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Gray abductions in crowded places

I will not sumerise because it would not do the book justice and I'm not going to argue with poeple who only know half the facts.

I think a lot of the poeple here are interested in Ufology therefore should take my advise and not purely for discussion, Niles, but for good reading.
Okay AdamRang, but while I search for this book I'd like you to read the Illuminatus Trilogy 23 times, absorb Principa Discordia through Osmosis, devour every published issue of Transmetropolitan, have a breakdown and have your personality put back together again by a coven of wiccan lesbians, before studying Archaeology for a year. That way you'll understand why I'm asking you the questions I am :)

Niles "Will Not, is the battle cry of a limp mind" Calder
Niles, this is an Ufology forum. I posted information about the book with the off chance that somebody interested in ufology might want to read it.
Niles Calder said:
Give us a synopsis, I mean summerise... :)
No. you mean summarise - I imagine we'd all like to 'summer'ise our lives. (Well, I would!)
Yeah, and when I try and discuss Ufology with you, you get all uptight because I'm asking you difficult questions. Your only answer to those questions, so far, has been "read this book". When I asked to summerise you refused.

In short you're using the book as an excuse to avoid answering the questions I've raised, which is not only poor Forteanism but poor Ufology. If you were an academic you'd be boo'd from the stage.

I'm asking you questions based upon points you've raised, and doing so in an irreverent manner because you're taking yourself far too seriously.

Niles "Puckish" Calder
rynner said:
No. you mean summarise - I imagine we'd all like to 'summer'ise our lives. (Well, I would!)

Bah, frikking spellchecker!

Niles "Undone by Microsnarf" Calder
Using your logic, it would be better for me to have never raised the point about Remote viewing UFO's and this book.

I pointed out how there was interesting remote viewing data on UFO's, when pressed for infomation, I directed you to the book. If you don't want to read it then thats fine by me but I was hoping that serious ufologists may value my advise concerning the book.
AdamRang, Cujo has just slapped my wrist and reminded me that you're a young'un. So I'll put away the chairleg and be a bit more gentle.

What is the Theory that "Cosmic Voyage" put's forward?

Niles "putting the kid gloves back on" Calder
Now that my name has been invoked I feel it's necessary that I stick my oar in.

Adam, I can't afford to buy this book you're talking about so it's only fair that you give us all at least some idea what's in it. But remember that no matter how scientific remote vewing sounds there's even less evidence for it than there is for dowsing. It may well be a genuine phenominon but we just can't tell yet.

I'm not dissing Remote Viewing. I can't, I haven't tried it for myself yet. I'm just saying that I'm sceptical about any information gained that way.

I'm also a little perturbed by the way some of you seem to be glibly accepting abduction experiences as physical events. While we can say that people are having abduction experiences we can't say that they are actually being phsysically taken by aliens untill we have more proof.

(Dammit I sound pompous. When did that happen)

OK Dudes. Everyone has an opinion. The question was put forward as to information regards to abduction in public places. If you want to systematically degrade and bring each other down then do so somewhere else cos this kind of banter aint helping my search for the kind of correspondence Im looking for.

Im glad everyone has such energy in their arguements, but chill out folks, the chances are that the truth wont be ousted in this thread. Take on board what is posted. But dont take it personally.


Go out of an evening, and what happens? Another page of debate! Should have tried remotely viewing it..;)

Rynner....where's yer trident gone? Much preferred last avatar. Oh and by the way....Occam's Razor!

Sorry. Promise I won't mention it again.

Not today, anyway....
OK, I'll tell you roughly the information that was gained through remote viewing. I'm not going to tell you everthing because I can see the way this conversation is going to go if I give you half facts on some of the topics coverd in it.

Basically, Courtney Brown (member of the StarGate program) and an unamed moderater conducted serveral remote viewing sessions using targets such as 'The Galactic Federation', 'The grey homeworld', 'Ancient Mars civillisation', 'Grey Abduction' etc.

The information gained basically informs us that 1. We're not alone 2. The Galaxy is governed by the Galactic Federation 3. The Greys destroyed their homeworld when they were under the rule of a corrupt dictatoship 4. The greys spent a long time hiding underground on their planet when it had been destroyed 5. In this period they had to develop new technology fast in order to save themselves. Which they eventually did through the discovery of 'inner light'. 5. The greys do not have individual personalities and have trouble working with races like Humans becuase they are not sensitive to their emotions 6. The greys are having problems with their own gene pool and while helping themselves in abductions they are also helping us at the same time 6. The Galactic Federation has specific rules about making official contact. They insist that we have to do it first. This is becuase they beleive that every primitive race must do things themselve in order to learn. 7. Earth is in danger of a series of disasters in the future. But again, the Galactic Federation is adament that we can not be helped and that we must learn to cope ourselves. 8. Humans will face a big test in the near future. It will be wether or not we go out of our way to help another civilliasation in need and apperently the Galactic Federation and much of the galaxy is watching us closely to see what we do when this circumstance arizes 8. An ancient civillization did exist on Mars.

