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  1. Marsyas

    Author: Fred Gettings

    Hi All, I’ve had a long interest in a variety of esoteric topics, but it I’ve only just found this forum. I found myself here because I’ve been researching an author called Fred Gettings with a view to writing an article about him or maybe a book if I can gather enough information. I’ve...
  2. DrPaulLee

    Norfolk Ghost Talk

    I'm giving a talk in Norwich on February 27th. If you can't make it, it will be livestreamed and recorded https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/in-person-the-ghosts-of-kings-lynn-and-west-norfolk-with-dr-paul-lee-tickets-811626375337?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
  3. Frideswide

    Alan Garner: Wordsmith & Myth Rediscoverer

    As we don't seem to have one of these... voila!
  4. MrRING

    Shadowbox: (Faux?) Lost British TV Horror

    Does anybody know anything else about this? Dread Central says this about it: https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/455432/creepy-new-video-delves-into-the-world-of-shadowbox/
  5. Yithian

    Author Of Children's Book On Grieving Charged With Husband's Murder

    Utah author of book on grieving death charged with murder By SAM METZ SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — After her husband died last year, she wrote a children’s book on grief. Now she’s charged with his murder. Kouri Richins was arrested on Monday in Utah and is accused in charging documents of poisoning...
  6. R

    Innsmouth Literary Festival Bedford Sept 30th

    Saturday, 30th September 2023. King's House Bedford 245 Ampthill Road Bedford MK42 9AZ. 10:00-17:00. The first ever Innsmouth Literary Festival celebrates the centenary of Weird Tales magazine and weird and speculative fiction in general. There are three main areas: The Auditorium – panel...
  7. His Extremely DeLux Self

    Nobody's Fool by Bill Griffith--a book review from HExDS

    NOBODY'S FOOL The Life And Times Of Schlitzie The Pinhead A Biography by Bill Griffith I like nonfiction about the circus, the carnival, and the workers and performers who make them happen. So, I was in that section of the San Francisco Public Library recently (it's in the 791s), I was pleased...
  8. maximus otter

    Bram Stoker's Home, London

    While on a trip into the Big City to visit the National Army Museum yesterday, my eagle eye fell upon a blue plaque en route to the attraction. Closer inspection revealed something that might be of interest to peripatetic Forteans: Image courtesy of National Heritage (as my iPhone shot was...
  9. Yithian

    The Longest (And Most Consequential?) Footnote In History

    The Short Version: John Hodgson wrote a multi-volume work entitled 'A History of Northumberland', to which the correct attribution of the construction of Hadrian's Wall is but a peripheral matter. So when he published PART II, VOLUME III in 1840, he appended the fruit of his considerable...
  10. maximus otter

    Can You Crack The Code On Ian Fleming’s Cufflinks?

    It is a code-breaking test to suit the aspiring spy. A pair of cufflinks believed to have belonged to Ian Fleming, and passed down through his family, bear an intriguing inscription. The back of the cufflinks are inscribed with “WUS”, “SIL”, “UDH” and “NUF”. The meaning of the letters is a...
  11. lordmongrove

    Did M.R. James Ever Meet A Ghost?

    Did the legendary master of terror M.R James ever meet a ghost himself? https://www.spookyisles.com/art-montague-rhodes-james/
  12. Yithian

    The Bibliophilia Thread

    I don't usually collect children's books (you wouldn't believe some of the prices--children tend to shred and deface, and rarity equals value), but as an admirer of C. F. Tunnicliffe's stunning depictions of nature I had to pick this up when I saw a 1959 First Edition in near-mint condition (was...
  13. Hild und hjalmi

    J.R.R. Tolkien

    We don't have a dedicated Tolkien thread yet, so I'm starting one. Here's a news story I came across five days ago. I don't see the point of releasing another 'new' JRRT book, but I guess Christopher Tolkien wants scholars of his father's work and committed fans to be able to read more of it.
  14. ramonmercado

    J. G. Ballard: Life & Works

    Inner Space: J G Ballard in the Seventies A Symposium Book now Tel: +44 (0)1937 546546 Email: [email protected] Full Price: £40.00; Under 18: £28.00Other concessions available A day-long trip into the world of J G Ballard, plus a special preview screening of High-Rise J G Ballard’s early...
  15. Naughty_Felid

    Fantasy Literature

    Mentioned Poul Anderson on another thread and realised we have an SF thread but not a fantasy one. So writers who's you favs? David Gemmell - Loved David Gemmell although his books later bacame quite repetitive. Loved Druss, Waylander and The Rigante books. Mike Moorcock - Eternal...
  16. GNC

    James Herbert

    Anyone read any James Herbert here? I read a lot as a teenager, stuff like The Rats and its sequels, but grew out of him quickly. I did read Others a few years ago, which was fair enough, but as he's Britain's most successful horror author it's funny he doesn't get the same kind of respect as...
  17. GNC

    Stephen King

    This was news recently: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7941335.stm It can only be better than that miniseries, which couldn't do justice to the novel even at the longer running time it enjoyed. Although to be honest I'm glad they never used the original and dodgy ending -...
  18. R

    Penguin Book Of Ghosts Reveals Most Haunted Places

    From screaming skulls and headless horsemen to murdered brides and phantom farmers, English folklore is full of spine-tingling ghost stories. By Peter Griffiths Reuters - Friday, May 9 11:24 am LONDON (Reuters) Terrified witnesses speak of seeing ghostly armies marching through the fog...
  19. P

    Dennis Wheatley: He Who Must Not Be Named?

