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Historic UFO Encounters: Newspaper / Magazine Articles

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Monday 17 February 1947, page 2
National Library of Australia

A few days before:

Tweed Daily (Murwillumbah, NSW : 1914 - 1949), Monday 10 February 1947, page 2
National Library of Australia
These incidents parallel the sightings in the northern hemisphere, triggered, I believe, by the world war and the atomic bombs released over Japan. Following which H-bomb testing, especially in the Pacific, was extensive.

Through a variety of messages and sources, it seems mankind was warned of the impact of such tests on others.
I want to post the articles with their dates, so to that end I am going through and indexing the thread at Historum where I posted them. As soon as I can I will start posting them here --should get a lot done this weekend..
Here is what I call the "Butterworth Letter".. I actually sent a copy to the Willunga Museum.. Bill Chalker was unaware of it too..

Sir, having observed an extraordinary appearance in the western sky such as I never saw before, it may not be altogether uninteresting to your readers to know some particulars connected with it.
Towards the evening of Monday, the 14th February, I was passing by Mr. Martin's farm, when I was accosted by Mr. John Prouse, and asked whether I had seen those new planets, to which I replied I had not, Mr. Prouse then told me that-he would show me something that I had never seen before, and pointing in the direction of the sun, told me to look, which I did, and to my surprise, I discovered three dark objects suspended in the sky, in the direction of the sun, two of which appeared perpendicular, and apparently not far apart; the third standing on the right, toward the north, and appeared to be more remote. Since that day the air has not been in that magnetic state, in consequence of which those objects have become invisible. What those bodies are I cannot say; but I thought it passing strange to see three dark bodies suspended in the sky, in open day.

Sir, if you think the above of any interest to your readers, you can insert the same in your paper.

Your obedient servant,

Joseph Butterworth
Willunga, March 1st, 1848
Here is what I call the "Butterworth Letter".. I actually sent a copy to the Willunga Museum.. Bill Chalker was unaware of it too..

Sir, having observed an extraordinary appearance in the western sky such as I never saw before, it may not be altogether uninteresting to your readers to know some particulars connected with it.
Towards the evening of Monday, the 14th February, I was passing by Mr. Martin's farm, when I was accosted by Mr. John Prouse, and asked whether I had seen those new planets, to which I replied I had not, Mr. Prouse then told me that-he would show me something that I had never seen before, and pointing in the direction of the sun, told me to look, which I did, and to my surprise, I discovered three dark objects suspended in the sky, in the direction of the sun, two of which appeared perpendicular, and apparently not far apart; the third standing on the right, toward the north, and appeared to be more remote. Since that day the air has not been in that magnetic state, in consequence of which those objects have become invisible. What those bodies are I cannot say; but I thought it passing strange to see three dark bodies suspended in the sky, in open day.

Sir, if you think the above of any interest to your readers, you can insert the same in your paper.

Your obedient servant,

Joseph Butterworth
Willunga, March 1st, 1848

More on Butterworth and his mill:
The Boston Globe
(Boston, Massachusetts)
30 Mar 1987, Mon


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The Portsmouth Herald
(Portsmouth, New Hampshire)
29 Mar 1966, Tue

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Council Bluffs Nonpareil
(Council Bluffs, Iowa)
31 Jul 1952, Thu
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The Evening Standard
(Uniontown, Pennsylvania)
19 Sep 1950, Tue
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The Times Herald
(Port Huron, Michigan)
27 Jan 1953, Tue
Like the small discs seen traveling up the sides of missiles at White Sands:
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The Ogden Standard-Examiner
(Ogden, Utah)
23 Nov 1947, Sun
Drawings sound like das Sternenschiff..
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