I didn't tell you everything though becuase it really wouldn't do the book justice.

I'd like to point out that even if I found out that this book was completely made up, I still would advise you to read it. You wanted to know a UFO theory that made sence and one is in this book.

I did think that the book was quite impressive. It never contradicted any good UFO evidence that we have today and made a lot of sence.
It reads like the script of a certain Star Trek film......or is that a bit cynical???
er... funny you should say that... if you do read the book be sure to read the chapter 'Star Trek and the ET assisted transformation of Human culture'.
AdamRang said:
Basically, Courtney Brown (member of the StarGate program) and an unamed moderater conducted serveral remote viewing sessions using targets such as 'The Galactic Federation', 'The grey homeworld', 'Ancient Mars civillisation', 'Grey Abduction' etc.
Let me stop you there...
So Ms Brown and [unknown] go looking for something and Find It!?
Does anyone else find this suspicious?
Now given, due to personal experience, I'm more prone to accept psi phenomina more readily than most... I'm tempted to suggest that instead of tapping into the cosmos this couple actually hit the human collective-subconcious (which is a weird and wonderful conceptual landscape...allegendly) and shaped it to their expectations, and reported back their discoveries without realising their error...

The information gained basically informs us that
1. We're not alone
2. The Galaxy is governed by the Galactic Federation
3. The Greys destroyed their homeworld when they were under the rule of a corrupt dictatoship
4. The greys spent a long time hiding underground on their planet when it had been destroyed
5. In this period they had to develop new technology fast in order to save themselves. Which they eventually did through the discovery of 'inner light'.
5. The greys do not have individual personalities and have trouble working with races like Humans becuase they are not sensitive to their emotions
6. The greys are having problems with their own gene pool and while helping themselves in abductions they are also helping us at the same time
6. The Galactic Federation has specific rules about making official contact. They insist that we have to do it first. This is becuase they beleive that every primitive race must do things themselve in order to learn.
7. Earth is in danger of a series of disasters in the future. But again, the Galactic Federation is adament that we can not be helped and that we must learn to cope ourselves.
8. Humans will face a big test in the near future. It will be wether or not we go out of our way to help another civilliasation in need and apperently the Galactic Federation and much of the galaxy is watching us closely to see what we do when this circumstance arizes
8. An ancient civillization did exist on Mars.

I didn't tell you everything though becuase it really wouldn't do the book justice.

I'd like to point out that even if I found out that this book was completely made up, I still would advise you to read it. You wanted to know a UFO theory that made sence and one is in this book.

I did think that the book was quite impressive. It never contradicted any good UFO evidence that we have today and made a lot of sence.

Niles "Our Man On The Steps" Calder
Niles Calder said:
Let me stop you there...
So Ms Brown and [unknown] go looking for something and Find It!?
Does anyone else find this suspicious?

The idea of remote viewing, Niles, is to look for something and find it. When the Star Gate program was in full swing the viewers would be given a target, it could be a downed aircraft or the offices of a group plotting against America. The reason why the US goverments remote viewing program was so succesful was becuase they actually managed to find what they were looking for using the technique.
AdamRang said:
The idea of remote viewing, Niles, is to look for something and find it. When the Star Gate program was in full swing the viewers would be given a target, it could be a downed aircraft or the offices of a group plotting against America. The reason why the US goverments remote viewing program was so succesful was becuase they actually managed to find what they were looking for using the technique.

The idea of remote veiwing as supposedly used by the US Government was to look at a location and report whatwas there. The target was not a word or an idea to search for, it was a map reference.

If you search for aliens you will find aliens even if they are simply the product of your unconscious mind trying to keep you happy.

Cujo, in remote viewing it isn't simply locations that were already known that were remote viewed. For example, say you wanted to find for a downed craft, you didn't send remote viewers to the map reference becuase you didn't know where it was. You instead send them to the actual downed craft and then find its location. This was something that was dome during the Stargate program.

Just so I don't get tripped up with my wording, I do not claim that remote viewing works, I'm simply defending what poeple who call themselves remote viewers know about it.
Originally posted by roachford
It reads like the script of a certain Star Trek film......or is that a bit cynical???

