Order of the Phoenix
*contains some spoilers relating to books already in print*
Only tenously Fortean I suppose, but I was wondering if anyone else is keenly waiting for the new Harry Potter book?
They've gone to great lengths to keep the thing secret, although why is anyone's guess. Posting the first chapter or summat on a website or in the paper could only heighten anticipation.
Anyway, my chief concern, having read the first four books, is that Rowling has been reduced to employing "surprise" twists that are nothing of the sort, and merely serve to compromise the integrity of her characters and the world she has brought to life.
Readers are certain to rebel if, for example, a character from the existing stories is revealed to have had some hidden agenda all along, and not to be the person we believed them to be.
The events at the conclusion of "Prisoner" and "Goblet" show that nothing is scared.
Based on what we know of the first four installments, there is no reason at all why we shouldn't expect Hedwig to turn out be an animagus traitor who's been delivering notes to Voldemort, Hermione to be a robot or Dumbledore to be Harry's great grandad or something similarly daft.
What really grates about this is that you just know she's come up with these developments after the fact. There's no way, for example, that when she wrote The Philosoper's Stone, she had in mind that Ron's pet rat was going to turn out to be a supporter of Voldemort hiding from the law.....she's just made the bloody thing up when writing the third book two years later, all the while checking to see if her latest "revelation" contradicts whatever has gone before.
Perhaps Rowling will get away with it one more time, but after that readers will lose patience.........
*contains some spoilers relating to books already in print*
Only tenously Fortean I suppose, but I was wondering if anyone else is keenly waiting for the new Harry Potter book?
They've gone to great lengths to keep the thing secret, although why is anyone's guess. Posting the first chapter or summat on a website or in the paper could only heighten anticipation.
Anyway, my chief concern, having read the first four books, is that Rowling has been reduced to employing "surprise" twists that are nothing of the sort, and merely serve to compromise the integrity of her characters and the world she has brought to life.
Readers are certain to rebel if, for example, a character from the existing stories is revealed to have had some hidden agenda all along, and not to be the person we believed them to be.
The events at the conclusion of "Prisoner" and "Goblet" show that nothing is scared.
Based on what we know of the first four installments, there is no reason at all why we shouldn't expect Hedwig to turn out be an animagus traitor who's been delivering notes to Voldemort, Hermione to be a robot or Dumbledore to be Harry's great grandad or something similarly daft.
What really grates about this is that you just know she's come up with these developments after the fact. There's no way, for example, that when she wrote The Philosoper's Stone, she had in mind that Ron's pet rat was going to turn out to be a supporter of Voldemort hiding from the law.....she's just made the bloody thing up when writing the third book two years later, all the while checking to see if her latest "revelation" contradicts whatever has gone before.
Perhaps Rowling will get away with it one more time, but after that readers will lose patience.........