order it for you. If they won"t ;"ask me", Its a Hoot.
Sally said:
's not in Cardiff. Unless the WH Smith people are playing find the FT again.
I found it in culture, media and business, next to something called something like
Conservative gardener
Aha here is a thread where I can whinge about the 9/11 conspiracy cover.
First of all can I say "photodisc, anyone?"
Secondly, the eraser rubbings on the cover are bugging me. They are so obviously a photoshop where someone has copied the big rubbing, made it smaller and pasted it next to the original.

Sorry but I find that awfully annoying.
Now someone's going to tell me the photo was undoctored and the fact the two rubbings are identical is a Fortean event... THE CLONING OF THE ERASER RUBBINGS! Wooo.

Offer your services Pinkle - and charge 'em loads . You make a mean photoshop montage .