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graylien said:
However, I found the Hierophant's drivel so pointless that I actually cut it out of the magazine and sent it back to Fortean Towers. Maybe they can find a use for it. I certainly can't.

Now there's a thought!!

That does mean you have also lost the Highlander "Immortal Edition" and the Follicular Unit Extraction ads. If you need anything from them let me know and I'll scan the relevant bit in (if I haven't done the same that is ;) ).
escargot1 said:
Frobush said:
I hate the popping-out eyeballs! :shock:
Rubbish. You loved it last night.

My eyes! Give them to me!

I agree with Pietro_Mercurios about the cover. It's just fantastic.
Looks like Val kilmer. Well half of it obviously.
Mighty_Emperor said:
That does mean you have also lost the Highlander "Immortal Edition" and the Follicular Unit Extraction ads.

Yes, I thought at the time that that was a rather bizarre juxtaposition of adverts. The repackaged Highlander looked rather desirable, I must say.

Incidentally, why aren't there any bonkers letters in the FT any more? The nearest thing this month was the one from that new agey woman about how putting up a tent can teach you, like, really profound things about yourself.
What about the letter from the "friend" of the Marilyn Monroe looky-likey? Was that this month?
Secret Santa...

What a man. My faith in human nature was instantly restored when I read his Obit.
Yes the cover was better - simple but effective. Almost but not quite forgives the same Photoshopper for the terrible "Weird OZ" one.

Please retire the Heirophant - It ain't working. he makes Barry Baldwin almost readable in comparison..
I don't know if it was the presence of Jon Ronson which set Jon Downes off on a riff but that Giant Eels piece make me laugh out loud. I assume it was meant that way?

I'd have liked lots more of Mike Dash on the schizoid art and influencing machines. Can't get enough of them for some reason. :?

Gary Lachman's introduction to Swedenborg is very sensible. I was slightly bemused to see that the portraits on pages 40 & 41 were not both of the man himself. Maybe faces were rationed in Sweden. Anyone wanting more on Swedenborg's Cabbala can find the core of Marsha Keith Schuchard's book:


Good issue. :D
The Heirophant apart, it's another good strong issue.

The article about Göbekli Tepe is fascinating, at least the bit that sticks to the dig. Though, I still find such early dates hard to believe. Nice to have the travelogue about the taxi rides around the district, as well as the piccy of the taxi driver. Very romantic. :)
Rubyait said:
Looks like Val kilmer. Well half of it obviously.

The freaky thing is that (half of) it does look like Val Kilmer... with long hair :shock: :?

I laughed for ages after realising that... thanx Rubyait for pointing it out :D

Great issue to (as well as just the cover)... great news and features
Gobekli Tepe Location

Mighty_Emperor said:
carfax6 said:
Good suggestion, emps, but the wikipedia on Göbekli Tepe doesn't have location coordinates and not much else. Maybe the writer of the article would know.

It gives the general location. I am unsure how helpful getting zoomed in on the exact spot would be as it is a tell which are (pretty by definition) large mounds. Potentially impressive from the ground (I've been to Bin Tepe, although there probably weren't a thousand - bin, which looked impressive when you look up at them, or out and across at them, but I can't imagine there'd be much to see from the air).

The map on page 46 of FT shows the site as being south-east of Urfa.

But according to Wikipedia, it's located 15KM north-east of Urfa.

I wondered which was right, so I went to the German Archaeological Institute's web sitehttp://www.dainst.org/index_642_de.html to see what they had to say. It's in German of course. So I enlisted the help of Babelfish which translated the opening paragraph thus:

"The 15m powerful and for instance 300m in the diameter measuring fruehneolithische Goebekli Tepe is for instance to 15km northeast the city?anl?urfa on the highest point of an elongated mountain course. He is to be noticed from from far away as dominating landmark. From here the view in the north and the east is enough up to the Taurusgebirge and to the Karaca there?, in the south the Harranebene opens until Syria. However in the west the horizon is limited already soon by close hoehenzuege, which push themselves between?anl?urfa and that far valley of the Euphrates lain in the west."

Well, if they say north-east ... and the general location is further affirmed by the Google Earth member zenekites, who's helpfully posted a Google Earth location marker on the Google Earth Community web site. If you've got Google Earth, you can just click it and it'll open GE and take you to it. I don't know where he (or she) got it from, but they're described as "archaeologist" in their GE Profile, for what it's worth - still, if that's the case, they're probably close, if not right on the button.

You're right though, Mighty Emperor - not really much to see from above, principally because it's in a low-res area. But still, it gives me a buzz to know I can look down right on it, tilt it, zoom over it, see it in relation to other parts of the planet. I can see, for example, that the FT map's location south-east of Urfa would place it in a green, fertile valley, whereas the north-east region is dry and mountainous.

Ain't the digital domain wonderful?

If you prefer entering your own coordinates, try these:

Lat 37°13'12.00"N

Long 38°55'12.00"E

Gekommene Fliege mit mir, ließ uns fliegen, ließ uns weg fliegen, wenn Sie einige exotische Schnäpse benutzen konnten, es einen Stab in weitem Bombay gibt

Come fly with me, let fly us, let us away fly, if you could use some exotic Schnaepse, it a staff in far Bombay gives

There's a certain discontinuity between this month's cover and last month's. Yes, the heirophant was awful, but he was rather good last month so don't ditch him! I quite like the narrative aspect to the drawings of him.
I should mention the illustrators, specially Terry Colon, Phil Bond et al mostly do a great job at, I imagine , very short notice.
How about turning the Hierophant into a comic strip instead?