    When I was but a lad, the occult fiction of the very prolific writer, Dennis Wheatley, was extraordinary popular. Whenever a church was desecrated, a virgin ceremonially deflowered, or a cat gutted, Wheatley would be called in to give his expert opinion on matters of the occult. Wheatley...
  20. Timble2

    The Enid Blyton Code

    We've had Bible Codes, Da Vinci Codes, Shakespeare Codes now we have the The Enid Blyton Code....
  21. rynner2

    History Rewritten: Myths Busted & New Truths Uncovered

    http/tinyurl.com/yqr5sy (Mod Edit: Original link is broken. Archived version found via The Wayback Machine here: https://web.archive.org/web/20090130100439/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1545177/Caravaggio-was-actually-Merisi-of-Milan.html) rynner the ubiquitous
  22. P

    Thomas Pynchon: New Book On The Way

    As a callow youth, I used to think that there were two sorts of people in the World. People who were fans of the Illuminatus trilogy (my cousin), and people who read Thomas Pynchon (me). Perhaps, its something about being brought up Scots? Here is Ian Rankin raving, in a very ambivalent...
  23. W

    M. R. James

    Discussion [Emp edit: Adding in discussion link]
  24. M

    Michael Moorcock

    He has been mentioned a number of times here: www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19092 www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22278 but there hasn't been a specific thread so I thought... why not? Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Moorcock...
  25. MrRING

    Roald Dahl Museum

    This, at least according to a Yahoo news article, is just opening up: http://www.roalddahlmuseum.org/ Is anybody going/has already been? Is it interesting?
  26. MrRING

    Terry Pratchett

    [Emp edit: Merged a couple of threads to make a general TP / Discworld thread. See also: The 4 Bikers of the Apocalypse... www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=362 ] ------------------------- Terry Pratchett's Troll Bridge If anybody here is a Discworld fan, there is a...
  27. M

    The Day Of The Triffids

    As it is being repeated on UKGold at the moment (I watched the second episode tonight) I thought I'd start a thread (feel free to discuss the book and film too). I am impressed by how good it still is and how you can see the influences in 28 Days Later, etc. Some links...
  28. A

    The Woman In Black On Radio 4

    That wonderful ghost story The Woman In Black is on Radio 4 at 2.30 pm today (Saturday). and you can listen to it on the Internet for the next week. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/arts/saturday_play.shtml
  29. M

    William Burroughs

    Fascinating story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/features/story/0,,1288678,00.html A direct link: http://screenedge.com/shop/search.asp?search=Title_Artist&search=Keywords&var=burroughs His IMDB entry (with links to the various films): http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0123221/...
  30. A

    "I Keep A Bull Pup"

    In A Study in Scarlet at their first meeting, Dr John (or James) Watson tells Holmes that he 'keeps a bull pup'. One assumes that he has a dog, but it never mentioned again in the canon. Does anybody know if this is slang for something other than owning a dog?
  31. A

    Harry Potter

    Order of the Phoenix *contains some spoilers relating to books already in print* Only tenously Fortean I suppose, but I was wondering if anyone else is keenly waiting for the new Harry Potter book? They've gone to great lengths to keep the thing secret, although why is anyone's guess...
  32. bagins_X

    A Good Read: Book Suggestions & Recommendations

    The Illustrateed Egyptian Book of the Dead Dr Ramses Seleem ISBN 1-84181-109-2 Wm.
  33. James_H

    Lovecraft Random Story Generator

    i found this ages ago, before i joined here in fact, but always neglected to post it: someone probably already has. sorry. anyhow, it's FUNNY See also: https://stiobhard.tripod.com/html/javascript/para/lovecraft.html
  34. A

    Victorian & Victorianesque Ghost Stories

    A big Hello to all of you inhabiting the Fortean Zone :) I'm currently indulging myself with Victorian and Victorian-influenced Ghost Stories - short stories, novels, plays, films - anything really! Some favourites that have come to mind are: "The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James "The...
  35. rynner2

    Philip K. Dick

    This long article is a mini-biography of Philip K. Dick. It's too long to quote, but at one period he started having visions. In one of these he correctly diagnosed an illness in his young son. He was a great and influential writer. This thread could also serve for comments on his work. I...
  36. A

    Enid Blyton

    I have no idea if this tidbit of literature is an Urban Legend/hoax or not, but it's a great deal funnier than Timmy the Dog ever was. Source.
  37. J

    Fortean Book Recommendations

    Amazon Listmania lists of fortean books http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/cm/member-fil/-/A38DJF55CZA3V7/104-8948726-7120728 After noticing that Loren Coleman has produced a bunch of fortean themed lists of books and videos I thought I would do a couple too: amazon.co.uk...
  38. tastyintestines

    Fort & Lovecraft?

    did fort have any connections to h.p. lovecraft?? im curious
  39. A

    A Daniel Cohen Book I Read When Young

    :eek!!!!: Hey, The first book i ever read that got me into all things fortean was a book by Daniel Cohen. I was in the 4th grade. I would really wanna see this book again but the thing is i forgot the name; i think it was something like: America's very own monsters or America's monsters...some...
  40. A

    Secret Nazi Base In Antartica & Operation Highjump, Etc

    I think I read this in "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper, but I'm not quite sure. Basically, the story reads this way. During WWII, Hitler dispatched soldiers, scientists, etc. to the South Pole for various reasons. As it became more evident that the Allies were going to be victorious...