Actually, I think I had a "books on tape" of a Star Trek novel once that explained how the Vulcans were watching us prior to our discovery of warp drives or whatever. Only then did they contact us and together we formed the Federation of Planets.
AdamRang said:
Cujo, in remote viewing it isn't simply locations that were already known that were remote viewed. For example, say you wanted to find for a downed craft, you didn't send remote viewers to the map reference becuase you didn't know where it was. You instead send them to the actual downed craft and then find its location. This was something that was dome during the Stargate program.

Just so I don't get tripped up with my wording, I do not claim that remote viewing works, I'm simply defending what poeple who call themselves remote viewers know about it.

If you go looking for a downed plane and you find it then that is something that can be checked. You can give someone a map reference and they can go look there. If you go looking for a downed plane and there is no downed plane you may still find one because you are expecting to find one.

It's kind of like the placebo effect. We expect to get better so we do, we expect to find aliens so we do. The mind, as someone once said, is a monkey.

I'm not claiming that remote veiwing works, just that you can't take any unverified information that you get from it seriously.

Yeah, I understand that. Thats why Courtney Brown makes a big point about getting the data collaborated by other remote viewers at the Farsight Institute.
roachford said:
Issues...maybe, this is a dream I had when I was about 5.

I was sat outside my bedroom and my mam was just going down stairs. I looked in my room and peering round the wardrobe was a wolf with a really long snout. I shit my kecks!

I tired to scream for help but I couldn't move or make a sound. I seem to remember trying really hard but I couldn't do anything. That's all I remember.

Something quite similar happened to me at about the age of four or so. My grandmother had laid down with me for a nap on her bed. She went right to sleep. I remember myself as being awake. At any rate, as I laid there staring up at the ceiling, a panel slid back and revealed a sort of 'grabber' thing mounted on a jointed mechanical arm. At the time I sort of associated it (and still do, to some extent) with the shovel on a digging machine. I tried very hard to move, scream, wake up my grandmother, or anything. I was completely paralyzed, and could make only a sort of thready wheezing sound, although I could breathe just fine. I recall the 'grabber' coming down out of the ceiling, but I don't remember how the episode ended. I don't think it touched me. Unlike Roachford, I didn't soil myself, but I think it was just because I didn't have to go. I was certainly frightened enough.

I don't know if I finally fell asleep then woke normally, or if I finally managed to move and waken my grandmother, but at any rate I do distinctly recall telling her about it, and being told that I had been asleep, and it was just a dream. I stuck up very strongly for the idea that I'd been awake, and it had really happened. She didn't seem to attach a lot of importance to it.

As an adult, I'm inclined toward the theory that it was some sort of hallucination with temporary paralysis. All these years later (I'm 40 now) it remains a vivid memory. The whole thing sounds a great deal like the abduction episodes I've read about, except that we were in my grandmother's bedroom while this was happening.
AdamRang said:
Yeah, I understand that. Thats why Courtney Brown makes a big point about getting the data collaborated by other remote viewers at the Farsight Institute.
Urm, the Farsight Institute's website lacks a search function (I guess I'm supposed to remote view the relevent page :)) Could you provide a more direct link Adam?

Sorry Niles, you won't find any information there concerning ET's, I just included a link to it becuase I was mentioning the place.
AdamRang said:
Yeah, I understand that. Thats why Courtney Brown makes a big point about getting the data collaborated by other remote viewers at the Farsight Institute.

Which doesn't rule out the collective unconcious. All these remote viewers could simply be dredging up smilar images from their unconcious minds because most people think the same things when presented with terms like these that are hard-wired into popular culture.

Windwhistler said:
Something quite similar happened to me at about the age of four or so. My grandmother had laid down with me for a nap on her bed. She went right to sleep. I remember myself as being awake. At any rate, as I laid there staring up at the ceiling, a panel slid back and revealed a sort of 'grabber' thing mounted on a jointed mechanical arm.

Fascinating story Windwhistler. I also had a vagualy similar experience as a child. I was lying in bed one night and staring at the ceiling when a troop of dragon-type creatures flew through the wall, over the bed and dissapeared into the shadows at the top of the wadrobe. They then re-emerged and flew back over the bed and through the wall. This went on for a while, and like Windwhistler I can't remember how it ended. There was about five of them and they were roughly 1 foot long (not including their tails) with a 2 foot wingspan. However as I've got older I tend to put this episode down to imagination and tiredness. But who knows?
Cujo said:
If you search for aliens you will find aliens even if they are simply the product of your unconscious mind trying to keep you happy.

Worth noting: The actual target was not given to the remote viewers before they began.